A/N: This is the last chapter of this fic, but do not fear the next fic the series The Dark Order: Year One will pick up right where this one lets off.

jbfritz: Thanks for reviewing.

Ghlastheim: As I said before to this I can't say who the blonde girl is, that will come at a latter time. The traitors will be found out as while in a later fic.

Silverscale: lol make sure you do. Mental Note: He be mental lol

deathumi: Yes Fate is a lot more angry then it was before I will tell you that much. You can voice your opinion on the fiery one if you like. I like to read what people are thinking. Baby Harry was scared and used accidental magic that's why he levitated out of the crib.

ContemporaryManner: Thank you for both reviews, and I sent you an e-mail with my response to them.

shadow of the black abyss: She was important to Harry and I will do something with Hermione once school starts, but you will have to wait and see.

japanese-jew: First off no need to be rude and secondly I meant that he was getting to spend time with his "should be dead" mother, and that is what he got to do that only a few time travels had done. It had nothing to do with getting it on with James' wife, which by the way she hated or I believe loathed is a better word for it. He was also getting to spend time with himself as a baby, which to my knowledge could never happen!

Chapter Eighteen: Tenth Birthday

Hagrid stalked up behind Sirius. "Black what did you do?"

Sirius had his wand out lifting pieces of the cottage searching for Harry. "I should have been here! I should have stopped this!"

Harry knew that Sirius was very worked up and as Aurors started to arrive the scene got a lot worse. Harry knew he would have to act fast in order to protect Sirius and to ensure he didn't go to Azkaban.

Harry froze time and then made his way over to Sirius and unfroze him. "Sirius its okay baby Harry is alive."

Sirius looked at Harry and knew that he was his master. "How could you allow this to happen?"

"Sirius I had no choice, but I assure you the baby is safe he is with Lily." Harry said looking at Sirius.

"Lily is alive? I thought you said she died in this attack." Sirius said, as he looked at all the frozen people around him.

"She did die the first time, and I tried to save them, but by time I found the location of the house I was too late to save James, but I did manage to save Lily. She Apparated away with the baby." Harry said, as he looked at Sirius.

"I have to see them." Sirius said as he looked at Harry.

Harry grinned knowing that Sirius always had a crush on Lily, but never managed to get her to go out with him. "Go to my castle, that is where they Apparated to. I will take care of these fools."

Harry unfroze time as he turned into his shadow form, and watched with a grin as Sirius Apparated away from the cottage as Aurors ran up towards him.

"Hagrid do you know where Black went?" An Auror said as he got to Hagrid.

Hagrid ignored the question as he continued digging through the pile of debris.

"Hagrid!" Came another Auror voice.

Hagrid turned to look at the Aurors. "I don't know where Black went now help me find Harry!"

Harry reformed off in the distance and took the appearance of an Auror he saw before. He walked up towards the disaster area and made his way to the Aurors. "I have just found out that Death Eaters and You-Know-Who are the ones who attacked the house. It is strange that there is no dark mark in the sky over the rumble."

The other Aurors agreed that it was strange and then as Harry purposely moved some debris they found the body of Voldemort. "Over here this may explain it! It's the Dark Lord and he is dead!"

There was a gasp as the other Aurors confirmed that it was in fact Voldemort lying there, and not someone else. One of the Aurors who examined turned to look at Harry. "That explains why the mark isn't in the sky, someone killed him before he could do it."

"Umm I found James' body, but there is no sign of Lily or Harry." An Auror said as they looked around.

Harry knew now was the time to plant his seed of doubt and bring the real reason for their disappearance to light. "Maybe Lily managed to escape with the baby." As he said this he sent a mental message to Lily for her to return with Harry and tell them she Apparated away out of freight since Voldemort attack.

There was a soft pop and everyone looked in shock as Lily was standing there with a baby in her arms. Hagrid made his way over to her first with his big strides. "Lily you're alive!'

Lily went on to explain what happened expect for the fact that her future son saved her and she told that all about how Voldemort stunned her and assumed that he went to kill her son but something prevented him from killing Harry.

Dumbledore was not happy about James being killed and he wanted to make someone pay for the death. The Minister of Magic and Dumbledore both put out a warrant to have Sirius Black brought in on charges of treason. They claimed that he was in league with Voldemort and that he was a traitor to that side.

Harry knew this would come and he also knew better than that, so he donned his appearance as a Hit Wizard under the control of the American Ministry and made his way to the Ministry of Magic in London.

Harry told Lily to bring the baby and meet him at the ministry. When they were together they made their way into the ministry to their meeting with the Minister and Dumbledore.

"Minister, I am here to set the record straight. After discussing the matter with Mrs. Potter I have found out that Mr. Black is not responsible in any way for what happened to Mr. Potter." Harry said as he looked at the Minister and Dumbledore.

"Mr. Wallace if I may ask why is it that you feel that Mr. Black is innocent?" The minister asked as he looked at Harry.

"As I said I have spoken with Mrs. Potter like you should have Minister. I have also spoken with Mr. Black and I found out that he wasn't the Potter's Secret-Keeper, it got changed at the last minute to Peter Pettigrew. He is your traitor not Mr. Black."

Dumbledore stood up and looked at Lily. "Lily is what Mr. Wallace here says true? Did James and you decide that Mr. Pettigrew was better off as your Secret Keeper?"

"Albus everything he has told you is the truth, and if you don't believe me then give me Truth Serum if you don't believe me. I am telling you Sirius was not the Secret Keeper and didn't know where we were. He was suppose to be it, but at the last minute James and I felt that Voldemort would force him into telling, so we led people into believing he was, but we made Peter the true keeper because we feared that Remus might be a spy." Lily said as she looked at Dumbledore.

"Minister if I may, I know Mrs. Potter and if she tells me that Peter Pettigrew was their keeper than I suggest we drop the charges against Mr. Black and reissue them again one Peter Pettigrew." Dumbledore said as he returned to his seat.

The minister waved his wand and made two sets of papers appear on his desk. "Albus if you are sure, then I have no choice, but to trust your judgment. I am hereby dropping all charges against one Sirius Black and issuing charges against Peter Pettigrew. He is to be brought in alive for his sentence."

Harry stood up with Lily by his side. "Thank you both for seeing to this before it got out of hand. As an American Hit Wizard I do not have jurisdiction here in London, but if you would like I would gladly hunt down Mr. Pettigrew."

"Mr. Wallace I have heard only good things about you and the reports I have been given by the American Ministry have led me to my decision. Mr. Wallace you are hereby give full jurisdiction in London, as I am offering you a place within our ministry. You will be both a Hit Wizard for America and for England that is if you want it."

"I would be honored to work for you minister. I will get started as soon as possible on locating the fugitive so he can get the punishment that he deserves." Harry said as he stood up to leave.

Dumbledore stood up and looked at Lily. "Mrs. Potter might I have a word with you?"

Harry walked towards the door. /Lils I will meet you at the castle when your done./ Harry said with his telepathic link and then left the room.

Lily arrived a few minutes after Harry did. Harry was telling Sirius that he was free from any wrong doing when Lily came in.

"Hey Lils what did Dumbledork want?" Harry asked as he walked over to Lily.

Lily hugged Harry and then laid baby Harry down in his crib. "Dumbledork suggested that I should go into hiding. He believes that Voldemort's followers might come looking for me and the baby."

"That is actually a brilliant idea Lils. I never thought I would agree with Dumbledork again, but for this I am. Voldemort is not dead he is just without a body, he will return in ten years and he will try to kill me again. That is why I am taking you, the baby, Sirius, and one other member to the United States. Once I have all of you there I will explain what I have brought all of you there for. In the mean time I have to get the final member of our small group, so I will be back as soon as possible." Harry said as he Apparated out of the castle.

It took Harry several hours to find his intended target, but finally he had found the person he was looking for. Now all he had to do was get the person to listen to him that was if he could.

Remus Lupin

Harry approached the man with as much caution as he felt he might need to be careful given the fact that he wasn't the same man that had joined him in 1996. No this was a twenty-one year old Remus Lupin who didn't know what was happening in the future.

"Professor how did you find me?" Remus asked as he looked at the man who he thought was his old potions professor.

"Remus please don't call me that. I haven't been your professor for years now." Harry said as he walked up to Remus.

"Sorry, but why did you come looking for me?" Remus asked as he looked at Harry knowing there was something off about the man. He could always tell that, but it was never all to clear until James and Lily had their son Harry.

"Actually Remus I came to find you because I want to offer you a job." Harry said as he looked at his old friend.

"A job? What job would that be Mr. Drake?" Remus asked still not to sure how to approach this man.

"Yes a job I have already hired a friend of yours named Sirius Black, and he feels that you would be a great man to act as a security guard for me."

"What would you need a security guard for and what does Sirius have to do with this?"

"Okay look Mooney I am not going to play any games here. I know you don't trust me I can sense that much and you have every right not to because by now I am sure your sense of smell has told you that I am not who I appear to be. I am also sure that you are concerned why I smell like someone that is only a year and a half old. You have two choices here Remus you can either trust me enough to hear me out or you can wait eight years and a few months until you full remember who I am." Harry said and he could tell that Remus really didn't trust him in the slightest.

"I don't know what you're playing at, but I will not hesitate in hexing you if you don't tell me just who the hell you are and what you have done to Padfoot." Remus said as he pulled out his wand and aimed it at Harry.

"Really I expected more from you, but I suppose you wont trust anything until you see for yourself. Sirius is not in any harm and I will prove it." Harry said and then he sent a message to Sirius and Lily to lock on to him and Apparate to his location.

Seconds later there are two pops as Sirius and Lily arrive beside Harry. Lily is holding the baby as she stands looking at Remus.

"Sirius, Lily! Is that really you?" Remus said as he ran over to greet Sirius and Lily.

"Yeah Mooney its really us, now will you listen to him, so we can get going." Sirius said as he looked at Remus.

Remus turned to Harry and looked at him. "Just tell me who you are first."

Harry transformed into a twenty-one year old form of himself. "My name is Harry James Potter and I am from the year 1996. I was sent back in time to fix some things that got screwed up the first time around. Unfortunately I was unable to prevent James from being killed, but I did manage to save Lily from the same fate."

"From 1996? Then why did you say I would know things in eight or so years when that would only be around 1990?" Remus asked still not sure if he believed him, though he sensed that the man was now telling him the truth.

"You were one of my followers that got sent back with me, along with a woman that I care about every much. We were all supposed to end up in 1990, but something went wrong and I was sent further back. That is how I was able to complete a few tasks and prevent as many deaths as I could and bring down Voldemort quicker. Though he will only be gone for ten years then he will return and start trying to kill me again."

It took another twenty minutes to get Remus to understand all that would or should have happened and then finally Remus agreed to take his mark.

After having his three most loved friends with him Harry made a Portkey that would take them to his casino in Las Vegas Nevada. He wished that he could have Tonks with him, but since she was only eight years old there would be no way for him to bring her. Though he would arrange for Andromeda to bring her for a visit when she had time, until Tonks started school then she wouldn't be able to come visit him.

After Harry got them to America he had a job to finish in London. He Apparated back to Lily's house to the cell that he had left Peter Pettigrew in. He then stunned Pettigrew and took him to the Minister of Magic where Peter was sentenced to be given the Dementor's Kiss. After that was taken care of Harry quickly returned to Las Vegas to get on with his life until it was time to return to England as himself.

The pull on Harry was increasing with every passing day as he was close to his younger form. It was getting to the point that Harry would have to leave just to prevent the merging of the two into one single soul, as the spell was intended to do.

Harry had things to arrange before he could allow anything to happen. Mainly he was hoping that his younger self would be older before they merged, though he knew the older he got the harder it would be to stop the merger from happening.

The first thing Harry did as Damon Frost was sell his casino to Lily, so she would own it when he was absent from circulation. The next thing he had to do was go hunting for Lord Grac's minions and with the help of Sirius and Remus they managed to bring in all of them that would serve Harry. Those that refused were all turned over to the American Ministry of Magic for sentencing. After the minions were taken care of Harry went after the Dark Lord, but Lord Grac managed to escape him, which didn't mean a lot to Harry. He knew he would get him one day.

Harry waited until his second birthday and he knew that he couldn't wait any longer. The pull was becoming too intense to stay near his younger self for any amount of time. Harry prepared himself by placing a good portion of his memories into a special pensive he had, which was then placed in the vault under Lily's house. He also placed his chameleon belt there since it would do him little good until he was older.

Once he made sure Remus and Sirius knew all they needed too to keep the casino in operation he was able to think about the merger.

"Now both of you continue to protect Lily while I am unable to. I fear I will be of little help to any of you until I am old enough to do magic correctly, which shouldn't be until I am ten or eleven. I hope I am wrong, but if not I am counting on you to look out for her." Harry said as he looked at his godfather and one of his best friends.

"Don't worry Harry we wont let anything happen to either of you." Sirius said as he gave Harry a hug.

"Hey lad we wont let anything happen to either of you. Though I do have some concerns about your magic when you merge since you're so much more powerful now." Remus said as he looked at Harry.

"I have my concerns too Remus, which why I must ask this next favor of you. Remus I need you to personally place a lock on all my magic. That way the locks can be opened slowly as I grow and adjust to having a smaller body and smaller magical core." Harry said as he looked down at the floor.

"Harry that will prevent you from changing forms and everything." Sirius said with a bit of concern.

"I know Padfoot, but I have to do this or I fear when we merge I might explode from the pure force of the magic since my younger self's magical core is still growing. That is why I have asked you both to look after us, because I will be nothing, but a helpless baby for a few years." Harry said feeling really bad about the burden he was being but he also knew he had no choice. "I have all my knowledge of walking, talking, and such, but my magic is another matter all together."

Once Harry was sure everything was done and Remus had successfully binded Harry's powers he now had little ability to prevent the merger and willingly allow it to take place, even if he didn't like the thought of being a fifty-seven year old stuck in a two year old's body. When the merger was complete only one Harry was left and that was in the form of a two year old.

Harry found that he had his memories, but was unable to do much in his new body. Mainly because most of his powers were binded, but also because the body was restricting in itself.

Years went by and Harry was getting older in both his body, and his mind. The body was that of a young child, but the mind was that of an old man. Harry still had all the memories of growing up with the Dursleys, but now he was getting to grow up with Lily, Sirius, and Remus. To Harry this was worth the trouble of being stuck in a kid's body again. He was finally getting to have a normal childhood, and it was well worth the hell he went through to get it.

Harry was longing to see Tonks and he knew if he had all his powers he would be able to see her at Hogwarts, but he also knew that he couldn't. He had no choice, but to wait until they were reunited that was when he would finally be able to see her again. Even though he couldn't see her, he still sent her a present on her birthday every year after she started at Hogwarts. He never put his name on the card he would just sign it with a lightning bolt that he figured she would figure out to be his sign when her memories came back. Though Andromeda knew the mark as well, but swore not to reveal anything until the time was right, so Ted wouldn't become enraged about it. Ted still didn't like Harry and wouldn't take the oath to hear him out.

As Harry grew up in age he worked out to better shape his new body, so he wouldn't have to transform to have a nice body. He wouldn't be the same small skinny kid he was when he first went to Hogwarts, and he could only hope that it would help him in the long run. He also had to work on expanding his mind and magical core as well, so he would be able to take in all his hidden memories and one day unlock all his true power.

Finally on July 31, 1990 Harry woke up in his penthouse room at the casino he lived at for almost nine years. Harry was excited as he made his way into the kitchen because not only was it his tenth birthday, but it also meant that he should be able to get his girl back, if the spell worked as he hoped. Sure he had Lily, Narcissa, and Bellatrix, but none of them compared to the longing he felt when he thought about Tonks. Though being in his young form he hadn't been able to tend much to Narcissa or Bellatrix, which didn't sit well with the sisters. However they were assured that when the time was right he would call them to stand at his side once more.

"Harry!" Remus yelled as he ran over and picked him up as if it was the first time the man had seen him.

"Hey Remus how you?" Harry said acting like it was just another day.

"I am fine for a man who has just been sent back in time." Remus said as he held on to Harry.

"Remus you mean you have finally got all your memories?" Harry asked as Remus let him down.

"I sure do, I came back and ended up merging with my younger self instantly. I didn't get a chance to stay separated like you did." Remus said with a grin.

"Remus this is great! Wait that means…we need to go to England! I have to see someone I have been missing for ages!" Harry said all excitedly.

Remus just laughed as he looked at Harry. "I know who you mean and yes I have arranged for you and I to leave as soon as we celebrate your birthday with Sirius and your mom."

Harry was even more excited then before because in a few hours he would finally be able to hold Tonks and tell her that he loved her.