Disclaimer- Me no own Yu-Gi-Oh!

APOLOGISES! I'm so sorry people! I know it's taken me like ten weeks or something to update each and every (Yu-Gi-Oh) fanfiction of mine, but yes, I have finally done it! It's all because of school, now that I'm in my pre-senior year I get a TON (or so) of homework every night and I just really didn't have any time for anything aside from homework! But currently I'm in the middle of my October Holidays, meaning I can finally update all my fanfiction, yay! And for the next five weeks after these two weeks I'll probably get tons of homework as those weeks as my revision weeks, then I have my two weeks of Exams, then the next week I'm not at school but doing this thing where I work for a company, then there's only two weeks left before X-mas! So HOPEFULLY I'll be able to update much sooner before December, especially for my Halloween story!

So once again, I'm sorry for taking so long, but thanks for being patient!

This is to all my readers and reviewers.

(This note has been posted in every story's Author's Note.)

Please read and review!

"What would sir like today then?" Jou asked politely, smiling softly at the couple sitting at the finely decorated table infront of him, as he held his pen hovering above his notebook.

"I'll have the cooked lobster thank you," the man replied calmly.

"And to drink?" he paused, brushing some of his golden blonde hair away from his eyes, although it seemed pointless to do so as it just fell back into place.

"I think we'll have some of your finest Red wine, is that okay Grace?" the man asked the lady he connected his hands with curiously, she nodded in agreement, confirming the order for Jou.

"And for the lady?" Jou questioned, turning towards the attractive brunette.

"I'll have the same as Michael, thank you," she smiled lightly, nodding softly.

"Okay, you're meal will be brought to you soon," Jou bowed before spinning around and walking towards the kitchens, where he stuck the note to a pin board for the Chef to read.

He sighed in relief after glancing around the restaurant, it looked like he might actually get a break for a moment, and he was needing one badly

Suddenly, the entrance doors to the restaurant swung open signalling the arrival of a new customer, which also meant Jou had to get moving again, would he ever get a damn break?

"Good evening sir, I- KAIBA! What da hell are you doing here?" Jou cried in disbelief and shock, blushing as he realised all eyes had fell upon him as he timidly glanced around the large bistro.

The brunette grabbed the younger boy's hand, pulling him towards the Restrooms with a stern expression playing on his face as Jou blushed in embarrassment at all the confused and slightly shocked stares he gained from the customers as they watched him being pulled towards the toilets by his hand by another man. (Interesting situation, no?)

When the pair reached their destination, Jou roughly pulled his hand away from the other boy, "What da hell do you want? Can't ya see I'm workin'!"

"Why can't you go on the trip?" Seto interrogated, glaring fiercely at the blonde.

"I… Just because I can't, okay? Now leave it!"

"I will not leave it until you tell me a valid reason for why you are unable to join us on our School trip," Kaiba stood up tall, his arms crossed over his chest, and his cerulean-eyes relentless, "I am not losing top Grades just because you couldn't be bothered to get off your ass and do a little work for once!"

"Uh, if ya can't figure it out, that's what I'm bloody doing da now! Well dat is if some stupid CEO hadn't embarrassed me infront of all da customers by pulling me towards the toilets!" Jou yelled out angrily, his fists clenched tightly and held by his sides.

Seto thought over the previous situation for a moment, maybe to someone else it would have seemed a little odd? But what did he care? He had more important things to be worrying about right now, more important than that of some idiots' opinions, "I don't care. You are coming on this damn trip whether you like it or not mutt! I don't have time to argue!"

"I told ya already Kaiba! I can't! I'm not allowed ta-" he broke off, unsurely glancing down at the ground beneath him, "-I, I mean I just can't, okay? Now go and do some paper work or whateva!"

The brunette had noticed the other boy's hesitation and frowned in confusion, "You're not allowed to what?" he questioned, stepping closer to the smaller man.

Jou nervously stepped back, avoiding eye contact with the genius CEO, "…I, I, I never said dat…"

"Yes you did, you just said 'I'm not allowed ta-' then you cut off, what were you going to say?" Seto neared the anxious boy, looking down with firm and emotionless cobalt eyes.

"Nothing! I, just leave me ALONE!" the ex-street punk yelled loudly, startling the boy infront of him.

Jou gritted his teeth together, trying his best to hold back the tears that were threatening to fall, "Please… Don't… Make… Me…Say…It…" he begged, before falling to his knees, holding his head in his shaking hands.

Seto looked down at the shivering blonde, all his previous anger instantly vanishing, along with his typical Kaiba-glare, "Talk to me mutt, what's going on here?" he asked, his voice holding a hint of concern.

Suddenly, Jou jumped to his feet, roughly shaking his head from side to side, before growling and glaring at the man infront of him, crystalline tears making silvery tracks down his delicate cheeks, "Just get lost Kaiba, it's none of your business, go fire some innocent guy with a family or something, just leave me alone, okay? I've got work to see too- yeah that's right, you're not the only guy in the world who has to work for a living!" his voice continued to raise with each word said, his anger bubbling up inside of him, "Now go and-"

"JOUNOUCHI! Where the hell are you! Get out here, NOW!" a feminine voice screeched loudly, yes, the boss had just caught wind of the news that was spreading like wildfire throughout the restaurant; that the young Jou had been dragged into the restrooms by another man, which did not make Jou look good at all.

Jou glared angrily at the brunette before stomping out of the toilets towards his Boss, who's face was red with anger, which suddenly faded away once she spotted the wet cheeks of the blonde boy, "Jou? What's wrong? Are you okay?"

Yeah, Jou's boss could be a real cow when she was angry but she did care about her employees, and at the sight of a crying employee she grew immediately worried for them, especially Jou, as she felt that he was somewhat of a son to her.

Jou roughly wiped at his face, rubbing away all traces of his anger and sadness, "Nothing, I'm fine, I'm sorry for cutting off like that…" he bowed in apology, fighting back the tears he could feel brimming at the edges of his stinging eyes.

When Seto emerged from the restrooms Jou's boss frowned angrily, "What the hell did you do to Jou?" she half-shouted.

"I did nothing," the tall man replied simply.

"Then why the hell is my Jou crying?" she questioned, motioning towards the boy who was currently hiding his face away with his long blonde hair, which shaded his eyes from everyone.

"Miss-" Jou cut in, "-It doesn't matter, please may I return to work?"

"But Jou! You're crying! You were perfectly happy before he came! So he's obviously done something to you-" she stopped, sighing heavily once she realised how worked up she was becoming, "Y-Yes Jou, you may return to work," she allowed, as the boy bowed once more before returning back to his serving.

She spun around; her long blonde hair bouncing over her shoulders beautifully, "Whatever you did, I suggest you sort it! Jou is a happy soul, with enough love to fill the world, and he does not deserve to cry like that! So I better not be seeing him cry again anytime soon!" she warned, her emerald eyes gleaming with furious anger.

Seto narrowed his eyes, watching the woman walk away and return to whatever she had previously been doing, normally if someone had spoken to him in that way he would have shouted back a million times worse, but, for some reason, he didn't this time…

He glanced back over at the working blonde, whose smile had returned, bright as ever, but the usual cheerful gleam in his eyes had not, the CEO noticed.

He sighed heavily, whatever was going on with Jou- he was going to find out.

I dunno about the Boss, I just thought since Jou's father is a bampot (a Scottish insult) and his mother abandoned him practically, then I'd make another mother-like figure for him, I think I may mention the Boss lady more than once.

Thanks go to:

Kioee Manioso




Thanks for reviewing you four!