Author's Note: New story, Elusive hasn't been abandoned though. New chapter for Elusive will be up by the end of this week (aiming for Wednesday or Thursday).


Prologue: Broken

Golden from the last rays of the sunlight, and beautiful as always, he spotted her sitting on their tree. It was the beginning of the last school year for both of them. The ancient majestic tree was bigger than the others surrounding it. Its gold, red, and yellow leaves spanned an impressive range.

Palms sweaty, one hand raking through untamed jet black hair with the other hand in his pocket, were signs he was nervous. Despite the turmoil he felt, James Potter walked with long confident strides towards his girl. One very special girl that he hoped he'd be able to claim as his forever. She was beautiful, smart, kind, everything that he could ever want.

The wind was soft and gentle, blowing her loose hair away from her shoulders. She clutched her robe closer to her. She hated autumn and winter because they forced her to wear more practical, warmer clothing rather than the skimpy outfits that showed off her figure. She saw him approaching and gave him a wicked smile. She had been waiting for months for this exact moment.

James reached her, wrapping his arms around in as a greeting. "Hey love," he said warmly, his hazel eyes sparkling at her.

"Hi lover," she grinned.

He faltered for just a second at the very intimate nickname, but his smile returned full force. James swallowed, hoping he would get this exactly right. He dropped to one knee and pulled out a velvet black box and opened it in front of her.

"You're beautiful, wonderful, and everything I could ever want in a girl. I've never been in love with anyone else as I am with you now." He kept his gaze on her face, watching her reaction. He marveled that she didn't seem the least bit surprised at his proposal, but he continued anyways. Maybe she had guessed from his nervousness the past couple weeks. "Will you, Melina Shay Lyreranth, marry me?"

The diamond caught the autumn light and sparkled brilliantly. James waited for her response, wondering whether she was too caught up in the moment to answer. Just when his knee began to ache and he didn't think his poor heart could take the suspense, she laughed cruelly.

Plucking the ring from the box, she waved it in front of him like a worthless trinket. "What ever made you think I loved you? Was it my whispered words of reassurance when we were in bed? Or maybe our long walks in which you poured your heart out to me and I just blandly put up with it, tuning you out? Or maybe you thought you won me over with your pathetic late night sneaking out around this boring castle?" Her high heels, definitely inappropriate and uncomfortable in the damp grass, sprinkled with morning dew, sank into the wet ground slightly, making puckering sounds as she walked away from him. She called back to him before she was out of his hearing range. "Oh, by the way James darling," her voice was full of contempt, "you were a terrible shag while it lasted. Hope you don't mind me keeping this as a souvenir!"

Melina laughed at him again, tucking the ring away in a pocket. She had bested James Potter after all.

He watched as the love…ex-love of his life walk away from him so coldly.

James's heart shattered.