Okay, just so you all know, I am not dead. In fact, I am very much alive and anticipating starting University in a few weeks, yay!

Anyways, I know that some of you have been upset with me for the lack of updates in recent months (or in some cases years . hehe). So I have decided to delve myself back into my writings. I know that I promised a sequel to Remember Princess?, and I intend to give you all one. However, my boyfriend (who also happens to be a reader) insists that I finish the rest of the works that I have posted before posting another story - so I do intend to do that. But don't worry Moon Kingdom Discovered? (which is the title to the sequel to Remember Princess?) will be posted someday. I know that isn't what you want to hear, but it is all I can offer.

I am going to start ruthlessly typing to try and get my works done for you all - I don't want to rush it too much though. I just re-read Silver Millennium Forever? and I have found that I am not happy with how it turned out - I was in such a hurry to finish it that I completely strayed away from the plot that I had originally planned... which seems to be a habit of mine along with making characters pregnant - but I digress.

So, I am currently working on RE-WRITING Silver Millennium Forever? AND Remember Princess?, please look forward to that in the future.

For this inspiration I should thank tIgErPrN06 who sent me a review a few months back giving me a nudge in the right direction when she told me that maybe I should go back and re-read the previous two stories to come up with ideas for the final installment of my trilogy.

Considering it is "illegal" on to post Authors notes only, I have decided to post a short preview of the first newly edited chapter of Silver Millennium Forever?, then at the end, I may tell you of a few things that I intend to change with the story.

Chapter One

It was a beautiful, sunny day. It had been like this all week long, and Princess Serenity was sick of it.

"I wish for once it would be a rainy day." Serenity mumbled, while sitting on the balcony of the bedroom, on the third floor of the palace.

She placed her elbow on the railing and held her head up in her hand, staring out into the glittering distance. However, someone rapping on her chamber door broke her out of her brooding composure. She called for the caller to enter. A young, mousy servant girl entered cautiously.

"You have a visitor Princess," the servant girl said while bowing.

"Well, let them in," Princess Serenity said rather impatiently. She had been expecting a visit from one, or all, of the Senshi all day. They had been training all week and Serenity hadn't seen hid or hair of them. They were her best friends. They were all the same age (around seventeen) and they spent a lot of time together. Alas, her hopes were shattered when a man, rather a teenage boy around eighteen, walked into the room.

"Ugh, what do you want Endymion?" Princess Serenity moaned, gently bringing a hand up to her temple.

"Princess Odango is that anyway to talk to a Prince?" asked Endymion teased, smirking.

"Is calling a Princess 'Princess Odango' anyway to address to her?" Serenity snapped back.

"Oi, Odango, you're rather testy. I think all the heat that the Moon has been having has affected your head," Endymion replied, finally joining her on the balcony.

Prince Endymion was the Prince of Earth. He was an only child, which is why there was no Senshi representing the Earth. His mother, Queen Gaia, and Queen Serenity were best friends; therefore, Endymion and Serenity knew each other since they were toddlers. The two were quite good friends themselves. Prince Endymion always made fun of her hair, and started calling her Odango Atama; which was some sort of Earth food he had explained. Serenity was, of course, furious with the nickname, which had stuck to with her. Sometimes even one of the Senshi would call her Odango, even though it was mostly Mars.

"So Serenity, what do you plan on doing today?" Endymion asked sitting down beside her.

"I was going to wait for the Senshi to come and visit, but it appears they are still busy training," Serenity replied, staring longingly out into the court yard.

"Well, why don't we go visit them instead?" Endymion asked like it was the most obvious answer in the universe.

"I couldn't dream of it. They are training and I wouldn't want to disturb them. Plus, it's forbidden, you know that!" She replied, exasperated.

"Oh, and that really stopped us before." Endymion rolled his eyes.

"We were young and foolish before," Serenity retorted, "And if I recall correctly, we were punished for it too."

"Oh, like taking an extra class a day really hurt you," Endymion laughed.

"You try dealing with Luna for an extra hour a day," Serenity pouted.

"Come on Sere, where's your sense of adventure?" Endymion quipped, "That's what I use to love about you. Did the Lunar court finally manage to tame their beast of a Princess?

"Beast?" Serenity's eyebrows rose, "Hardly. Fine, Endymion, I'll go with you; but only a quick visit."

"Okay," Endymion smiled, "then we can go to town and shop."

"Really Endy, isn't bothering the Senshi enough mischief for today? Don't you think that you are pushing it a little?"

"Going to visit your friends is hardly mischievous," Endymion snorted, "Plus, we haven't seen each other in over half a year – we have to make up for lost time."

"I refuse to go down to town today Endymion," Serenity sighed, "It has been much too hot and I want to stay inside where it is cooler. When we come back from visiting the Senshi then we can catch up in the library. But if we get caught sneaking down there it is entirely your fault,"


"So, where are the training grounds?" Serenity asked as they exited her room.

"You mean to tell me that don't remember?" Endymion laughed.

"Well, I haven't been there since we had our rather short visit when we were five," Serenity replied haughtily.

"Well, I thought that you would have at least remembered the way," Endymion replied dubiously, "After all, they are on the palace grounds."

"So? Have you not noticed how large the palace grounds are? Furthermore, it is forbidden, so I have driven the location from my memory. Princesses are not to fight," Serenity retorted with her head up.

Well, that was it. In case you forgot, I originally had Serenity and Endymion sneak down to the town; looking back now it was kind of weird. Also them sneaking down the Earth to the cabin, yah not gonna happen, that was also weird. I think that as a mother Queen Serenity would have been a little less lenient with that then I had originally made her. They may still sneak off somewhere though - you'll just have to read it when it comes out and see .

Well, ta ta for now,

Kris Black