Disclaimer: closes eyes and wishes hard. Pauses and then opens eyes shoot stupid overcast.

Chapter: Cabin, Wine, and Sara. Oh my.

A/N: I don't think I have stepped over any boundaries. No more so than say the Notebook did. I tried to keep it mild. And yes, I have seen that movie.


She pulled into a resort villa. Greg sat up and started looking around.

"It's Vegas, Greg. We have just about everything."

He looked over at her and just smiled.

She parked the car and grabbed her bag that was in the back. Greg grabbed his from under his seat. Sara took out the key and opened their cottage. Before she could even blink, she found herself swept up into strong arms and was watching the door swing past them. She let out a small chuckle.


"Who me?" He asked trying to act innocent.

He lowered her to the floor. They surveyed their surroundings. There were several bottles of wine on ice and a basket of fruit and cheese assortments. They had a coffeepot with several servings of coffee.

Sara had walked into the bathroom when she heard Greg's voice.


"What?" She called still not through surveying the bathroom.

"There's only one bed!"

"Um…"She started to say but was cut off by laughter.

Hearing this, her actions stilled. She slowly stuck her head out of the room. She saw Greg standing there trying to catch his breath.

"Sorry had to say something that I knew would get your attention."

"Your impossible."

"No, I'm hungry."


She walked over to the table picked up a menu and made her way over to him.

"Then let's order something."

"I've got all I want right here." He said grabbing her waist and pulling her to him.

Sara rolled her eyes at his antics.

"You're such a kid."

"Yes, and you're stuck with me."

"I can plead insanity."

"Nope, only works on crazy people not on level 3's."

"Darn." She smiled.

He placed his head on her shoulder and began kissing her neck.

"Are you going to order?" he asked in between his kisses.

"I want a salad."

He backed away and picked up the phone. He dialed the restaurant and placed an order for two Caesar Salads and told them which cottage.

When the salads arrived, Greg placed them on the table along with two glasses of wine. Greg couldn't keep from staring at her. Now she would be with him truly forever. He was in complete and total ecstasy.

He was in the process of cleaning up, when he was jumped from behind. She was on his back and her mouth was on his ear.

"Sar…"He moaned.

She smiled at his reaction. She resumed her place on the floor. She grabbed the hem of his shirt and raised it over his head revealing his scars. She paused and then did something that both shocked him and added heat to his already burning flame.

She began kissing each one. She paid special attention to each and every scar.

He reached behind him for her hand. She placed her hand in his and gave it a small squeeze.

When she had finished with every scar, he turned in her arms. His hands found her waist. His eyes found her much darker ones. He kissed her with all of the pent of feeling over the course of those six years. She raised her arms up and he slowly removed her shirt. He had waited over six years to get here. A few lingering minutes was not going to kill him. She however was growing more impatient by the second. She shoved him on the bed and straddled him.


Greg stretched and then stilled. The night's events still fresh in his mind.

"If I am dreaming, just leave me alone and let me sleep." Greg mumbled.

"Now what fun would that be." Sara asked huskily as she began a new assault on Greg.

Their day was quickly ending as the seconds moved closer to time for their shift. They could take vacation days and make up for not being able to stay longer later, but for all appearance sake work was coming and too soon in their opinion.