And now she was falling.


(Still falling.)

Falling towards him…

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Copyright Jess-chan

Disclaimer: I don't own it.

Author's Notes: This short one-shot was inspired while watching an episode of His and Her Circumstances. It's a good anime; you people should watch it sometimes. This story is for Sky, belated happy birthday. Vague little piece… please pardon the weird format, it just came out.

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A step.

And another, and another…

Sunlight glinted of his glasses obstructing his dark eyes from view.

In front of him was a stairway, one of the many stairways in Tomoeda High, in fact.

But for him (and hopefully for her) it was The Stairway.


It was the beginning

The beginning…

It was crammed between the music room and a classroom he could not even identify what its use was for.

It was not the only stairway in the third floor.

In fact there was nothing particularly special about it.

But everything began here.


Beginning of an illusion…

A few steps ahead of him she cradled some books and sheets of paper.

He did not even bother to catch up to her.

He did not even bother to greet her.


Beginning of a headache…

All it took was an unexpected gust of wind… a rather strong unexpected gust of wind.

Paper flying, books scattering, and…

Her falling.

A miscalculation.

She had missed a step.

And slipped.

And now she was falling.


(Still falling.)

Falling towards him…


Beginning of an… attraction?

Of course he caught her.

He may not have been in the mood to greet her, but he was not going to have her break her neck.

He caught both her arms in time.

Just in time.


It was the perfect time to notice her hair.

It was the perfect time to notice her eyes.

It was the perfect time to notice her smile… a thankful, slightly uneasy smile.

But it was still a smile.

A smile is a smile after all.

And it was directed at him.


A step.

And another, and another…

He had missed a chance.

He was not given a change to smile back.

She had sprinted away as soon as a voice called out her name.

She did however flash another smile towards him.

He did not know how.

He did not know why.

But he knew that that smile was more beautiful than the last one that she had directed to him only a few moments prior.


It was the beginning…

And it was not going to approach an end anytime soon.

He was going to have her smile at him again.

And this time he would make sure to smile back.
