
by KaraB

Fandom: Law and Order: Special Victims Unit

Rating: T contains content not suitable for children under 13

Summary: The SVU squad works on solving a case and one of their own becomes a target. Cliché summary, but not the target you think.

Warnings: Mucho angst

"Okay people, we've got a problem," Captain Donald Cragan stated as he walked into the bullpen at his precinct. "He's struck again." He slapped a newspaper down on Fin's desk.

"How can the press know before we even get the case through here?" Fin asked, frustrated.

"Unless the killer's leaking the information on his victims himself," Munch said.

"Then how are the bodies decomposing so quickly?" Benson asked.

"They're not. According to our forensic experts this guy is cleaning the flesh off the bones himself... after he rapes and kills his victims," Cragan responded. "Where's Detective Stabler?"

"He called in sick," Munch replied. "For once it's not me."

Olivia rolled her eyes at Munch. "Fin, Olivia get out there to the latest crime scene and see what you can find out… see if this matches our pattern. Munch, I want you to check with forensics on this case since you're already familiar with the previous scenes." He paused. "I've got the brass breathing down my neck and we have a city of pretty frightened people. We need to catch this guy ASAP. There's a briefing scheduled for tomorrow and I need something by then…" He nodded to his detectives. "Let's get him people." He made his way back to his office where the phone had begun ringing again.

Moments later he came back out. "Munch how long till the next tape?"

Four days."

After every victim's death, the police had received a video tape, documenting the gruesome horrors inflicted upon the victim.

"We don't want to get another one… You've got three days to save a life, people."

The M.E. couldn't offer much insight into who the perp might be, so Munch headed back toward the precinct. Maybe the canvas would reveal something. The ring of his cell phone pulled him from his thoughts. He glanced at the caller ID. Private caller? Who the hell was that? "Yeah?" he answered. "Who is this?"

"Hello Detective," a voice said, obviously digitally altered.

"Who the hell is this?" he snapped, not in the mood for stupid games.

"The very person you don't want to mess with Detective, if you actually want to get the latest victim back alive."

"That would be preferable," Munch replied sarcastically. "What do you want?"

"We'll get to that shortly."

"Well hey, why don't you tell me where you are and we can sit down and have a discussion about this. Or you're welcome to come in to our precinct."

The voice chuckled. "Nice try Detective, but you should know me better than that, just by my meticulous handiwork."

"Ah yes. The killer who's a coward."

"And also who doesn't rise to comments such as that," the voice replied calmly.

"Alright, so what do you want?" Munch asked.

"I want you to meet me at the following address in half an hour. Alone and unarmed." Then he hung up.

Munch arrived within sight of the building about fifteen minutes later, and stopped enough away that he could take a look at the area. Pulling out his cell again, he called his partner. Cragen and Fin would both have his head if he went into this without letting anyone know. They'd send back up just behind him to cover him. "Hey, I think I've got the guy."

"That was quick," Fin said.

"He called me," Munch replied, launching into a more detailed explanation of what was going on.

"Alright, I'm on my way soon as I tell Cragen what's going down."

Before Munch could reply, someone smashed the back windshield of his car. He cursed and dropped the phone as he grabbed his gun. "Police, freeze," he yelled, climbing out of the car. It was then that he saw that the man who'd damaged his car wasn't alone. "Put it down," he ordered, watching the men in front of him, one who hefted a crow bar in his hands. "You're under…"

Before Munch could finish his sentence, he was hit from behind, with enough force that knocked him out.

When Fin arrived a few minutes later, there was no sign of Munch, only the beaten up car.