A Switch of Body

Summary: Ginny and Lily have switched bodies eventually making advantages of their own communication to improve each other's lives. A lot of L/J and a bit of H/G fic. First fanfic please be nice to R n R!

Disclaimer: I don't own anything in Harry Potter. Everything belongs to J.K Rowling except the plot.

Chapter 11: Nothing beats a bit of pranking

A/N: Yes. I'm alive and kicking! You might want to re-read the story if you were a reader of it before because I've edited it and now it is quite different and better. I'm just telling you to avoid confusion. I'm so sorry about the slow update and I've deleted chapter 11, I realised that it is not how I wanted it to be anyway, I want to thank:

BellaVista/purtyinpink71121/Pure Ravenclaw/The Female Nerd/Selene 147/ attentionchaser/ Arg./ Teardrops of Hatred/Black Roses of death/ tortall gal/nadia/Seadrance/maxie1514/ ValorOrgulloso/iluvericmatthews101

You guys rock my world! Anyway I really thank you. Without further ado, I present to you chapter 11, The strength of the redheads

"Ginny?" Draco suddenly called out.

"Hmm?" Lily said, not bothering to look up.

"The rumours on what happened the day before yesterday with Potter, is it true?" Draco asked still facing the potion he was brewing.

"Rumours? About what?" Lily asked, looking at him.

"About you, that you were confessing your feelings to Potter saying that you like him; kissed him on the cheek and ran away." Draco said quickly.

"Oh that. I don't know." Lily said softly, trying to think up of ways to tell as less lies as possible.

"Ginny." Draco said, standing up from his seat walking towards Lily. Before Lily could answer, Draco crushed his lips against hers. As much as Lily wanted to push away she couldn't. Unexpectedly, Lily returned the kiss. She had no idea why but she could feel a raw emotion inside that kiss, that same emotion that James had when he kissed her. The same feeling that allowed her to know, like James does to her, Draco loves Ginny. Slowly, they broke apart.

"Was there any?" Draco asked, looking straight into her eyes.


"Sparks, feeling. Was there any of that during the kiss we shared?"

"I don't know Draco. Please don't ask me now, ask me another time."

"When then?"

"I don't know. When the real Ginny comes back, she'll tell you."

"The real Ginny?"


"I see."

"I'm sorry."

"It's fine." Draco answered. Not knowing what to say, Lily kept silent. There was silence, silence that seemed awkward and uncomfortable. Finally, Lily decided to break the ice by asking him about the potion they were working on. After that, there was only silence which they were comfortable with; peaceful and calm.

The next day

"Lily! LILY!" Ginny turned around upon hearing her body's name only to find herself looking at a blonde girl with slightly wavy hair which was pulled up into a high ponytail.

"Yeah?" Ginny replied trying to act as if she knew her.

"I can't go for the extra tuition tonight! Can I postpone it to tomorrow evening at let's say, seven?" She asked in a rush.

"Yeah. Sure. "Ginny said with smile, trying to figure out what in the world is this girl talking about.

"Thank you! So I'll meet you at the library tomorrow evening at seven! Bye!" The girl exclaimed and ran off.

"What just happened? "Ginny wondered not really looking where she was walking until she bumped head-log into a person.

"Can't you watch where you're going, mudblood? "A familiar voice sneered. Ginny looked up and saw a seventh year Snape sneering at her.

"Excuse me? " Ginny blinked.

"I told you to watch where you're going, you filthy little mud-"

"I wouldn't finish that sentence if I were you, Snivellus. Apologise to Lily now!" James Potter appeared out of no where, directing his wand at Snape.

"Potter." He spat. "Come to the rescue your little mudblood girlfriend? You mudblood-lo-"

"If you even have any brains in that hollow skull of yours I trust you to know when to keep your mouth shut, Snivellus. I would not allow such a death eater wannabe to insult my Lily, oh wait. Or is the death mark already there? James asked coldly with a smug face as his wand traveled to his left forearm. As if instinctively, Snape covered that area protectively. After glaring at James he said to Ginny," You're lucky this time, mudblood."

With one last killer glare at James, he walked away, his cloak still creating that swooshing effect.

"Are you alright? He didn't hurt you right?" James immediately turn around to face Ginny, asking with a very concerned expression, both hands gripping gently onto Ginny's left and right forearm.

"I'm fine. Don't worry." Ginny said softly, pulling James hands off her.

"If you say so. I'll see you later during quidditch practice then." James said gently, placing a small kiss on her lips.

"See you." Ginny said with a forced smile before walking off.

"So, what do you think of it?" James asked the marauders. The four of them were sitting down in between Sirius' and James' bed with a piece of parchment in the middle of them all.

"It would be the perfect revenge." Sirius said with a mischievous gleam in his eyes.

"Glad you agree, Padfoot." James smiled. "Do you have any objections, Moony?" He continued knowing the look on the werewolf's face well.

"No, but don't you think we-"Remus scowled as he was interrupted by the knocking of the door to their dormitory. Being the one nearest to the door Peter got up and opened it. Only to find a smiling Ginny facing him. In a flash, James rushed towards to the door slightly pushing Peter to one side.

"Hey, Lily!" James greeted kissing her forehead," What are you doing here?"

"Nothing, it's just that I was walking by and I found this at the doorstep so I suppose this belongs to one of you?" Ginny smiled and pulled a folded piece of parchment out of her pocket, she knew fully well what this parchment contained since she had used it before with Harry, Ron and Hermione. She resisted the urge to let her smile spread further as she saw the four shocked faces of the Marauders.

"Thanks!" James said taking the parchment from her.

"What are you guys doing?" Ginny asked, narrowing her eyes, something was up and she wanted to find out what.

"Nothing. Really. Come on let me walk you back to your dormitory." James insisted.

"No!" Ginny said mischievously, she knew that this was very not like Lily at all but something tells her that they are about to do some pranking, something she dearly miss doing. Then realization dawned upon her and she continued knowingly," You guys are going to prank Snape aren't you?"

"No. Wha-"

"It's ok… What do you all have planned?" Ginny cut James off, she made her way into the room and scanned through the parchment that contained all the details of the prank.

"This would be a nice one but I would like to add some suggestions though-"

"Wait. You mean you are actually agreeing to this?" Sirius asked stunned.

"What I mean is that, have a little fun now and then wouldn't hurt." Ginny shrugged it off," Now back to my suggestions…"

The marauders leaned in to listen to Ginny's 'suggestions'. When it was almost time for quidditch, the marauders and Ginny have already finished planning the prank. They got changed and headed down to the pitch.

That night, Ginny lay in her bed all exhausted. Apparently, Lily forgot to mention that James is also really tough during quidditch practices. After quidditch, she had a quick shower followed by a patrol around the school as one of her head girl duties. She may have been one of the best students in the level but this is too much. It was a no wonder that Hermione had been so stress and uptight this year, the life of a seventh year Head girl who so happens to be one of the top students in school was no joke. Not to mention all the quidditch practices that Lily has with James, it was a miracle how she a sixth year, can cope with this life.

Suddenly recalling the blonde girl she had come across today, she held the ring to her and called out for Lily. True enough, Lily had appeared onto the surface of the opal ring.

"What's up?"

"Do you tutor younger students here? Because I bumped into a blonde girl earlier today and she started to say something about tuition or something… "

"Blonde? Does she have slightly wavy hair and slightly shorter than you?"


Lily smiled and replied," She is called Elizabeth Hartes. She is a fifth year Gryffindor who I've been tutoring since two years ago when she failed charms and Prof. Flitwick asked me to tutor. She is actually passing Charms very well now though, usually getting an 'E' or even an occasionally an "O" for her essays and assignments but she stills prefer if I help her through her OWLS. "

"Whoa. You, Lily Evans have got to be the most amazing student ever at Hogwarts! " Ginny said in an awed voice.

"Me? Why?" Lily asked her cheeks a little flushed from the compliment from the younger girl.

"Let's see. You are a Head girl, top few students in the level, you are on the house quidditch team, you tutor younger students on your free time and you are taking your N.E.W.T.S this year. Yet, still with all of this going on you still manage to have some time for dating, for your friends and just pure leisure reading. Seeing as how I saw a stack of muggle novels in your trunk together with a few library books she I presume is for light reading. Yup, you are truly amazing to live through with such a life." Ginny said matter-of-factly, counting off facts with her fingers to accentuate her point.

"Well now that you mention it. I've never really realised how truly busy my life have been." Lily said modestly, flushing redder as she scratched her temple with her index finger, giving her a really cute look that could make anyone just go 'aww…'

"Believe me, I think it is really packed and the way you still manage to keep yourself sane is really admirable. My life must be such a piece of cake for you. "

"Not exactly. I'm really sorry, but I saw a pensieve in your room so I kind of looked into it-"

"Let me guess? You came across a memory when I was younger in a roomy-chamber place all weak and stuff."

"Well, yeah."

Ginny sighed as she proceeded on to tell Lily everything about riddle's diary and the chamber of secrets leaving the usually composed head girl with an open jaw.

"Hello?" Ginny asked, waving a hand at the ring." You're going to attract flies that way miss Evans."

That worked effectively to close the embarrassed senior's mouth. Soon though, the look of embarrassment changed to a look of awe and admiration. "To be able to recover from such a traumatic experience at such a young age. You're really strong, Ginny."

Ginny shrugged it off and warned Lily not to be sympathetic with her or treat her differently. She hated people who treated her especially just because of what occurred so many years ago. After that, the girls bid their farewell and the returned back to their original activities. Ginny once again lay on her bed and stared at the white ceiling before cuddling into her blanket deeper to attempt to sleep. She had a big day tomorrow, she finally get to get back into the line of pranking after so long.

A/N: I'm finally done with this chapter!!! I know after so long of not updating, I finally updated but with such a short update. I promise you though; the update will come next week! For I've been planning the next chapter for quite some time now. I hope this chapter didn't disappoint you too much. Look out next week; Back to the line of pranking and detention!