One Down, Two to Go

Chapter 4 of ?

A/N: Wow. It takes me too long to update. To anyone that's been waiting for this chapter here it is! I think my conscious is telling me to update while I still have time since I gotta work my tail off in school next week. Xx; Well, here she is, folks.


The metal of guy's killing edge struck against the steel of the blade in Matthew's hand. A scowl was evident upon the myrmidon's softly formed face as he back flipped to avoid the sword which the thief wielded as he lashes out at him. The thief lost balance for a moment, but recovered in time to duck a horizontal strike from Guy's sword, the silver of the blade barely missing the thief's sandy blonde hair. The myrmidon momentarily was frozen, mostly because the thief had grabbed the front of his clothing and pulled him forward. The thief's blade was sheathed, and a glint in his eyes told Guy that he wasn't planning on training anymore. Now, had this been at any point before their encounter at the spring, he would have taken advantage of the moment to claim a defeat over Matthew, but instead he dropped his sword and took advantage of the thief in another way. He immediately covered the other male's lips with his, placing his arms around the thief's neck. The thief smirked slightly, placing his arms around the myrmidon's waist, taking the liberty to pull him cloth and plunge his tongue between guy's lips into his mouth. The myrmidon gave a slight gasp through the kiss, gripping the material of Matthew's cloak tightly in his hands as something of an instinct. The thief flicked his tongue against the swordsman's, and noticed as the myrmidon shivered a little. After a few more moments of this deep kiss, the thief pulled away slightly, having to readjust himself slightly, using the back of his hand to wipe away the salvia that had gotten on the area around his mouth.

"...M...Matthew...?" the breathless myrmidon said, before he was silenced by the thief preoccupying himself kissing his neck.

"Guy..." he paused, speaking directly into the ear of the myrmidon. "Are you serious about this... relationship?" he murmured before nibbling at the myrmidon's ear slightly, receiving a moan in reply to the action. Guy then swallowed, silent for a second.

"...Matthew... from the day you saved me, I've wanted to... be yours. To... hear you say you want me. That you.. ... love me... .. Matthew, you do, don't you...?" his voice was something of a whimper as he asked this, frowning a bit.

"I love you," the thief purred, kissing his ear. "And I want you, Guy. I want you with me until we die."

The myrmidon gave a slight moan, because shortly after that statement, the thief had begun attacking his neck with kisses, slight licks, and even soft bites, inevitable marking up the skin there. Guy's hands readjusted slightly, beginning to undo the belt-like strap that he'd the thief's cloak on, and doing so swiftly, pushing it off with his other hand. Matthew paused for a moment, smirking slightly.

"A little bit eager, aren't we...?"

The myrmidon immediately flushed slightly, realizing how forward he must have seemed by removing part of the thief's clothing, even a superfluous piece such as a cloak. The thief did non continue his kisses, though, for he glanced over his shoulder at the thin trail of smoke that came from the camp.

"Hm. They do have the worst timing! Ah well, rather not have them come looking for us..." the thief said, replacing his cloak with nimble fingers, and heading off towards camp, motioning for Guy to follow... which he did, not too long after him.

The camp seemed to have an almost abnormal life to it, Lowen was busy cooking over the fire, and Nils was playing his flute happily while sitting on a rock. The entire camp seemed to have breathed a sigh of relief because everyone that was injured in their last fight was not healed. But some people were still sour, mostly Raven, actually. Lucius was trying to cheer up the dismal mercenary, but he was glaring harshly at Hector as he and Lyn conversed happily. Eliwood was fretting about the lost time, and Mark was trying to keep the redhead from tearing out his lovely red hair. Wil was chattering happy from his seat next to the green-haired nomad, who was silent as ever.

The only one to notice the return of the duo was the tactician, who merely gave an exasperated smile and went back to patting the paranoid Eliwood on the shoulder. Legault also noticed when the thief and myrmidon took their seats, and he noticed the smug look on the face of the thief, and found it vaguely similar to the one he had worn a few weeks ago after getting Heath to agree to becoming a couple. A slight smirk, and he whispered to Heath, who blushed. And, so, began the rumors!

Then again, rumors were guaranteed to happen, and the thief seemed much less shy about their relationship than Guy was. After all, some of the girls had picked fresh strawberries to go with the meal, and he was feeding the myrmidon. An embarrassing thing, indeed, because the myrmidon's face was flushed. A few of the female members of the camp were giggling behind their hands, while a few of them looked disappointed.

Dinner tapered off and so a few people went elsewhere to rest or train with their chosen partners. Mark, now freed by Hector of his paranoid Eliwood, walked over the the thief and myrmidon.

"So! You boys have a nice... training session?" the tactician said, winking slightly, and Guy's face darkened to another red shade, while the thief merely chuckled.

"Yes. Very... entertaining, to say the least..." he said, placing a hand on Guy's knee. His face would have reddened more, but... well, that was not possible.

"Ah, that's good to hear!" Mark said with a smile, beginning to walk, before he paused, turning around to look at Guy. "..and... Guy? You might want to adjust your collar a bit. You have a hickey in a very visible spot."

The myrmidon made a squeak-like noise and quickly readjusted the collar of his garment, glaring at Matthew, who merely smiled smugly.

"don't say you didn't enjoy it," he said, snatching a quick kiss form the Myrmidon.

A/N: Tada, updated. Didn't feel up to writing R-rated stuff. And yu got some humor at the end. .. and I still have them bandits.