Woo-hoo, my first finished minific/fic:dances: Yeah, it's sad (I've been here a little over a year), but I like the outcome of this one. It is a tad bit rushed and really short, but you can expect re-vamping soon... if I ever find the heart. The thing is, my head is always teeming with new ideas so I move from one fic to the next without ever finishing one. I'm really sorry about my attention span.

Dear Diary,

I suppose this is what I deserve for being so open about my feelings. It just hurts… it hurts so much, like someone is tearing me apart inside. I can't stop thinking of it, and whenever I think of it, I start crying. I'm in pain. So much more pain than a bullet or a broken bone. This pain… this ache… is this what it feels like to have your heart broken? To have your soul shattered? To have your dreams crushed? I won't ever do something that daring again… ever. I promise.

Your heart-broken friend,



She had her arms wrapped around her middle as she battled against the howling winds and the dizzying swirl of pouring rain. It hurt so much. To be treated like nothing, like she didn't matter… she shook her head, her blonde hair clinging to her body, as did the flimsy white blouse she wore and the simple jean capris. She didn't care that she was cold. She didn't care that she was wet. In fact, she could barely feel the oncoming storm, her mind filled with the recurring face of her tormenter. His sneer was so clear in her mind's eyes and she blinked slowly as a man cursed her for bumping into him… the same way she'd bump into her near-obsession, purposely, only so that he might think of her and her alone for the precious few moments he had to spare. Unwanted tears began prickling the edges of her eyes once again and she was vaguely aware of the surprise that she had so many tears to spare. Soon, they began to drip down her face, mingling with the rain that slid along the curves of her skin. She didn't bother to dry them off and was startled when a passing car splashed dirty water on her, drenching her to the bone.

Her friends were worried but she couldn't face them. She'd been determinedly avoiding everyone the past week, not wanting them to see her in the state she was in. A shudder passed through her body as she registered the cold, but she really didn't mind. It felt better to be as cold on the outside as she was inside. Almost as if the weather decided to portray her emotions. She closed her eyes shut and paused, her arms wrapping themselves tighter around her body. A throbbing ache grew more painful as she sobbed and sniffled, unabashed as the people around her sent glances of sympathy towards the normally bubbly blonde. She shook her head, forcing herself to take a step forward –and bumped into someone, falling right onto her behind.

Life was funny sometimes. Everyday for the past year, she'd seek him out to bump into him and catch his attention. And every day, he didn't give more than five seconds. And the one time that she didn't want to see him, the one time she didn't want to bump into him, she did. Her eyes met his cold blue ones and looked away. She didn't bother to get up. She didn't even have the energy. He looked at her for a few more moments, a battle raging in his eyes, before leaving. But then, he paused. She watched the back of his body, shadowed by a black umbrella and picked herself up, trying her best to get rid of the dirt on her capris. She could feel him watching her and a shudder ran down her spine, more from crying and the cold than him. She began to walk on, her steps dragging down the cement, haphazardly bumping into people. Just like that, without a word, she'd walked away from him. His eyes were still boring into her disappearing head, and it was making her uncomfortable. She became eerily aware of a pair of footsteps following her, and, in a moment of disoriented panic, took a shortcut down an alleyway that would lead her home.

She stifled a scream when someone grabbed her shoulders, whirled her around, and slammed her against a brick building. Her warm eyes were wide and unblinking when they came to rest on Mamoru's sinfully handsome face. She bit her bottom lip as she struggled to get out of his strong hold.

"Please Mamoru… let me go," her voice was barely a whisper, almost lost in the pounding rain.

"No," his voice cracked as he spoke and she looked into his eyes, startled. He was always strong. Her eyes watered and a tear made its lonely track down her face.

"Mamoru, please don't do this to me," she begged, her warm blue eyes darkening into desperation and anguish. She shut her eyes, not wanting to see his face, the same eyes that rejected her, the same mouth that had turned into scorn. "Please Mamoru… please."

"No," he repeated, this time, his voice stronger. "Not until you tell me what you've done to me."

"Wh-what?" Usagi's eyes flew open at the question, her muddled mind unable to comprehend what he was implying. "I-I didn't do anything, I promise." She struggled; trying to get his hands off of the sides of her shoulders… it hurt a lot. "Mamoru, you're hurting me. Let go."

"No," he said, verbatim to his earlier statements. It was then that she noticed his rather bedraggled state, as if he hadn't slept in a while. There was a sparse bed of stubble across his chin and cheeks and his eyes were blood-shot, focused on her face. "Why can't I stop thinking about you? What did you do to me?"

"I didn't do anything!" Usagi cried out, trying harder than ever to get out of hold. "Why are you tormenting me like this? Why can't you leave me alone? Why did you hurt me like that? Why do you hate me? Why Mamoru! Why…" she grew alarmingly limp in his hands, sobs heaving her body as she cried profoundly. "Why does my heart ache like that…"

"I didn't mean to," his voice was soft and hurt. "I wasn't thinking straight."

"You hurt me…" as if suddenly realizing who he was, Usagi began thrashing violently, effectively kicking him in the process. "You hurt me! Let go!"


"No, you've hurt me enough!"

"Usagi, I didn't mean to."

"Yes, you did! You meant every single word, every single insult, every single gibe! Now just leave me alone! You've caused enough pain. Just go…"

She became acutely aware when Mamoru simply pressed his lips against hers. Her senses burst into fireworks, immensely sentient about the way he pressed his body against hers, the way his hands tangled in her hair, the way his lips ravaged her in an intense passion. Unable to suppress a moan, she wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him back with equal gusto, her lips parted. Everything became attuned to the kiss and the kiss alone and a warm feeling flooded the pit of her abdomen. Her stomach flipped and twisted. The kiss was filled with ardor, regret, want, everything that Mamoru couldn't translate into words, a ferocity that made her forget everything he'd done. He pulled back for a second, noses touching, and whispering three words that sent the world crashing down around her.

"I love you."

There was no more room to talk when he kissed her again, this time sweet and gentle and slow and filled with everything Usagi ever imagined in a kiss. She pulled her head back for a few seconds, regarding the way Mamoru's eyes were nervously trained on hers, the way his tongue licked his lips.

"I'm sorry," he cleared his throat. "I just didn't know what to do, I –"

"Sh," she whispered, capturing his lips in a chaste kiss. "You're forgiven." With that said, his lips descended on hers once more, filling her senses with the feeling of his body pushing against hers, and for one instant, that was all there was. Just her and Mamoru, standing in the midst of nowhere, the pouring rain seemingly stopping time for them and them alone as they declared their love through fervent kisses, a destined relationship finally jointed, and two lost soul mates finally reunited.

For those of you that wanted Usagi to get revenge... I suppose she did, since Mamoru went through such emotional stress.

Since I'm not allowed to respond to reviews anymore, I would like to thank you all! I'm in gratitude for all your kind words. Love ya guys!

As always, reviews and concrit are much appreciated!