Author's note: OH MY GOD! IT'S THE APOCALYPSE! I ACTUALLY UPDATED! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH! well, I just wanted to thank everyone for their wonderful reviews. Between this and Sun-kissed, it seems you guys really like my writing and shit. So, thank you, from the bottom of my heart. I'm so glad to hear that people enjoy what I do. I apologize for not updating sooner, it's just because I'm such a lazy bum. I actually have a one-shot in the works... of my mind... but it will be typed out soon, I swear! I'd also like to do a shout-out to my peeps Faimie and Maria, who are both now officially fans of FMA. Maria is even in love with Roy, heehee. Ok ok, without further ado, here it is, chapter 3. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: nah, it's not mine. Sorry...

Riza and Roy both gasped.

It was Brigadier General Gran.

Roy's mouth hung open. Gran? Here? If he really did hear their whole conversation, then that would be it, Roy would never become fuhrer, and Riza would be transfered, or, even worse, discharged.

Riza kept her stoic face, but she couldn't help the fact that her heart was racing.

No No No! This is all wrong! We were supposed to be happy together, forever, never leaving eachother's side! I'm supposed to protect her! I... I can't let her down like this! I can't ruin everything we've ever worked for... she's ever worked for! I can't let her down! I can't! Millions of thoughts racing through his mind, Roy stepped forward, hand still raised, ever-ready for action.

"What do you want from us", Roy said calmly, though he couldn't completely hide the hint of fear present in his voice.

Gran just laughed, took a deep breath, and walked straight up to Roy, his face mere inches away from the smaller colonel's, "I want you to give up. Go home. Forget about ever becoming fuhrer. I don't care what it takes... I will make sure it is done."

Roy just snarled, never flinching due to the close proximity of Gran's face.

Gran smirked, and his eyes traveled to Riza, who had her gun aimed at his heart, "or, colonel, you could just discharge that lieutenant of yours. If you do so, then I will let you continue to try and worm your way to the top. It's your choice, colonel. So what will it be?"

Roy's eyes narrowed, but he quickly regained his composure, and even flashed one of his trademark smirks, "neither."

Gran glared at Roy for a second, right before he took a step back, "In that case..."

Gran pulled his arm back, and Riza clicked off the safety of her gun, but just before Gran could hit, and before Riza could shoot, Roy turned his head swiftly to Riza and forcefully said, "don't."

Riza froze, and Gran punched Roy square in the jaw.

Roy stumbled backwards a bit, but quickly caught himself. He glared at Gran, the familiar taste of blood forming in his mouth.

Gran just laughed a wicked, bellowing laugh, and said, "well colonel, if you'd like to do things the hard way, I'd be glad to oblige. Are you sure you still don't want to take me up on either of my offers?"

Roy just continued glaring.

"Well, if that's how you feel..." and so Gran once again punched Roy in the face.

Roy once again stumbled, but quickly regained his composure, and stood, glaring defiantly at his superior.

Riza didn't know what she should do. She took a step forward, prepared to end this punishment, but Roy just held out his arm, signaling for Riza to stay where she was.

Gran started to get pissed off by the behavior of mustang, so he decided to turn up the heat, "well colonel, it seems that you're trying to prove you actually are a man. But that's not going to do you a hell of a lot of good. I know, inside, you're just a power-hungry punk, who thinks that with wit and charm he'll get everything he wants. But guess what, mustang? It doesn't work like that! I will never, ever, let you get anywhere near being fuhrer! I'm going to make you into an example! An example of what happens when kids get too cocky for their own damn good!"

Gran lunged forward, arm transformed by his alchemy, punching roy in the stomache, and as he doubled-over, Gran proceeded to punch Roy in the face and in the chest.

Roy fell to the ground, but it wasn't long before he was once again on his feet. Now, cluching his stomach, with a face bloody and bruised, Roy smirked.

This is it. Roy's gone insane. It actually happened... he went insane. I can't just stand by anymore... I am going to help him and protect him if it kills me, wether he likes it or not, and so, Riza stepped forward, ignoring Roy's arm which had once again been raised. She aimed her gun, but before she could speak, the Brigadier General laughed and said, "ah, so now your little girlfriend has come to help you, huh? It's about time. I was getting tired of waiting for you, Lieutenant. Well mustang, if those punches before didn't hurt you, I'm sure these will."

Riza had almost pulled the trigger, but suddenly Gran was directly in front of her face, and she could feel his fist digging into her abdomen.

Riza crumpled under the force; it was like she had just been punched with a steel boxing glove.

Roy's eyes widened as he watched his Lieutenant drop to her knees.

But Riza was not about to give up that easily. She raised her head to look Gran dead in the eyes, and pulled the trigger.

Gran grabbed his stomach, doubling over. He grunted and moaned, falling to his knees.

Riza's eyes immediatly searched for Roy's, who shone a look of disappointment.

Riza lowered her head, knowing she had let her colonel down.

Roy raised his eyes and gazed at Riza, slowly getting to his feet. He could see she was in pain, but there was something in her eyes that especially troubled him. He felt absolute guilt and disappointment for allowing her to get hurt the way she did, "Riza, I'm—"


The gunshot echoed through the night air, almost frozen around them.

Spots of red now adorned Riza's black blouse.

Roy fell to the floor, shock the only emotion on his face.

Gran just laughed into the night sky, once again rising to his feet, "I told you, mustang, power-hungry punks don't get everything they want." And then he disappeared right back into the shadows he had originally come from.

Roy just moaned in pain, trying unsuccessfully to stifle them with his sleeve.

Riza immediately went to his side, grabbing on to him in order to help him to kneel on the ground, "shit, Roy! Roy! I'm so sorry, this is all my fault! I've failed you! I'm so sorry! Roy, please hold on! Roy! ROY!"

Roy just put a finger to her lips and said, "No, Riza, you didn't fail me. You're the best soldier there ever was and ever will be. Don't you dare let anyone ever tell you differently—" "Roy, stop it!" "No, Riza, listen to me! I'm sorry that this had to happen. You should've transferred away from me a long time ago. I'm so stupid..."

Riza grasped Roy's shoulders, tears flowing freely from her eyes.

Roy slowly fell unconscious, giving in to the pain that rang through his body, as well as the pain of his love's tears that shot through his heart.


Roy awoke to deadly silence. His eyes strained to identify his surroundings, and he tried his hardest to sit up from the stiff bed he had been laid on.

His eyes flicked to his left when he heard his lieutenant catch her breath.

She immediately rushed to his side from the chair she had been sitting in, "Sir! Are you okay? How is your wound feeling?"

Roy stared into her eyes for a second before lifting a tender hand to his chest. He looked down at his left shoulder. A few inches below it he could see the excess crimson staining his white bandages. He placed his finger tips on the spot, wincing when he made contact.

"The doctors say you'll be fine. They were able to remove the bullet in one piece. They say it's going to hurt for a while, and that the bandages will have to be changed frequently, but otherwise your only reminder of this whole ordeal will be a small scar the size of a dime", Riza spoke as she folded her arms and tried not to look as worried as she felt. Her colonel, her love, almost died right in front of her eyes and she was powerless to stop it. Her heart stung and her eyes begged to water but she did not allow it. She didn't want to worry her colonel any more than he already was.

"Thank you Lieutenant. I'm sorry our night didn't go as planned. I really wasn't expecting to be attacked by the Brigadier General", Roy said with a bit of a chuckle in his voice, but the chuckle sounded a lot sadder and more apologetic than it did jolly.

"Please, none of this could have been prevented. And, speaking of the General, do we know why he attacked us? Or, more specifically, you? That was a completely uncalled-for event, and his threats sounded very serious. I'd suggest reporting this, but Gran can just as easily report us for fraternization. I'm... not sure what our next move should be, colonel", Riza looked uncomfortably at Roy before her gaze turned to the small window on the far side of the room. Her arms tightened around her sides.

"That is an excellent question, Lieutenant. A question to which I am yet to find the answer."


A week passed, and the Colonel and Lieutenant had once again resumed their normal lives.

It was nearing 6 o'clock, and Roy wasn't even close to being done with his papers once again.

Riza watched him like a hawk from her desk, her gun occasionally making an appearance. Every once in a while she would walk over to Roy's desk and stand behind him, all the while reveling in his musky smell, but daring not let him catch on. The last time he figured out what she was doing, things didn't end too well for them.

Still, neither of them could fully figure out the Brigadier General's motives for attacking them that fateful night. When they were questioned as to how Roy got the injury, he'd say that while walking his Lieutenant home from a late night at work, a robber tried to attack them, and Roy was shot while trying to stop him.

A knock was heard at the door, and Roy shouted for them to come in.

"Yo colonel, here's our report. Have fun", Ed broke the silence of the room with his obnoxiously loud mouth. Right after his grand entrance, Al was heard clanking in behind him.

Al swiftly bowed and greeted Lieutenant Hawkeye while Ed plopped down into one of the chairs in front of Roy's desk and they began to discuss Ed's latest missions.

"Hey, I thought you might wanna know, in case you hadn't heard for yourself yet, there's a new lead on that murderer Scar. Apparently he's got it in for you. I'd watch your back from now on, he's pretty damn dangerous, trust me", Ed said, for once a tone of seriousness in his voice.

"I'll do that", replied Roy, a chill running through his spine as he remembered the scenes of Scar's many crimes.

"Well, that's it for us. See ya later, Sparky!" Ed laughed at his joke as he and Al exited the office, Al bowing to both the Colonel and Lieutenant before he left.

Roy just shook his head, "Lieutenant, remind me to never have children. Especially if they're going to grow up to be like Edward Elric."

Riza stifled a giggle, "yes sir."

Author's Notes: So, there you go, chapter 3. I know it sucked, Riza was extremely out of character, and I've hit a huge writer's block. I have no idea where to go with this. I just threw Scar in there to hopefully make it more interesting. I'm sorry, I hope this doesn't let anyone down too much. If anyone can give me some sort of idea or direction they think I should go in with this, let me know, it would be greatly appreciated. I'm better at running with ideas than with starting them.

I also realize that after Roy gets out of the hospital, I was, like, in a completely different writing perspective. I'm so sorry, this chapter was so crappy. Please forgive me. But, yeah, review and give me ideas as to what I should do. Ok, later days!