Reunited at last

By: Kioko the pirate

Chapter 1: The plan

It was late afternoon on the beautiful Hawaiian island of Kauai. The warm tropical breeze swept across the land carrying with it the sweet smell of flowers. At the pelekai household a beautiful teenage girl named Lilo sat in her tower like room. She had long flowing black hair a smile that filled your heart with warmth and a pretty nice figure too. She sat at her desk impatiently going through mounds of catalogues. She had at least 50 different catalogues all piled on the desk.

"Argh…. There's got to be something in one of these catalogues" moaned Lilo as she flipped through page after page of stupid gifts. "I've just got to get Stitch something; he's been in such a blue mood lately. (No pun intended) But what do you get an illegal genetic mutation?"

She finished looking through yet another catalogue and she threw it to the floor. She let her head fall onto the desk; she had been looking through catalogues for hours now and still had not found anything that would cheer Stitch up. She had found a collection of coffee from around the world but the catalogue was older then she was. She knew she could trust stitch with coffee because he had matured a lot since she first meet him. She still wondered why he was in this depressed mood though; perhaps he was just extremely bored, it had been 5 years since they caught the last experiment and things had really become quite normal.

"Yeah right, with Stitch nothing is normal." said Lilo to no one inperticular.

She lifted her head up and rested her chin on her hand. She gave a sigh of frustration as she looked at the pile of catalogues on the floor and on her desk. She could feel her anger growing inside of her; she was not a very patient girl.

"WHAT CAN I GET HIM!" yells Lilo as she slams her fists onto the desk.

The impact causes all the catalogues on her desk to topple off in an avalanche of paper. Taking with it her school work and a few other books. She gave another sigh as she knelt down and began to pick up the catalogues and other books.

"I have to find stitch something to cheer him up. When he feels bad I feel bad and that is not good." Thought Lilo as she picked up the last of the catalogues.

One of the books that feel had landed on its spine and opened up, when Lilo reached over to pick it up her eyes fell onto the open page. It was her experiment catalogue, it had a photo of every experiment and it said its name, powers and where its one true place was. But her eyes fell onto one picture at the top of the page; it was a picture of a small pink experiment that looked a lot like Stitch. It had two long antenna on its head that looked like hair. Next to the picture was the name written in red ink… Angel.

Lilo stared at the picture for a full minute before a big smile went across her face. She picked up the book and held it above her head.

"That's it! It's not what to get Stitch…. It's who to get Stitch!" said Lilo as she sat down on her bed. Lilo's mind clicked on at that moment 'It would cheer Stitch up in a heart beat if Angel came back.' Thought Lilo 'What would it be like though having her around again. I didn't really like her back then, but I was young and niave. I didn't understand what was happening; Stitch was spending all his time with her and not me.' Lilo got up and walked over to the window the book still in her hand. 'I was jealous that's all there is to it. But after the way I was in middle school I think I owe Stitch and her another chance. I was dating Keoni and I left Stitch alone a lot and when I saw the way he acted to it I realized how immature I was acting.' She looked out over the island; she could see the town where they first meet her. One question popped into her mind. 'But could I get along with her now? Would I be able to accept Stitch having a girl friend when I don't have a boy friend?' This thought made her laugh a little. 'Actually now that I think about it, it would be rather cute seeing those two snuggling together. After all he doesn't have a lot choice when it comes to girl friends.'

She walked back over to her bed and sat down. She took Angels picture out of the slot and looked at it more closely. She continued to think about the positive and negative sides to having Angel back. She began to see more positive sides to the situation.

"With my part time job I leave Stitch home with Jumba and Pleakly and that can't be much fun. But if Angel was here he'd have someone to talk to and do stuff with. Plus there's no reason why me and her could not be friends."

She put the picture back into the slot and set the book in her lap.

"Me and her could talk about … well girly things. I know Stitch hates that, especially when it's late at night."

She tried to think of every aspect of this decision and she came to the conclusion she would get Angel back. For Stitch and both of their lives. But then her eyes fell onto the spot that said the one true place. She had written very angrily 'one true place: WITH GANTU!' She couldn't believe that she wrote that.

(Sigh) "Who am I kidding I cant get her back. I'm just a puny little earth girl. I cant let Stitch go get her because he might get captured. Who then could go get her?"

Her mood dropped like a lead balloon until one name popped into her head.

"He's perfect! He can get her back and I wouldn't have to worry about him getting captured!" Said Lilo in a very happy tone. "But first I have to get Nani's permission. She would not be thrilled if she came home to find another experiment in the house."

Lilo quickly stood up and placed the book on her desk. She walked onto the lift and slowly began her descent. She had a big smile on her face knowing how happy this would make Stitch. But she couldn't tell him, she wanted it to be a surprise. The lift reached the bottom and she stepped out. She could hear Nani in the kitchen messing around with plates and bowls. She turned the corner to see exactly what she heard. Nani was racing back and forth between the sink and the cabinets placing the kitchen wares in their proper places.

Nani looked up from her work when she heard Lilo come in. " Hey, kido what are you up too?"

Lilo just walked over to the other side of the kitchen and looked into the living room. Then back over to the hallway, the whole time Nani was giving her a curious look.

"Where's Stitch?" asked Lilo finally stopping and looking at her older sister.

"He's out back with Jumba and Pleakly…. Why?"

"Because I want to ask you something that I don't want him to hear me ask."

"Okyyyy…..and that is?" asked Nani as she went back to putting dishes away.

"Can another experiment come to live with us?" She asked in a quiet voice.

Nani nearly drops the stack of dishes she is holding. "WHAT?"

"I was looking for something to get Stitch because you know he's been in a lousy mood and I found this one experiment that would cheer Stitch up in a blink of an eye."

"And what experiment would this be?" asked Nani in a frustrated tone.


"Angel….isn't that the one that Stitch fell in love with?"

"Yep sure is and I was wondering if we could bring her back to him?"

Lilo felt like she was wearing her sister down.

"I don't think so Lilo. We cant afford to have two destructive experiments in the house."

"Oh come on Nani she's not like Stitch. She's no were near as destructive as Stitch is. It would make Stitch happy which in turn would make me happy."

"But I thought you didn't like her?"

"That was then this is now. I've matured since then, I wouldn't get jealous."

"I don't know Lilo?"

"Come on Nani she wouldn't be a burden PLEASE?" asked Lilo trying to make puppy dog eyes.

(sigh) "I guess it would be ok but only if she behaves herself."

"Oh thank you Nani, Stitch will be so grateful."

"Yeah yeah. So where is she?"

"With Gantu and Hamsterviel some were out in space." Said Lilo casually as she got up.

"What.. Your not going out into space to get her back!"

"Don't worry Nani I wasn't planning on going into space."

Nani got a confused look on her face. "Then how are you going to get her back?"

"Easy I was going to ask Kioko if he would go get her."

"Are you sure he would do it on such short notice?"

"Nani this is Kioko were talking about. He's always ready to go kick butt."

"I guess but how do you plan on getting to his house. Your not thinking of driving there are you?" said Nani in a sly voice.

"Nani he lives on the other side of the island, you don't expect me to walk do you? Besides I'm 16 and I have a driver's license what's the point of having one if I cant drive?"

"I guess" Nani throws Lilo the keys.

"Thank you Nani and remember this is a secret so don't tell Stitch, Jumba or Pleakly ok?"


Lilo runs out the door and down the stairs. She flings the jeep door open and hops in. Within seconds she is driving off to Kioko's house as Nani waves from the doorway.

Well this is the first chapter of along running story line. I hope you enjoyed it and Please Review.