When Arthur and Molly returned from looking at the house with Fabian and Gideon, Mum Weasley insisted on hearing all about it from the newlyweds even though it was nearly midnight and they still needed to pack for their honeymoon. However, Mum Weasley's questions and chattering didn't start and end at the house (which had been affectionately named The Burrow by Arthur) and Arthur was beginning to wonder if she was ever going to release him and Molly to their own devices so they could enjoy the rest of their wedding night. The chattering continued for at least an hour before Arthur finally leaned over to whisper in Molly's ear after squeezing her hand gently.

"Molly-girl, are you ready to turn in?" He was eager to spend the night with her by his side, if they could escape his Mum's prattling. He wasn't sure what he had been thinking when he had agreed to wait until the day after the wedding to leave for Majorca as he was beginning to doubt that his mother would grant them the privacy they both wanted and needed.

Molly offered her mother-in-law a smile after Arthur had whispered in her ear as she turned to face him on the sofa giving a slight nod of her head. She was tired as the day had been long and full of surprises, but she was ready to turn in with Arthur for the first time since he had proposed on Valentine's Day.

Arthur offered a small smile to Molly before he addressed his Mum who was commenting on how lovely the wedding had been for the fiftieth time and offering the young couple advice. "Mum, we're tired. Could we talk more in the morning?"

A look of surprise briefly crossed Cedrella's face as her son addressed her, but when she took a moment to look at the clock, she realized just how late it was and nodded. "Of course, dear." She reached to pat Arthur's knee gently, smiling at the young couple in front of her.

"Thank you, Mum." Arthur replied, leaning to press an affectionate kiss to his mother's cheek once he had stood. The young couple bid the older woman good night, and Arthur wasted no time in leading Molly up the stairs and into his bedroom, the one place she had been forbidden to enter during her stay with him and his family thus far. However, they were husband and wife now, and Arthur was looking forward to having her in his bed.

Once they were in the room, Arthur closed the door after he checked to be sure his mother was still downstairs taking care of the things she usually did before turning in for the night herself. When he was satisfied that he and Molly wouldn't be disturbed, he drew her into his arms and kissed her deeply, cupping her face in both of his hands. No sooner had he moved to begin pushing her towards his bed did his bedroom door open, revealing his mother. He immediately broke away from his wife when he heard his mother clear her throat, turning to offer a sheepish smile as his face began to burn beet red.

"Yes, Mum?"

"I just wanted to make sure you two have everything. Do you need extra blankets?"

Arthur was astounded that his mother would ask such a thing as it was July but he should have known that she wasn't going to leave him and Molly alone long enough for them to do anything. He thought for a moment before opening his mouth to speak, but Molly beat him to answering.

"I don't think there's anything we need, Mum Weasley. If there is we'll let you know. Thank you though."

Cedrella nodded and exited the room again, closing the door behind her. Arthur waited until he was sure his mother was either in her room or downstairs again to draw Molly back to him, shaking his head.

"I'm sorry, Mollywobbles. If you don't want to tonight, I'll understand."

Molly offered Arthur a smile as she dragged a finger down his chest, fingering one of the buttons on his robe before moving to kiss him again. "It's all right, Arthur. She's your mother. Now, take me back to Valentine's Day, please?"

He began to trace circles on her back as he felt his face burn again at the mention of Valentine's Day, as even though this wasn't their first time he was still feeling nervous. Their night in the Room of Requirement had been slightly embarrassing for him, even though he knew Molly had enjoyed it. He only nodded at Molly's request, as he didn't trust himself to speak at the moment, and moved into to claim her mouth with his again. She returned the kiss and began to unbutton his robe as he gently pushed her back towards the bed. When she felt the bed behind her knees, she sat down on it, sliding her arms around him once she had finished with his buttons.

Arthur let out a soft groan when he felt her hands slide between the robe and his undershirt, and he moved to kneel on the bed over her, caressing her cheek with one hand while the other began to travel her body lightly. After a few moments, he moved to kiss along her jaw and neck while he worked at the zipper of his dress. No sooner had he gotten her out of the dress and pushed her back on the bed so she was lying down on her back, he heard his bedroom door open again. Biting back the curses that threatened to spill from his mouth, Arthur pulled away from Molly again and stood in front of her, wondering what his mother wanted now.

"Arthur, I thought you two might want some water before bed," Cedrella said, crossing the threshold and placing a pitcher of water and two glasses on his chest of drawers. She glanced from Arthur to Molly and back again, taking in their stages of undress before she poured water into both glasses. "I'm sorry if I'm interrupting, dears," she said idly, as if she had no idea what she was doing to the newlyweds.

"It's all right, Mum." He replied forcing a smile onto his face as his mother made her way back to the door. "Good night."

"Good night, Arthur, Molly." She said, closing the door as she exited once again. When he was sure she wasn't coming back in for something else, Arthur turned back to Molly who had moved up on the bed and pulled back the blankets so they could settle under them afterwards. He shook his head as he crawled up to rest beside her, offering her another sheepish smile.

"Bloody hell, Molly, I'm sorry." He said, pressing a kiss to her cheek as he drew her back into his embrace. Molly slid her arms back around him as well, pushing the robe off of his shoulders as she moved to kiss him again. His mother hadn't completely ruined their wedding night yet, but she was beginning to wonder if she and Arthur needed to get on with things a bit faster to avoid another interruption.

He returned the kiss and pushed her back against the pillows after a few moments, trailing his hands back down her body as he deepened it. He sincerely hoped they had heard the last of his mother for the night, otherwise they were never going to get to things properly, and he would just have to wait until they were safely in Majorca to make love to his new wife. Molly sighed as she felt his hands begin to travel her body and once she was certain it was safe to do so, she pulled his undershirt up and over his head, kissing him deeply once she had done so. Arthur offered her a smile as he moved to kiss along her neck and shoulder after she had discarded his shirt, and he began to fiddle with the clasp on her bra and slid it down her arms before tossing it aside and cupping one her breasts in his hand. He was determined to take his time tonight, as the night in the Room of Requirement had been somewhat rushed and completely inexperienced. He suckled a nipple gently as Molly moaned and stroked his back and shoulders. He was just about to reach down and remove her knickers when he heard his door open yet again and he couldn't stop himself from swearing this time.

"Bloody hell, Mum! Leave us alone!" He rolled off of Molly and quickly covered her with the blankets and desperately pulled the blankets up and over his waist to hide his own excitement as he glared at his mother who was once again standing in the doorway, this time with a bundle of blankets in her arms.

"Arthur Septimus Weasley, that is no way to speak to me and you know it." Cedrella replied, sending Arthur a glare as well. "I only thought you two might want extra blankets, so here they are." She deposited them at the foot of the bed, placing her hands on her hips.

"Mum, please? You've been in here three times now. It's July. We don't need extra blankets. We don't need any water before bed. We want to be left alone though, can you do that?" Arthur asked, hardly believing he was speaking to his mother in the manner he was, but she had interrupted him and Molly enough tonight, and all he wanted was to make love to her and go to sleep.

Cedrella pursed her lips for a moment and nodded. "All right, Arthur. Let me know if you need anything."

"We will, Mum. Good night."

"Good night, dears." With that, Cedrella exited the room once again, pulling the door closed behind her. Once the door had latched, Arthur ran a hand over his face, shaking his head.

"I'm sorry, Molly. I really am."

Molly only nodded, moving to nip at his jaw, as she was just as frustrated as he was, and she was beginning to wonder if they should just hold off until they were safely in Majorca to make love for the first time as husband and wife. However, Arthur caught her by surprise when he pressed her back against the pillows and captured her lips with his, drawing a small whimper from her. They snogged heatedly for a few moments before Molly decided to slide her hand into his boxers, grasping his length lightly. She smiled into his mouth when she heard him moan and thrust gently into her hand.

She arched her hips when she felt his hand travel down her side to the elastic of her knickers, and she let out a soft groan of her own when his hand slid inside her knickers to brush against her clit as his mouth traveled down her neck and to her shoulder. She gasped in surprise when she felt him slide a finger gently into her, and she bit her lip as she squeezed around it.

Not long after that he shed his boxers and discarded her knickers, entering her in one swift motion. She sucked on his bottom lip when he kissed her again, and when he had fully exhausted himself, she sighed contently as he flopped onto the bed beside her, pulling her against his side. Once they had both caught their breath again, Molly tilted her head to whisper in his ear, nibbling on his earlobe briefly.

"I love you, Mr. Weasley."

"I love you too, Mrs. Weasley," Arthur replied, stroking her back lightly as he kissed the top of her head. He was grateful that his mother had stayed away long enough for him to finally make love to his wife, but something told him that they hadn't seen the last of her for the evening. Sure enough, no sooner than they had exchanged words of love, the door handle turned once more.

"What do you want this time, Mum?"

Cedrella shook her head at Arthur's comment, averting her eyes briefly from the cuddling couple. "I only wanted to remind you two that you need to pack if you're going to get out of here on time in the morning."

Arthur nodded, and pressed another kiss to Molly's head, tucking the blankets firmly around her, but before he could answer his mother, his wife spoke up.

"Thank you, Mum Weasley. We'll pack in the morning since we've had a long day."

Cedrella seemed to accept this answer, and only nodded before turning and exiting once more to the relief of the couple.

"Do you think she'll bother us any more tonight?" Molly asked, tracing circles on Arthur's chest as she closed her eyes.

"No, I don't think so. Go to sleep, Mollywobbles. We've got another long day ahead of us."

Molly sighed contently and nodded, giving him a firm squeeze. Once he was certain that she had drifted off to sleep, he pressed a kiss to her forehead and held her tightly to him before he allowed sleep to take over for him as well.