A/N: Well I hope that this was out in a timely-enough fashion. I have a tendency to be a procrastinator and a perfectionist really bad combo. Just as fair warning, updating probably won't be everyday, or even every other day. Don't expect it in a consistent pattern either (ie. Every 3 days etc.). I will do my best to keep up with it, but just so you know, I write out each chapter by hand first, then reread it a couple times and edit it, then I type it (which takes enough time in itself), then reread it and edit it, etc etc. It's not a quick process and I have a lot of personal conflicts right now as well. But since I love the idea of this fic, I have lots of self motivation right now, which for my readers is good. Thank you all for taking the time out to read my story. I hope you enjoy chapter 2 and that you'll review. ty…



Chapter 2: Kanpeki ni fusei (Perfectly Wrong)

Kagome arose the next morning with a start. A nightmare, of a dark figure following her, from which she couldn't hide or escape, gave her such a fright that she jerked out of her sleep broken out in a cold sweat. She looked around the small room and could tell it was daylight from the faint light pouring in through the doorway.

She glanced over towards the incense burner which had died out hours ago. The candle had been put out early since she noticed it hadn't burned all the way down, and her package of sandalwood had been neatly rewrapped. She immediately knew that it could only have been her mother who would have taken such care.

Kagome stood up, let out a huge yawn and stretched out. She didn't even remember falling asleep, but she must have had a great nights rest because she had never woken up feeling as good as she did, before.

'Hmmm…other than that strange nightmare, my night was very peaceful. Maybe the incense worked after all.' She thought.

When Kagome walked into the main room, her mother was in the middle of preparing their morning meal. The older woman stopped and looked over at her daughter. Then giving Kagome her usual warm smile, she wished her a good morning and a happy birthday. Returning the smile, Kagome thanked her mom and bid her good morning as well.

"Kagome, you should look outside." She told her daughter.

Kagome made a puzzled look and turned towards the doorway that led outside. Pushing the bamboo blind aside, she walked into the fresh morning air. Kagome had to shield her eyes from the unexpectedly bright sun. Once her eyes adjusted she looked around and realized why her mom told her what she did. Her face lit up as she looked up at a few fluffy white clouds and the clear blue sky. She listened to the birds happily singing in the trees and watched the children running up and down the streets of the village. Everyone was lively and the whole town was busily running around, completing their errands. She took a deep breath. It was a perfect day.

"Quite a nice birthday gift, don't you think?"

Kagome spun around to see her mom standing in front of the doorway, with a large, cloth package in her hands. She then gave her mom a soft smile and said, "Yes, it's wonderful to finally see a blue sky and the sun shining."

"Well then, why don't you take a trip to the falls and enjoy a cool morning swim?"

Grinning, Kagome replied excitedly, "Really? Don't you need me to do my chores first!"

"Not now, later. But hurry up, if you look towards the south you can see a huge mass of dark clouds heading our way. It will be here by late afternoon. We'll need you back here to help us prepare."

Kagome gave her a determined nod, "Yes, I will be back by late morning."

"Wonderful. Here, I prepared a bento (packed lunch) for you to take with you." Her mother said and handed it to her daughter.

"Thank you so much, mom." Was all Kagome could muster. She was overwhelmed by her mother's simple, yet generous gifts.

"Kagome, don't thank me, as long as you have a great sixteenth birthday, that's all that matters."

"Oh, I definitely will!" She told her.

"Good, well run along, and have fun." Her mother added as Kagome turned and ran off. "And Kagome, be safe!" She called after her.

"I will!" She yelled over her shoulder.

As Kagome was running, she past by her grandfather and Souta.

"Good morning, Kagome!" Her grandfather called.

"Good morning, Grandpa!" she waved.

"Happy Birthday, big sister!" Souta shouted.

"Thank you!" she smiled, not bothering to stop.

Grandpa and Souta approached Mother as they watched Kagome's quickly retreating form.

"Where's she off to in such a hurry?" Grandpa asked.

Mother replied softly, "I told her she could have the morning off to go for a swim at the falls."

"That's right, I remember you telling me that now. Well, that's good, hopefully this will be a perfect day for her, eh." He said.

She just gave a warm chuckle and went back inside to finish breakfast.


Jogging as quickly as she could, Kagome let her thoughts wander. She didn't mind that she was working up a sweat because she was about to enjoy a nice cool swim.

Finally reaching the path that led to the falls, through the forest, Kagome slowed to a walk and continued through the brush. It was a narrow, uneven path, so she had to be cautious. It was easy to trip on an exposed root, or on a wet rock.

After several minutes of careful navigation, Kagome came to the edge of a drop. Eyes wide with joy, she looked down at the falls. Three streams poured over a rocky edge and cascaded into a shallow pool below, from which they all joined and flowed out as one river snaking through various villages nearby. The pool was perfectly secluded by thick bushes, vines and trees. The only light that poured in did so from the treeless area at the top of the falls, which allowed just enough sun in to keep the pool at a comfortable temperature.

Unable to wait any longer, Kagome made her way down a steep slope and stopped at the waters edge where she placed her bento down on a rock. Giving the area a quick once-over to double check that no one else was around, she stripped off her sandals, tabi (Japanese "sandal" socks), kimono and then her undergarment. Once finished she slowly entered the pool, one leg at a time, so she could check the temperature. She shivered slightly, the water was much cooler than usual, which was attributed to the constant rainy, sunless, days they'd been having. Bracing herself, Kagome quickly submerged her whole body and jumped back up squealing from the cold. Now that her body was more familiar with the temperature, she was able to sit in the cool water, which she did, to a level just below her shoulders. Allowing herself to relax, she found a large, smooth rock to lean against and closed her eyes.

Kagome exhaled deeply, she was enjoying the sun on her face and the peaceful sounds of the forest around her.

'I definitely can't wait until I can do this more often.' She thought.

After sitting there for several minutes, not moving, Kagome opened her eyes and swam to the center of the pool. Some koi quickly avoided her, and she leaned back to wet her hair. Once her hair had been soaked, she proceeded to bathe herself. Kagome sighed in relief at finally being able to take a proper bath. Once she was done with herself, she grabbed her clothes and proceeded to clean them as best she could. She then reluctantly got out of the pool and found a few sturdy branches to hang her clothes on to dry.

With that done she picked up her bento and walked over to a large rock, which was in the sun, to sit upon, while she ate and dried off. Her mother packed a nice meal of fried eggs, strips of pork and some rice with a seaweed salad. After enjoying her meal, Kagome continued to lay out naked on the rock. It had been a long time since she was able to enjoy nude sunbathing. It was not common practice for a young woman to expose her body that much, and Kagome was very careful about making sure she wouldn't be discovered. Luckily for her, the falls weren't a very well known spot. Most villagers kept to their fields and were very reserved, and travelers usually kept to the main roads and trails. It was the perfect getaway.

Kagome awoke about an hour later, once again falling asleep without realizing it. Worried that she would not make it home in time, Kagome hopped off the rock to check on her clothes. They were still damp, and although she didn't like the feeling of damp cloth on her skin, it would have to do. She dressed quickly.

Gathering the bento package, Kagome took one last look at the falls. She knew the rainy season wasn't over yet and wasn't sure how long it would be until she returned. Kagome wanted to savor as much of this day as possible.

Giving a sad smile she turned to head for home. After traveling for a while, she realized that she had more time to spare than she originally thought, so Kagome decided to take her time walking. Her mind began to wander and she thought about her next visit to the falls, what chores lied ahead of her, and how she was going to face Hojou the next time she saw him.

Deeply enthralled in her thoughts, Kagome didn't notice the group of men slowly circling around her, until it was too late. Startled, she stopped in her tracks and quickly spun around to see herself surrounded. A couple of the armored men gave devilish smirks and others creepy snickers. A terrible feeling sent chills up Kagome's spine.

A short, scrawny man broke the silence as he addressed his fellow rebels, "Heh, heh, what do you guys think of this one?"

A taller, heavier man, turned to him and in a deep voice replied, "Hmmm…not bad."

"She's much prettier than the girls you usually find." Remarked a young, long haired man.

"Well," the lanky man added, "she's even prettier naked."

Kagome's eyes widened, 'He saw me naked? That means…'

"Hey, sweetheart, why don't you show us some of what's hidden under that rag." Replied another young man.

Defiant as always, Kagome huffed, "Who do you guys think you are! You can't talk to a girl like that! I'm on my way home and am late already. I must be on my way. So if you don't mind…" She cut herself short when her attempted escape was cut off by two men, stepping close together to block her.

"Uh, not so fast babe. You're gonna hang with us for awhile." Replied the tall, deep voiced man.

"Like I said, my family is waiting and I must be going."

"Heh, she's a feisty one ain't she?" asked the lanky man.

"Hmmm…just like I like them," called a man, walking out from the thick underbrush. He was a husky, middle-aged man with scruffy facial hair. The hair on his head was thinning on top, but still long, and black. Kagome surmised that he must be their leader based off of his elaborate armor and the way the other men backed down. "What's the hurry, my dear, you don't care to join us?"

Turning her nose up, Kagome addressed him, "I don't know what it is, exactly, that you want from me. I have no money, and scarcely any food left in my bento. So, would you please, let me be on my way."

The leader began to chuckle and broke into a roaring laughter, which was quickly joined by the men around them. Kagome's stomach knotted tighter and her palms were getting sweaty. She knew she was in more trouble than she could handle.

"My dear," he went on, "we don't care about your money or your food. These are of no use to us. What we care about…is your body." His lips curled in an evil smirk when he saw the look of horror on Kagome's face, and she got a sinking feeling in her chest. All the men broke into boisterous laughter and Kagome tried to run. When one of the men grabbed her shoulders, to block her, she did what he least expected and gave him a swift kick to the groin. Keeling over in pain, he released his grip, and before any of the men could react, Kagome made a break for it.

The men stopped laughing and began shouting. The leader began barking out orders. "What are you doing! Go get her! Bring her back to me! Now!"

"Yes, sir!" they responded and took off in hot pursuit, with their wounded comrade slowly hobbling behind.

Kagome ran for her life. Never before had she been so terrified. She wasn't even sure which direction she was running in, she just knew that she had to get away from them and fast.

'Oh, why me! Why did I have to run into a group of rebel samurai! With their fighting and hunting skills, I'm dead meat!'

Unable to give up hope just yet, Kagome kept going. They were gaining on her, she was already out of breath and her legs were getting weak from the pain of pushing so hard.

'Oh, what am I going to do?'

The rebel samurai were closing in. They knew that even if she was faster than them, that she still couldn't outlast their stamina. It was only a matter of time before she collapsed and then they'd find her and bring her back to their leader.

Kagome's legs were giving out. She couldn't run anymore and was now jogging as fast as she could. She knew that they were getting closer by the sound of their shouting behind her. Kagome grew even more scared and began to cry.

'This is it, this is the end. Once I can't run anymore, they'll take me back there, rape me and kill me. Oh, I shouldn't have left alone!'

Kagome cried harder as she thought of her family. The forest only seemed to get thicker and tougher to maneuver in, which only made her pace slower. If that wasn't bad enough, her tears were obstructing her vision. Then, suddenly, as if in a miracle, the trees began to thin out and she pushed her failing legs harder. Soon the forest gave way to a small clearing. When she entered it she froze. In the center was a square, wooden well. Kagome was puzzled for a moment and then a thought came to her.

'The Bone Eaters' Well? No way. I thought that it was only in myths and fairytales. But it sure looks like the one described in the stories.'

Kagome then heard a voice shout out from the woods and she spun around. She didn't realize how close they'd gotten. It would only be a matter of moments before they reached the clearing. She looked back at the well. A strange thought came to her mind, she tried to shake it and devise another plan, but her legs had begun shaking from the strain they'd been through. Realizing that it may be her last chance, she mustered up all her remaining courage and climbed in.

'It's only a myth." She told herself. "Besides, my life depends on it. It's this or I die.' Needing nothing else to convince her, she closed her eyes and let go. Then, after what seemed like several moments later, she safely landed on the ground below. 'It's a good thing this old well is dried out.'

Kagome looked up and only saw darkness. 'That's strange, why is it so dark?' she wondered. 'I don't think I fell that far down.' After waiting for several minutes and not hearing or seeing a thing, Kagome decided to try and take a peek outside the well.

It took her a bit of a struggle, but within seconds she pulled herself up to the top. She knew she wasn't that far down. Barely able to see, she waited for her eyes to fully adjust to the darkness. Once they did she realized that she was inside a wooden structure.

'What's going on!' she thought, confused.

Kagome climbed out of the well completely and looked around. No forest, no clearing, no samurai. It all vanished. She was now surrounded by a wooden building. Cautiously walking around inside, she touched the walls, trying to figure out where she was. Finally locating the doors, she carefully and slowly slid them open, just enough to peek outside. When her eyes fell upon the world outside she gasped in surprise, and fear.

Giant "huts" made out of some smooth and shiny looking materials, towered over the land around her. The entire ground, around the building she was in, looked like it had been covered by a giant flat rock, and the sounds of the forest were replaced by strange, loud and scary noises. The air smelled funny, and other than an occasional tree, she didn't recognize anything in this world.

Kagome shut the doors and sat down on the wooden steps that led to the well below. Her shock was apparent. 'What happened?' she wondered. Rethinking the events that just happened, Kagome became aware that she was even more terrified than when the rebel samurai were after her. For awhile she just sat there and thought things through. Deciding that going out in broad daylight was out of the question, she resolved to remain in the small shelter she was in, until after dark.

The wait for night fall seemed endless. Kagome was scared, wrestles and confused. She was also getting really hungry. It had to be past her usual lunch time by now and she wished that she still had the leftovers from breakfast. She couldn't remember when she dropped the box. Everything was such a blur.

Deciding that sitting there thinking was only making her more nervous, Kagome tried to lay down and get some sleep, though it proved to be very difficult. She was too uptight and kept tossing and turning. Kagome felt helpless, on top of being worried and very confused. The only thing that she was sure of, at this point, was that her perfect birthday had turned out terribly wrong.


Review replies:

Susie202: Thank you very much for your review. You were the first and so far only one to review my first chapter. I did take your advice on the review sign in, so hopefully that makes a difference in the turnout. I hope that the 2nd chapter was enjoyable, the 3rd one is due out soon as well. ty again…