Friends in the weirdest situations

Chap two

Disclaimer: don't own so don't yell at me.


When the girl woke up, her head was throbbing from the butt of the rifle. She tried to rub her head, but found she couldn't. She was strapped to metal table at her wrists, elbows, waist, and her ankles.

A bright light turned on above her. She closed her eyes from the unexpected light, and a string of cruses were mumbled under her breath. When she opened up her eyes again, 2 scientists stood over her. The both wore sunglasses and surgeon masks over their nose and mouth.

One had blonde hair and held a needle in his left gloved hand. The other one had orange hair and had started to undo the bandage around her shoulder. She was thankful that nothing was under the bandage hiding her shoulder. The orange haired man took the needle from the blonde man and injected it into the girl's shoulder.

'Truth serum! Damn it!' the girl thought.

"Is the truth serum injected yet." a voice from the right spoke.

The girl turned her head slightly to the right. There stood a man with sea-green hair and black eyes. He wore an eight button blue shirt with the cuffs rolled up to his elbows and tan work pants. He had a silver chain necklace with a blue lightning bolt at the end.

"Yes sir." the 2 scientists left.

The man took a chair and placed it next to the table backwards. He sat on the chair and rested his forearms on the chair's

back. He stared at her fro a few moments, while she just glared. Smirking at her, he started the interrogation.

"My name's Lt. Yama Mori. And you are…" the man smiled.

"Tori Falcon." the girl's eyes widened. 'Damn it! That wasn't suppose to happen!' she screamed in her head.

"Tori… that's a nice name. Who do you work for Tori?"

Tori bit he tongue to keep quiet. Blood slowly started to fill her mouth.

'Don't say another word' Tori repeated over and over in her head.

'Not talking eh? That can be fixed' Yama thought. He snapped his fingers and 3 OZ soldiers walked into the room and saluted him.

"Yes Lt. Yama." the first soldier asked.

"Take Miss. Falcon to room 14c (made that up. Have no clue how or if the rooms are labeled.)." Yama smiled.

2 of the soldiers unstrapped Tori from the table and handcuffed her hands behind her back. They pushed her out the door.

"Look up whatever you can on Miss. Tori Falcon." Yama stood up from his seat.


There's the sec chapter. I'll update if you review… J/K!