Title: Odyssey of the Raftaways

Rating:T for violence and intense scenes.

Disclaimer: I don't own Lost or any of its characters. That's probably a good thing.

Summary: This story takes place after the events at the end of Exodus. That episode moved me to write a highly improbable continuation. Do not read if you have not seen the season finale.

As the motorboat sped away from the debris of the recently blown-up raft, Walt was screaming "Dad! Dad! Dad!" at his father who was treading water, and powerless to assist him. Walt yelled until his voice gave out, and could only make out a dim glow of some raft piece that was still burning. In the blackness of the night a single flame can be seen from quite a distance.

An overwhelming rage consumed Walt. Unable to reason, all he could think of was to fight. There was no chance of the ten-year-old overpowering four adults, at least one of which was armed with a gun, but that didn't matter. This was raw emotion being let out; logic had no part of it. Two of his abductors had hold of him by his yellow lifejacket, while the other two were in the boat's cabin up front, one steering and one navigating. With one hand that was partially free Walt undid the collar of the jacket, bent down and slipped one arm out of it, and punched the nearest kidnapper in the stomach.

"Why, you little …," and the villain hit back, but Walt had turned and took the blow on his arm. He then tried kicking the abductor, but landed an only mildly effective blow on the hip. The kidnapper, now enraged, grabbed Walt's shoe, yanked it off his foot along with the sock, and tossed them overboard. Walt spun around, slipping his other arm out of the lifejacket, and tried to hit the other man in the jaw, but the blow was deflected, and Walt wound up with a piece of shirt in his hand. Without thinking, he pulled on the material, inducing a significant rip.

"So that's the way you want to play," announced the second kidnapper with an evil grin, who proceeded to grab Walt's shirt by the open neck, and forcefully ripped it entirely off, and tossed that overboard, and the lifejacket for good measure. Still blinded by rage, Walt threw another punch at his opponent's jaw; this one more effective, but the first kidnapper grabbed him from behind. Walt got off another kick at the second foe, but even though it hit its intended mark of his stomach, the abductor also managed to grab Walt's foot, and in two seconds Walt's other shoe and sock were sinking into the Pacific.

"Hey, are you all right back there?" came a voice from the front. "We need him in good condition."

"Shut up! We can handle it!" answered the first kidnapper in the stern, but the momentary distraction allowed Walt to get in one good kick in his groin. The victim howled in pain and made a grab at Walt as he was falling. That kidnapper's hand found a front pocket of Walt's shorts. The kidnapper grabbed on as he fell to the deck, pulling Walt's shorts to his ankles and revealing a pair of worn Power Rangers underwear. Unfortunately they hadn't helped Walt's fighting ability rise to Power Ranger levels. With his shorts around his ankles, the second kidnapper had an easy time of tripping Walt and knocking him to the deck and holding him down. The other kidnapper, now even more enraged, yanked Walt's shorts off from his ankles, sent them to a watery grave, grabbed a loose rope from off the deck, and tied Walt's ankles together very tightly with several turns of the rope. Finding another rope, he helped his comrade put Walt in a double hammerlock, and took great delight in tying Walt's wrists together behind his back, again very tightly using several turns of rope.

Refusing to admit defeat, Walt struggled against his bonds, but the experienced sailors were more than sufficiently skilled in tying secure knots. He rocked back and forth on his stomach, trying to obtain a more comfortable position, and eventually rolled around and managed to reach a sitting position with his back against the rear bulkhead of the cabin and his knees bent enough to get his feet flat on the deck. This still didn't help him make any progress with the ropes, and his captors were apparently having a good time watching him struggle. When they were satisfied he would never be able to escape, the first one patted him on the head and with a sarcastic tone said, "Now do try to be a good boy." They laughed, and joined their companions up front. Walt just scowled and stared straight out, over the stern of the boat. Despite the humiliating position he was now in there wasa substantial amount ofsatisfaction in putting up the best fight he could. Giving up without a fight was not in his nature.

… to be continued