Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any of the other characters so back off.

A/N: My main language is not English so if there is any misspellings just don't mention. :p, I haven't decided on the pairing, nor if Naruto will be a pampered hero of Konoha or just the Kyuubi brat.

Summary: This story started before Naruto was born just a few hours and when the fourth dies Naruto it's adopted by Kakashi. Kaka/Rin, Naru/Not decided.


It was a quiet dawn in the Konoha village the first stars starts to appear in the, when a growl broke through the air, causing panic in the nin village, the growl only meant that no other than the Kyuubi was attacking their home. The demon fox, Kyuubi was the most powerful demon with it's nine tails. It was said that with a wave of one tail it could bring down mountains or create tsunamis.

In no time a considerable number of shinobi were in the outskirts of the village wanting to buy time until the Hokage could arrive. There was a large explosion caused by the Kyuubi, killing the half of the troops that were protecting the village. With a number of fast handseals the Sandaime summoned Enma, the king of the monkey summons. The monkey suddenly changed in to a staff that was as hard as diamond. Then the Sandaime some more handseals and the earth beneath the Kyuubi cracked, causing him to move, and the Sandaime, Sarutobi, threw the staff making a prison around Kyuubi. His lips formed into a grim smile while he thought, 'I hope this holds him off until the fourth can arrive.'.

Meanwhile, a blond man was pacing a gloomy room, lit just by a few candles, while he heard the woman he loved scream in great pain for having his child. He was concerned by the sounds of the battle outside the village. He knew he would have to get out to fight the demon. He had all ready a plan for such thing, but first he had to know that his only child and heir would be safe. More than ever, he wanted to protect the village in which his son would be raised and where the people he cared for lived.

Suddenly all screams of pain stopped, followed by a loud baby cry. Yondaime couldn't hide his big smile while he ran toward a door, and threw it open to find a surprise. The smile began to fade away from what his eyes saw. There were two medic-nin trying to revive his wife and a third holding his baby boy.

When they noticed the Yondaime's presence the medic-nin holding his son sighed, "We are sorry Yondaime-sama. We weren't able to save her. There was too much labor time, I'm amazed that your wife held out that much for him to born."

Tears of sadness ran down the mans face as he stared at the ground. The two medic-nin left the room, leaving the man in pain. The remaining medic-nin left just after cleaning the baby boy who had been trying to open his eyes. When the fourth approached the baby's cradle, the boy managed to open his eyes. Two bright blue eyes looked up at the fourth's identical ones. The grown man just stood there in front of the cradle for a few minutes. After making his mind he took the baby in his arms.

A determined look appeared in the eyes of the fourth. The thought that his son would soon be a hero to Konoha encouraged him. Jumping from roof to roof until he reached the village gates, he saw the destruction caused by the demon and the caged Kyuubi fighting to break free from his prison a few miles away. Landing behind the third, he was took several deep breaths from exhausted.

"Looks like you managed to control him a little." said the fourth. While a grin was made by Sarutobi.

"But I can barely hold it. It's seems like your child has finally come to the world. We expect to have great things from him." The third said in a happy voice.

"And you're going to see one right now, but first you have to swear that you'll look after him and promise me that you'll never tell the truth of what happened tonight to him until he is mature enough to understand what great power and responsibility I have given to him.

"He will be remembered as the hero who saved Konoha. Please, as a personal favor, don't tell anyone who he is."

"Can you at least tell me his name?" asked the third.

"His name is Naruto," was the answer that came from the Yondaime's lips.

The cage containing the Kyuubi broke. Revealing a hurt and tired Enma; that was the call for the Yondaime, as fast as he could, to summon the giant frog, Gamabunta.

"Bunta, you have to hold him until I complete this next jutsu." The big frog just nodded and shot the smoke of his pipe to the Kyuubi's eyes, making him close them.

Soon, he felt something like a hand hold onto his chest. He felt his soul being taken by the man on the frog's head. He was in pain. Pain not ever felt by any in past. Suddenly all around him was darkness, he could not see as far as his nose. He could not even feel that pain anymore.

And there was the lifeless body of the Fourth Hokage on the giant frogs head, by his side a crying baby. The crying was heard only by Sarutobi, the third hokage of Konoha. Sarutobi jumped to the head of the frog and picked up the screaming infant before anyone could see the seal that appeared on the boy's belly.

The Sandaime went to his house with a look of sadness and sorrow. He was received by a young child near to graduating the ninja academy with a large smile of happiness to see his father arrive safely. The boy soon began to wonder what it was that his father carried in his arms. In response to his son's wondering he replied, "It's only an orphan that I found in my way back home, he will stay for just tonight. Tomorrow he'll be returned to his clan."

The next day was odd… Just the atmosphere of sadness in Konoha was unusual. This day was cloudy and not even a single beam of sunlight could pass through the thick bank of cloud. Since the funeral had started, a heavy rain fell, but the people were not moving from their point of waiting for the funeral begin. All ninja and civilians of Konoha gathered around a building near the hokage tower. The funeral started and the sound of sobbing was heard from everywhere. The head elders' of the village each said a short speech then all of the people began to return to their homes.

"Kakashi, please wait. I want a little word with you. Please join me in my office" The Sandaime said and Kakashi just nodded.

----- Hokage's office------

"Kakashi, take a seat and put away that book of yours."

Kakashi put the book in one of his pockets and started to glare at the Hokage when he was surprised to see what seemed like a package of cloth move.

"I have a request for you. I don't want to force you to anything, so straight to the point."

A sigh came from the Sandaime, who seemed like he was looking for the right words to tell his news to the nin. "I want to you to take this child with you and raise him as your own son. I have sent a letter to a friend of ours to ask them to help you in this mission."

The silver haired man was wondering what friend the hokage could be referring to, when he suddenly opened his visible eye widely as he noticed the eyes of the baby. He was looking into the eyes of his former sensei.

"You don't have to answer me right--"

"I'll take him." Kakashi interrupter. A smile formed on the face of the hokage and he even seemed to have a small tear trickle out of the his eye. The recent events had softened Kakashi's 'no emotions' mask a bit.

Sarutobi let out a little cough, bringing Kakashi back from the roads of memory he was walking down in his mind. "This won't be easy as you might think. Raising a child is a huge responsibility, so I want you to see what things are important to know about babies."

Sarutobi took out of a drawer what seemed to be a small hand towel. Before picking Naruto up off the desk he took a deep breath and concentrated chakra to his nose to block the passing of air. He took the secure off the makeshift diaper that the baby was wearing and Kakashi got a whiff of the horrible smell coming out from it. The Hokage threw the diaper in the garbage can in the corner of his office. 'I have to made Ebizu clean that' was the thought that crossed Hokage's mind. In matter of seconds, Sarutobi had changed Naruto's diaper.

Kakashi's eye widened and a soft "wow" was all what came out of the jounin's mouth, followed by the grin of the third. "I'll have to master it with my own son."

"So, what's the boy's name?" asked Kakashi.

"Naruto was what his father told me before he died." was the response of the hokage.

Kakashi took his now son and with a grin formed by his eye realized something "What should I'll tell the people when they asked about me suddenly having a son?" Said Kakashi with concerned tone in his voice.

Sarutobi just smiled and said "You'll just say that it's your son. Everything will work out by tomorrow morning. You have to go and buy him clothes, diapers and milk. Here, take this money."

Handing Kakashi a small bag of money, the third continued, "See you tomorrow to reintroduce the one who is going to help you."

Kakashi stood with the baby in his hands and left the room. He stopped at a few stores and quickly grabbed the first clothes his hand reached as quickly as he could. When he arrived at his house he felt something different, he felt like the things around him were going to change for the better.

A/N: Well, this is the very first fic that I have written, I just hope that you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it. The pairing with Naruto won't come up until like two or three more chapters, but I think you can help me there. Please when you submit a review put your favorite pairing.