Many thankx to Yugia Inc. (u r crazy), DAYLE-CHAN (Vy Sank you) and everyone else.
DISCLAIMER: I own caca pooh pooh and everything in it. But not Inuyasha.
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Kagome gestured to Inuyasha so that he could take her order, he slogged over with his little notebook in hand. Kagome grinned evilly.
"Why helloooo Inuyasha – I mean – waiter" She said slowly while Inuyasha growled.
"As you are here to serve me, I'll haaaave… extra large cheeseburger with no cheese and –"
"No cheese?" Inuyasha interrupted. Kagome turned to look at him slowly.
"Excuse me, waiter, I am ORDERING."
With great effort Inuyasha returned to his waiter's notebook. Kagome took a deep breath and carried on.
"Now where was I? Do you remember? Waiter?" She asked sweetly
Inuyasha growled and read it back to her through gritted teeth. Kagome chuckled.
"Oh yes, one extra large cheeseburger with no cheese because there are waay too many calories, and extra onions hold the mustard NO ketchup make sure there are exactly four pieces of lettuce two pickles only one slice of tomato and make sure the burger is well done." Kagome said this all in one breath. Inuyasha opened his mouth to complain but Kagome cut him off.
"I would also like an order of medium fries with barbeque sauce and to drink I'd like a coke….no wait….diet coke. No, a lemonade…mmm…maybe a…orange soda…no forget that, I want a strawberry milkshake…no wait…"
Inuyasha sighed in irritation and tapped the notebook with his pencil impatiently.
"Nah, I'll just have a coke" She said with a smile.
"But that's what you – keh. Whatever" Inuyasha wrote down the last of Kagome's order and stormed off into the kitchen, where Kouga was now hitting himself with a spatula.
Kagome and Mikomi had been talking for a while and were now forced to sit together in an awkward silence, as they had tried to talk about everything that didn't concern Mikomi's work or Inuyasha. The silence was broken by a loud bang coming from the kitchen, Inuyasha and Kouga zoomed out at the same time, Inuyasha was holding a burger and fries while Kouga balanced a coke and a small cup of pudding on a tray. They both raced towards Kagome, climbing over tables and knocking chairs over in the process. Suddenly Kouga tripped and fell into someone's meal. Inuyasha snatched the can of coke from him and slammed Kagome's order in front of her grinning triumphantly.
"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?" Kagome shrieked
"Some bet we made" Inuyasha said offhandedly as he snatched a glass of milk from another table and sat down next to Kagome.
"What bet?"
"Doesn't matter cuz I won."
Kagome shrugged and bit into her burger. Kouga got to his feet grumpily and received a blow to the head with a soapy frying pan. Courtesy of Ayame.
Inuyasha drained the last of the milk and slammed the empty glass on the table. Kagome glanced at him and began to giggle, she nudged Mikomi and she too began to titter. Inuyasha blinked at them.
Mikomi passed her hand over her mouth repeatedly while Kagome giggled harder.
"What?" Inuyasha asked again
Kagome broke into laughter and Mikomi shoved her pocket mirror in front of Inuyasha's face. He stared at his reflection and noticed a milk moustache that seemed to be the cause of his humiliation. He wiped it off roughly and "Keh"ed. A while later when the restaurant began to empty out and the group began to fidget out of boredom; Inuyasha caught Miroku flicking through the pages of a Zodiac magazine. He snatched it and stared at the page Miroku was about to read.
"What the hell are you reading this crap for?"
Miroku lowered his hands and said calmly. "Buddha will not reveal my future to me so I am looking for it in the star readings…which is in that magazine that you are crumpling GIVE IT BACK!" Miroku lunged forward but Inuyasha lifted it up out of his reach without taking his eyes off the page.
"Keh! This shit ain't true….Kagome what's my star sign?" He barked
"If you were born in…" Kagome counted the months on her fingers.
"You're a Capricorn"
Inuyasha looked back at the page and searched for his sign.
"Found it….see none of its true listen: Capricorns are both ambitious and determined, they are extremely dedicated to their goals, almost to the point of stubbornness- I AM NOT STUBBORN!" At this point Inuyasha threw the magazine back to Miroku who barely had time to straighten out the pages as it was snatched from him again, this time by Kagome.
"Wait lemme see that." She read on. "These folks can indeed be domineering, blunt and even egotistical. Impulsive Capricorns might be tempted to shove their ideas down someone else's throat. They'll tell you it's part of being a leader with bright new ideas-"
"Well it is!" Interrupted Inuyasha.
"No its not! This magazine is completely true! Where's mine?" Kagome's eyes scanned the page and widened as she found her sign.
"Virgo, Those born under this Sign are forever the butt of jokes for being so picky and critical (and they can be), but their 'attention to detail' is for a reason: to help others. Virgos, more than any other Sign, were born to serve, and it gives them great joy. They are also tailor-made for the job, since they are industrious, methodical and efficient. The sense of duty borne by these folks is considerable, and it ensures that they will always work for the greater good."
Kagome smiled warmly at the magazine. "Hey Miroku, which is yours?"
Miroku hesitated and gestured warily at the page which proclaimed "Pisces".
Kagome shifted comfortably in her seat and began to read.
"Pisces, these folks are selfless, spiritual and very focused on their inner journey. Pisceans are fluid and easy-going, they alternate between reality and non-reality in keeping with their introspective natures; their voyage between consciousness and an unconscious dream state says much about their intuitive, almost psychic natures. One of their primary goals is to help others, they are compassionate, charitable and will quickly put the needs of others ahead of their own. It's this kind of self-sacrifice which keeps these folks going."
As Kagome read, Miroku nodded and smiled at himself several times. Sango smiled at Miroku and Inuyasha groaned.
"Ooh ooh! How about you Sango? Lemme see…..aha! Here goes"
Sango sat up straight and Miroku listened carefully.
"Scorpio, those born under this Sign are dead serious in their mission to learn about others. They travel in a world which is black and white and has little use for gray. The curiosity of Scorpios is immeasurable, which may be why they are such adept investigators. Scorpios work as hard as they do so they can someday sit back and feel satisfied with themselves. These folks are intense, passionate and filled with desire. They're also complex and secretive, so don't expect to get much out of them, lest they become suspicious and exit stage left. It's best not to bet against Scorpios, either, since these folks are surprisingly resourceful."
Sango gave a nodded approvingly and Miroku gave a nervous laugh. Everyone (except Inuyasha) began to chat about their star reading. Kagome pulled away from the conversation to glance at Mikomi who was staring into space.
"Mikomi? What's your star sign?"
Mikomi seemed to reawaken. "Huh? What was that?"
Kagome waved the magazine about in her hand. "Come on! It might be useful."
Mikomi sighed and said "Fine…I'm a Libra" in a resigned voice.
"Ok ok! Everyone sshhh its Mikomi's." She turned the pages harshly (causing Miroku to wince) and opened her mouth to read.
"Libra, it's the Scales which symbolize Libra, and just like that balancing mechanism wants to stay even, Librans want to be on an even keel. Think of the Scales of Justice and how they work at striking the right balance. Likewise, Librans are objective, just and want to do what's best for everyone. The Libra-born are keen strategists, organizing groups with poise and getting the job done. Further, you can expect the Scales to be companionable, sociable folks."
Kagome shifted in her chair "Well…I guess it's kinda true" she said awkwardly.
Mikomi smiled humourlessly. Now that everyone had had their reading they went back to staring into space, examining their nails and tapping the table impatiently.Suddenly Kagome gave an excited shriek which made them all jump.
"Oooh lets see SESSHOUMARU's!"
Inuyasha sat up straight for once. "I dunno Kags, that bastard has spies everywhere and everytime something he doesn't like happens he blames ME." He raised both his arms and pointed at himself.
"Aww come on Inuyasha! We're not doing anything wrong. And you can stick with me for the rest of the day, just in case"
"Ooooh yeah, Sesshoumaru would NEVER pick on me then, cause I'm with YOU." He said, his voice dripping in sarcasm. Kagome glared at him and turned the page to reveal Sesshoumaru's star sign.
"Leo, making an impression is Job One for Leos, and when you consider their personal magnetism, you see the job is quite easy. Leos are an ambitious lot, and their strength of purpose allows them to accomplish a great deal. These folks consider themselves the rulers of their universe. Like Lions, Leos tend to be dignified and strong, and it is this sense of their power which allows them to get things done. A Leo on your team is a good thing, since Lions are sure to see their projects through to completion. Putting these folks at the helm is a good thing, too, since the Leo-born are natural leaders. They may ruffle a few feathers along the way, however, since they can also be overbearing and somewhat autocratic. Lions are indeed opinionated and set in their ways."
Silence met these words. It was pretty obvious to all of them that this was true. Inuyasha let out a low whistle and Kagome skimmed through the rest of the mag for anything interesting. Mikomi, who had not taken her eyes off her nails but was listening closely, began to re-think her situation with Sesshoumaru. He just wants to get things done…..nothing wrong with that. Is there? Kagome let out another shriek and beckoned them all closer.
"Look look! It's the compatibility page!" She scrunched up the magazine in delight and then took a deep breath and began to read silently, only saying out loud facts that would interest them.
"Inuyasha! It says Capricorn and Virgo go together like bread and butter!"
Inuyasha sunk in his seat and turned a deep shade of red that everybody noticed except Kagome.
"Ooh Sango, it says Scorpion and Pisces share some powerful moments which are usually ruined by an irritating habit which you secretly welcome!"
Miroku turned his head to look at her so fast that he cricked his neck.
"Aaah! Sango! Now that the stars have confirmed it why don't we just-" He was cut off by a brisk slap in the face…courtesy of Sango who was tomato red in the face.
"OMG!" Kagome exclaimed. Everyone turned to look at her. She began to giggle uncontrollably.
"It says…ha ha…it says that Leo and Pisces….HA…make a delicious combination!"
Inuyasha slumped forwards onto the table, howling with laughter, Sango giggled and Miroku seemed horrified. Even Mikomi couldn't resist a small smile. Kagome instantly made flapping gestures at them to quieten down.
"It also says that Leo and LIBRA are a great example of how opposites attract, even though Libra's indecisiveness may be sometimes make you grit your teeth in irritation. Mikomi? Is there something you're not telling us?" Kagome said playfully.
Mikomi 's jaw dropped at the very thought. "Kagome!"
"Okay I'm sorry! Oh here's the future stuff. Miroku it says that you shouldn't go out….TODAY because you may unintentionally but nevertheless seriously hurt a close friend, and not necessarily emotionally."
Miroku lay back in his seat pondering.
"Inuyasha it says that you should look at both sides of the street before you act."
"Keh! Stupid metaphors."
Kagome stared at him "Inuyasha, you don't even know what a metaphor is."
"That's why they're stupid."
Kagome tutted and read on. "Sango it says here that someone dear to you may be having a hard time and just because they don't share their troubles with you doesn't mean that they don't want to. It might just INVOLVE you. So be patient."
Sango tried to think of some-one who could possibly be having or will have a hard time which could have anything to do with her. Blank.
"Mikomi, it says that a mistake will be made on your part and even though your intention to repair it is benign, it will indeed make matters worse. So be careful."
Mikomi wasn't really shocked at this prediction. She makes mistakes and makes them worse practically everyday!
"And mine……In a not so serious situation involving a loved one, do your best to control your reaction and emotions. Keep it steady….Huh?"
Kagome sighed as she closed the magazine and handed it back to Miroku, who gestured that she may keep it. Mikomi got up and stretched.
"Well! Thanks a lot guys but my break is over. I have to get back to my detestable comp….I mean, warehouse." She nodded at Inuyasha, waved at the others and walked back to Inutaisho and Co.
Mikomi checked her Mickey Mouse watch and saw that it was chow time. She made her way to the cafeteria where all the workers were standing in a huddle staring at the empty canteen.
"What happened? Where are the lunch people?" She asked Kouga who was nearest.
"Dunno, I think they're on strike or something. Damn them. I'M HUNGRY!"
They all nodded and muttered something about ordering pizza. Just then Inutaisho strolled in and stopped dead.
"Where are the food givers?" He asked. A few people shrugged while others looked hopefully at Inutaisho as if he could pull out a wand and conjure up a feast. He clapped his hands together as he usually did when he had thought of something.
"I guess we'll just have to order from the best restaurant in town! Mikomi, take everyone's orders and call up Inuyasha's place. And make it quick….please."
Mikomi smiled weakly and turned to the mass of hungry demons, which began to shout their orders at her.
Kouga covered the ear piece of the phone, stuck his head out of the kitchen window and yelled,
Inuyasha growled but did as he was told. Kagome smiled at Sango and Miroku and then suddenly slapped a hand to her forehead.
"Oh no! Inuyasha! I forgot its Grandpa's birthday tomorrow! Get over here and take me to the mall!"
Inuyasha stood between his work and his girlfriend. Well…his work wouldn't shout at him for days if he said no, so….
"Hey Miroku! Do your damn job and take this one!"
"Nuh uh, it's my day off" Miroku replied politely
"Okay then you're fired."
Miroku leapt to his feet and saluted. "I'll do it, please don't fire me, SIR!"
"Drive that order van to Inutaisho and Co. Gottit?"
Inuyasha didn't wait for an answer, he joined Kagome and they went off together.
Miroku shrugged at Sango and got up. He really needed this job. Sango got up too and muttered something like "Kohaku's getting lonely". Kouga began to ring the kitchen bell repeatedly.
Miroku popped into view smiling nervously. Kouga pointed at the van where several men where loading boxes of food in the back.
"Take it and drive it. Get there before 3pm" Kouga said and threw him the keys.
Miroku climbed into the red van and thought miserably 'I'm not going to impress any girls in this thing'. He started the engine and went on his way.
As he drove by he noticed Inuyasha sneaking out of a shop and heading across the street. He chuckled and rolled down the window to let Kagome know. Unexpectedly he caught sight of a hot brunette walking by on the other side of the street.
"Well hellooo" He said to himself and smiled while he watched her walk by. Suddenly he heard a familiar yell, a flash of red and the van jolted twice. He slammed on the brakes and jumped out of the van. A crowd of people were already gathering round, Miroku rushed to the back of the van and saw that lying on the floor, it was no other than……INUYASHA. Miroku gave a loud gasp, and looked at his watch.
"I'M LATE!" He made to get back into the van and remembered poor Inuyasha on the ground.
"Oh yeah, Inuyasha are you okay?"
Inuyasha twitched and groaned.
"Ok then. Sorry. Gotta go!" Miroku bowed quickly and rushed into the van. As he drove off he glanced into the rear view mirror and saw Inuyasha fighting off an old lady who was trying to help him up.
When Miroku finally reached his destination he pulled into the driveway and got out. Instantly a crowd of workers poured out into the driveway and began unloading the boxes of food. Miroku tore his eyes away from the incredible sight and found himself face to face with Mikomi. His eyes widened.
"Mikomi! I didn't know you worked here!"
Mikomi didn't see this coming; she had no idea that Miroku would be the delivery boy.
"Nah! I don't work here. I'm just helping out on…something."
"Why didn't you tell us that you worked in Inutaisho and Co? I mean, I know that the workers of this company are a mystery as all agreements and such are carried out through paperwork, no-one has even seen the owner! There are even rumours that the workers here are…" Miroku lowered his voice so that Mikomi could barely hear him.
"Demons. And we knew that Sesshoumaru had taken you into his apartment but we didn't know that you were working for him! You told Kago-"
"Saikawa, what are you doing out here, get back inside"
Mikomi winced at the sound of Sesshoumaru's voice. The dog demon stood in front of Miroku and stared at him coldly for a few seconds, he glanced at his watch.
"You are late, monk. You're fired."
Miroku's jaw dropped. "Fired? I'm only 3 minutes late!"
"And therefore you are fired"
"Sir! He's not that late. He brought the food and all, at last pay him."
"No. And never undermine my authority Ms. Saikawa." His voice was low but there was a sharp edge to it that made it perfectly clear.
"But – " She began, but someone else had come out to join them.
"Well, that's a fair feast you've brought to us boy!" He said heartily to Miroku who was still in shock of being fired.
"Now what's all this talk about getting fired? Hmm?" He asked, looking expectantly at Sesshoumaru and Mikomi.
"He is late so I fired him. There is no need to question my actions." Sesshoumaru said tonelessly.
"Now now son, no need to be so rash over three minutes of delay."
"He works for Inuyasha and he is a friend of Saikawa." Sesshoumaru said sternly
Inutaisho's smiling face fell. "Ah. Well then, I'm sorry boy but…you were late. You are now relieved of your duties."
Miroku nodded sadly. He could not argue with Inuyasha's father, who sponsors Inuyasha's restaurant, as a result he had the authority to fire him. The unfairness of it all welled up inside him and he felt like screaming. He turned around and slowly trudged back to the van. As soon as he got in he dropped his head onto the steering wheel and stayed there, thinking. The only reason he took the job of being Inuyasha's delivery boy was because he was saving up to buy Sango an engagement ring. He sighed and came to the conclusion that maybe he and Sango would never be together. That damned Kuranosuke had much more money. Maybe it was better this way. A smart rap on the window shocked him out of his thoughts. He rolled the window down and tried not to glare at Sesshoumaru.
"Monk, you are now under obligation to never mention to any of your dim witted friends that you have seen Ms. Saikawa at this Company. Am I understood?"
"What if it slips out?" Miroku dared to ask
"Then I will know this and come after you and anyone who knows… myself."
Miroku gulped and rolled up the window. He pulled out into the street and sped off.
Okay, if some of you got alerts for all the chappies in this story it's because I'm re-writing some of them. So if you get confused about something later on you might want to go over the previous ones. If you are totally confused then here's a brief explanation.
"The tragedy involving demons and humans has not been explained YET, but it will be. Mikomi is a human woman who is terrified of demons due to a bad experience in her past. She is friends with the Inu group but isn't aware of Inuyasha being a hanyou. (yes, she's blind) The Inu group doesn't want to tell her. Inuyasha used to work in Inutaisho and Co. but quit. Kouga now takes his place. Inutaisho and Co. is a successful financial company in Tokyo which is run by demons. But as demons are hated, some of them cannot go out into the street because of their appearance and hide out in the company. The ones who can go out and have a second job cannot be revealed either, because someone (later revealed) is looking for them and will kidnap them if they knew who they were and would attempt to extract precious information from them; Kagura is the main cause for some of this….. Also no-one knows exactly who the workers are in Inutaisho and Co. so if anyone found out that someone was working there they would ask them endless questions that they probably couldn't answer. It's a bit like working for the CIA." .!