Disclaimer: This story doesn't follow the Manga, so no flames saying it should. It basically picks up where the Anime left off. By the way, I am not the creator of the Fruits Basket Series.

Chapter 1: Runaway Boar

Sitting alone on the peak of a hill near her family's estate a young girl fiddled with a stray strand of her hair. There was a large stone beside her, a crater worn into it by years of rain and wind had filled with water during a recent summer shower. Letting out a sigh the girl examined her reflection in the puddle. She knew she wasn't necessarily beautiful, certainly not as cute as Miss Tohru Honda, the girl she felt certain had stolen the heart of her beloved Kyou. Kagura didn't consider herself ugly by any means, but surely there must be something wrong with her. Why else would Kyou refuse to love her? Why would the one man she had devoted her entire life too continually reject her?

It had to be Tohru; she was the one possible answer. Kagura knew the man she loved well enough to know that since Tohru had come into his life, he had changed. He wasn't as bad tempered as he used to be, yes he still had his moments, he erupted frequently despite everything, but it was; believe it or not, better than it had been in the past.

She sighed as she thought of their childhood. Perhaps, if she could just tell him about how things used to be, why she loved him so, then he could love her back. The boar knew; however, that her beloved feline friend would never believe her.

She watched as her cousins and Tohru walked away from the estate. It seemed that even after what had transpired Akito hadn't had Tohru's memories erased. Tohru Honda, the only person outside the family to know about their secret and be allowed to remember them. Tohru Honda, her rival in love, and one of her best friends in spite of it.

That night when Tohru had discovered Kyou's true nature, Kagura had decided something. She thought about it again, as she saw how excited Kyou was to see Tohru exiting Akito's abode. Tohru was best for Kyou. The angst ridden orange haired boy would never love Kagura anyhow, so why continue chasing a distant dream? She wasn't sure her beloved cousin even liked her.

Tears trickled down Kagura's cheeks. She hated giving up like this, but Tohru made him so happy! How could the boar justify taking that away from? If you truly love someone, then you want them to be happy, no matter how much it might hurt you. The girl turned back to the puddle in the stone, her tears falling to the shallow water's surface and sending ripples out from where they landed. Her eyes were puffed and blood shot from crying, she'd been doing a lot of that since she had come to her conclusion. Now the only question was: what was left? She had devoted so much of her life, her entire heart and a large portion of her soul to Kyou, without him, what was left for her?

In the distance she could hear them talking, Kyou and Yuki planning to fight, Hatori and Shigure babbling something about the future. What a laugh that was now, to think about the future, without Kyou in her life, there was no future. Every time she had thought about the future for as long as she could remember, Kyou had been in it. She had dreamed that someday he would come around, that he would just suddenly wake up with the realization that he truly loved her. It didn't seem that far fetched to her. He was the cat, after all, and she was one of the few in the family to admit to caring for him. She loved him no matter what form he took, and she too was cursed, so they could even embrace without fear of transforming.

Then Tohru had come, someone outside the family, who accepted them all for what they were, someone who could care for Kyou, despite the curse. This girl had in one instant destroyed Kagura's dreams and fulfilled Kyou's. Kyou Souma, all he wanted was someone who would care for him even if they feared his true form. No, she needed to rephrase that, all Kyou wanted was someone beside Kagura who cared for him even if she feared his true form. Anyone but Kagura was exactly what he needed. Tohru was what he needed, and Kagura knew it, and she hated it.

The girl felt terrible for even thinking it, but she hated Tohru for capturing Kyou. Tohru hadn't even meant to do it. Kyou couldn't help loving Tohru anymore than Kagura could help her feelings for Kyou. There was nothing to be done.

Kagura climbed to her feet, casting one final gaze in the direction that Kyou and the others were going in. She began to walk, no destination in mind, just walking down the hill, tears streaming from her eyes. Soon she was running, running as fast as she could away from the world that had hurt her so much, away from the people who mattered most to her in the world.

Ok, I know this chapter was a little short. In honest I was going to make this a one shot about how Kagura felt on the whole Kyou/Tohru situation, but I figured I'd turn it into a Kyou/Kagura, since I'm not really that big of a Kyou/Tohru fan. Or maybe it won't end up Kyou/Kagura, not sure yet. We'll see. I might not even finish it if I don't get some good reviews.