In a Blaze of Green Glory

by Robert Teague

This story is written solely for the entertainment of Kim Possible fans, and no copyright infringment is intended. This story may be reproduced, provided no changes are made, and you let me know.

Author's Note 5 May 2011: I recently noticed the posted story is corrupted in places and dialog missing. I've done some editing to correct it.

Chapter 1

It was late one evening when Shego returned to Drakken's lair. She had successfully infiltrated a large corporation's research facility, and stolen information Drakke considered vital for his next take-over-the-world plot.

"Ah, home at last. Did you get it?" asked Drakken.

"Sure did. Here," she replied, handing him five CDs in their cases.

"Good, good!" he said, grabbing them. He immediately put one in a desktop's CD player, and began perusing the list of files that appeared.

She stood there, waiting, but Drakken was immersed in the files, and paid her no further attention.

"Well," she finally said in a loud voice, "Those fifteen guards I fought gave me some real trouble. I'm tired and going to bed."

"Fine, whatever," said Drakken, irritation plain in his voice. He never looked away from the file he was reading.

Shego sighed, shook her head, and headed for her own quarters.


Once alone in her room, she took a couple of Aleve, and a long, hot, soaking bath. She changed into her normal sleepwear; panties and an extra large t-shirt. She rolled her hair up into curlers and slipped into bed.

She picked up her current book; Tolkien's The Silmarillion, intending to read a chapter, but she kept yawning, so finally took the hint and put it down.

She turned off the light, and snuggled in, closing her eyes.

Five minutes later, she opened them again. Where was that light coming from? She liked to sleep with the room dark, but there was a soft light disturbing her.

She sat up and looked around. It seemed to be everywhere... a green light...

She caught her reflection in the full-length mirror on the opposite wall. It was HER! The glow was coming from her! She got up and stepped over to the mirror. Sure enough, she was the source. It was radiating from her entire body!

She concentrated, and the light disappeared.

"Strange," she thought, "I must really be tired to lose control like that..."

She climbed back into bed, and a few minutes later, was fast asleep.

A minute after that, the glow returned.


The next morning, the glow was forgotten as Shego went through her morning exercises. The Aleve had done its job, and the pains from yesterday's fights were gone. She worked up a sweat, and took a quick shower before dressing in her normal green and black jumpsuit. Then she went to the small cafeteria for breakfast.

Drakken was still reading files from the CDs, so Shego found herself with little to do. She sat and watched the security cameras for a while, filing her nails as she did so, legs propped up on the edge of the console.

She felt restless for some reason, so finally went down to the gym to burn off some energy.

A couple of hours of rigorous training and exercises later, she was tired, but still felt restless, so went back to her room to meditate.

After a few minutes of quiet, she realized what the problem was; not all of the pain was gone. There was a nagging... ache... deep inside her chest. She stood and stretched, trying to pinpoint where it was. It wasn't muscle, it was deeper.

"Hmmm..." she thought, "Well, that one guard did get in a lucky shot, nailing me in the chest with a fist the size of a ham. Maybe he jarred something. Oh well, if it doesn't go away in a few days, I'll go to the doctor."


Five days later, the ache was still there, still the same.

It took some persuading for Drakken to allow her to go to the doctor; he was cheap when it came to insurance. She took the hovercar and left for the small town some twenty miles north of the lair.

Six hours later, she returned.

Drakken was in his office, still reading files, but heard her come in.

"Finally back, eh?" he said, "So, what did it turn out to be?"

There was no answer.

He swivelled in his chair, and looked at her. "I said..." his voice trailed off when he saw her face.