It was a normal day in Alexandria castle and Zidane Tribal ambled aimlessly around its opulent interior, looking for his wife. He just happened to be wandering past the library when he heard a strange noise drift from its book-lined depths. Zidane poked his head through the door and saw something he had been waiting for a long time now.
Kali sat in the middle of the library on a mountain of cushions, a book sprawled out beside her, her face buried within his hands. She was crying hysterically.
It had finally happened. She had developed a soul.
Zidane didn't know whether to jump for joy or cry himself. In the end he quietly walked into the library and sat next to the girl. Kali looked up alarmed and for the first time Zidane thought he actually saw her eyes, or more, saw the emotion that dwelled within their azure depths.
'Kali, are you okay?'
She sniffed and her breath came in short gasps. She clutched her chest and nearly passed out from the overwhelming emotions that were sweeping her new soul. Zidane caught her and laid her gently on the cushions.
'Kali? Can you hear me?'
Her eyes fluttered open and she looked up at him, tears streaming from them openly. He wiped them away gently and smiled. 'What's wrong?'
'S-she died…' Her voice sounded different now. No longer the continuous monotone it was before. It was a beautiful singsong voice of a five-year-old brimming with emotion.
'Who died, honey?'
'Ariel. In the book. She died.'
Zidane stifled a little laugh. She received a soul because she had become so overwhelmed with the ending of her favourite book. He stroked her honey-blonde hair affectionately.
'It was…only a book. There's no need to get upset, sweetheart.'
His words of comfort did nothing as she continued to sob into her tiny hands. He gripped her under her armpits and pulled her onto his lap. Kali buried her face in his neck.
'I thought every story had a happy ending,' she sobbed, 'especially fairy tales.'
'Mm…not all of them, I guess.'
'Will my story have a happy ending?'
Zidane considered what to say for a moment. What did she consider to be a happy ending? Going back to the Black Mage Village, or staying here?
'Well…no one knows what the future holds, be it bad or good, and you shouldn't worry too much about your 'ending' yet. All we can do is just…be happy now. Are you happy, Kali?'
She looked up at him with large watery eyes. 'Yeah. I'm really happy.'
'Well then, don't worry about it okay? As long as you're happy as you are now then don't worry about the future! You're still a kid! You got your entire life ahead of you! 'Kay?'
She nodded and wiped her eyes with her sleeve. She looked up at him then and grinned. Zidane was stunned by how much she resembled him.
'Can we go find mom- err - Dagger…please?'
Zidane lifted her up and nodded at the same time. She circled his neck with her little arms and rested her head on his shoulder, still sniffing a little.
They found the queen perched quietly on a bench in the gardens reading a book. She looked up and smiled beautifully when she saw the two approaching and carefully laid down her novel.
Noticing Kali's tear streaked face she immediately got up and took her from Zidane. 'Kali! What's the matter?'
Kali's bottom lip trembled again. 'M-my book was…was…s-sad…'
Dagger gave Zidane a questioning look. 'You found it sad? It made you cry?'
Kali nodded and buried her face in Dagger's cascading dark hair. 'Uh-huh.' She looked up suddenly and grinned. 'But dad - um - Zidane said it was okay and I shouldn't worry about it too much, 'cause my ending wont be like that 'cause I'm happy.'
Dagger smiled. 'You've picked that cheeky grin up from your brother, haven't you?' She giggled. 'It makes you look so sweet!'
'Can I go get something to eat?' she asked suddenly, squirming from Dagger's grip.
'Sure you can, honey.'
As she scampered off Dagger turned to look at her husband. Zidane smiled wanly at her. 'So it's finally happened,' he said sadly. 'She's received her soul.'
She sighed and sat down. 'I don't think she even realises. And hell, I don't know whether to be happy or sad. Zid, does this mean Mikoto will come to take her back?'
Zidane next to her and took her hand. 'Probably.'
'But I don't want her to! Don't let her go Zidane! She…she's our daughter…I…love her. I want to watch her grow up now. I want to be with her every single day. I want to be her mother.'
'I know.'
'Will you talk to Mikoto?'
'I'll try.'
'You do want her to stay, don't you?'
Zidane turned to his wife wide eyed. 'Of course I do! But it's not up to me, or you, or Mikoto. It's up to Kali. When the time comes, she'll decide, and we have to respect her decision. Even…even if it means…never seeing her again…'
They waited in silence for her to come. Golden patches of light tiled the floor as they slanted in from the arched windows. The distant sound of conversation murmuring from the nearby kitchen wafted through the open doors of the Grand Hall. In it, sat Zidane, Dagger and Mikoto.
Dagger gave Zidane a surreptitious 'say something' look.
'Hey um…Mikoto?' he said too quickly, scratching his head.
'I…well, we've…been thinking, about Kali.'
'And I…erm…we…we'd like it if you reconsidered - '
'I'm here!'
The five-year-old blonde Genome bounced through the door, waving her doll above her head. She saw Mikoto and a grin erupted on her angelic face. 'Sister! Have you come to visit me?'
She ran up and hugged Zidane's sister who smiled down at her. 'My, my, look how energetic you've become! I knew coming here would do you good. The others will be so happy to see you like this.'
Zidane and Dagger exchanged glances. Kali either didn't hear, or chose to ignore her last comment.
'Lookie here!' she exclaimed, opening her book. 'It's my favourite. It's called 'The Little Mermaid'! It's about a girl who can swim and breathe underwater but wants to have legs so she can marry a prince! Look how pretty she is!'
Kali flicked to a page and held it in front of her for Mikoto to see.
'Yes she is, but not as pretty as you Kali,' she replied tickling her youngest sister under her chin. 'You can read it to me on the way back, all right?'
Zidane opened his mouth to say something but Kali beat him to it.
'On the way back where?' she questioned, inclining her head.
Mikoto stood up, holding Kali in her arms. 'On the way back home of course.'
'Home?' Kali looked thoughtful and peered over Mikoto's shoulder at the couple standing nervously behind her. 'But…I thought this was my home…?'
'No… not really. You belong in the Black Mage Village with your other brothers and sisters; you remember them don't you?'
'Yes…but I-'
'Besides, I'm sure Zidane and Garnet have a lot to do. I explained this to you; you were only visiting for little while.'
Mikoto stopped and stared across at her little sister in shock as her eyes brimmed with tears. 'What's wrong?'
Kali wriggled from her grip and sat down cross-legged. 'I thought this was my home. I want to stay with mommy and daddy!'
'Mommy and…?'
'She…she means us,' Dagger interrupted, wringing her hands.
Mikoto gave her brother a disapproving look. 'Zidane, you shouldn't of said-'
'We didn't say anything! She…kinda decided this on her own. Don't be angry.'
Dagger walked over to the blonde child and picked her up. Kali sobbed into her shoulder. 'Kali, sweetie, would you rather stay here with us?'
Mikoto turned to her brother angrily. 'Zidane you can't expect-'
Kali looked across at her older sister. 'I don't want to go back. I was unhappy there. I love mommy and daddy very much-'
'Kali, they're not your mother and father. You know how you were created and you can't change that.'
'But I want to change it!' Kali cried, tears streaming down her face. 'You can't make me go back!'
And with that, she ran to Zidane's side and clung to his left leg, as if she would drift away if she let go.
Zidane looked pleading at Mikoto, who gave her older brother an exasperated stare back.
'You better,' she said, 'take care of her.'
'Oh!' Garnet cried out and ran into Zidane's arms. 'Is she…is she…'
'Am I your daughter yet?' Kali asked innocently, staring up with wide eyes at the Queen and King.
Dagger's eyes welled with tears. 'Yes, sweetie, yes you are.'
The ex-thief turned to his sister, who was just turning to leave.
'We'll take good care of her Mikoto!' he shouted. 'You wont regret it!'
Then pair looked down at the new member of their family blissfully, the new princess of the kingdom and finally, the once soulless child who had finally found her family.
This was originally the end - but I decided to continue! R&R please!