Disclaimers: Final Fantasy VII © under Square-Enix, as well all other Final Fantasy references. Everything else under their respective owners.

Through Forest and Grove

Jason M. Lee

Chapter 14: That Which I Live...

I have so much to say, yet I have so little time.

I wanted to embrace your achievements, soothe your disappointments, care your tired moments... I wanted to be there to greet you with a "welcome back" at any time, my arms wide opened. Him, as well, had Fate allowed us.

While it would be so easy to blame him, I beg you not to. He appears to be very strong but in truth, his heart is quite fragile. I know, words even from me may not change your opinion but at least try, for my sake. Quiet, sensitive, empathy, intuitive... There are so many ways to describe him, most probably unlike the descriptions you are thinking right now.

Fate may seem unfair, separating us when you needed him the most but he had his reasons for leaving, in order to protect us. To protect others and not just himself, that's when he is truly strong. Find that strength, like he did, to protect those that are important to you. Maybe you'll understand why, hopefully someday in a better future.

So many wishes, so many wants and desires that are unfulfilled because of reasons beyond our understanding. Life is fleeting, short, and bittersweet. To me, it was a life of performing my maternal duties and out of love. To you, it may be a very long journey, finding yourself and your reasons to exist.

Fight to live, for your existence and your important people's existence.

Live to guide those in the present so that they may avoid the same mistakes in the future.

Guide that one light in everybody's heart, hidden deep within. It may seem it isn't there, but all you have to do is just look for it, believe in yourself and those around you.

My time was short with you and I'll never regret any moment with it. All my memories, I'll carry it forever, even the ones that hurt me. If you can carry your memories until the end, without running away from it, then maybe you'll become someone who wouldn't lose to those memories.

There are so many things I wanted. I wanted to protect you from things that were bad. I wanted to keep you warm within my heart. I wanted to be able to see you fully grow up into the wonderful person that I know you will become.

I wanted to be able to see your future.

Regretfully, I know I may not see that day but don't fret, as you still have others.

So try, for my sake and especially yours. Try to see it from his point of view. Try small steps, if you become so reluctant. Don't let those feelings blind you and don't be so afraid. If you don't take that one step, you will never know.

Accept yourself as you are, accept him as he is.

Live out your life as you are supposed to.

Forgive him and what I want most of all...

...forgive yourself, child.

x x x x x x x

"Ano sa, ano sa..."

Yuffie looked down at the young blonde sitting on her lap. "Hmm?"

"When is Reno-nii gonna come back?"

Several more voices piped up and the young lady merely sighed, looking up at the ever-blue sky.


Four weeks and barely into December, the cold nipping those that were caught off guard. Thankfully, Godo and Vincent were able to convince the Council to hold off the ceremonies until Reno came back, stating that the redhead was on a training trip. Which wasn't exactly too far from the truth, considering the circumstances.

"I don't know, Naruto-kun," Yuffie replied softly, rustling his hair. "Hopefully, maybe this week or sooner."

Sounds of disappointment from the children, some even pouting.

"Hey, now no sad faces. You're not the only one who misses the lunkhead."

"Lunkhead, lunkhead, lunkhead!" crowed a girl from the back, flailing about and giggling madly.

Several of the orphans cracked up, many of them returning back to whatever they were doing earlier with the childish air of dropping things so easily.

'Wish I was that cheerful then...' she thought wistfully.

"Ne ne, Yuffie-nee..."

Pink hair bobbed as the girl rocked on her heels, nibbling her lip.

"Yes, Sakura-chan?"

A cute blush. "Are you and Reno-nii really gonna marry?"

"When both of those silly lunkheads come back," Tifa replied from behind, giving Sakura a warm pat on the head.

Emerald brightened. "Reno-nii and Cloud-nii?"

"Yep. Now, why don't you go play with the other kids? Yuffie and I need to talk some adult things."

Enthusiastically nodding her head, the little girl squealing in delight as she rejoined her playmates.

"What's up?"

Tifa rolled her eyes. "The sky."

An unlady-like snort. "Hardy har har. C'mon, what's eatin' your mind to leave Gospel Heaven?"

"Those idiots."

"Yer not the only one." Slim digits fingered the multi-colored ring. "Though, I still can't believe that baka."

The older woman gave a chuckle, also repeating the action as well rubbing her own mark. "Yeah, who would've thought. A guy like him actually agreeing. The writers are gonna have a field day with this."

"But it's like a new adventure."


Yuffie nodded, eyes glazed into memories. "You guys went out on to save the Planet, met more lunatics like me and Cid, suffered through Aerith's death, defeated Sephiroth who named himself God, and got through the crazy press after everything. Now, we're going through something that may or may not be as daunting what happened before. Just two years... It's kinda amazing."

Tifa's thoughts echoed what the younger woman said. Reflecting back, all of them went through so much, fighting to exist and for others to live. Misunderstandings, reconstruction, healing... so many things in such a short time.

"I do wonder..."

The female shinobi glanced over. "Yeah?"

"What's this adventure going to be like?"

Before Yuffie could reply...

"I told you before! You can't just pull that off without checking your landing!"

"Gah, shut up, Spike! Who asked you! If I remembered correctly, you were the one who wanted to learn that move!"

"Why you--"

"HA! Got ya there, eh!"

"Don't make me drop you off of Da Chao, Red."

"Dare ya, Spike!"

"Eh, heh heh..."

"On second thought, you would."

Their voices, a little deeper but no less different. Lighter, stronger, some brightness blossoming...

Scrambling over each other, both women ran as if a Dark Dragon was on their heels. Skidding to a complete stop before the front gate, both of their breaths caught in their throats, hundreds of emotions running through mind and heart at the same time.

Two ragged figures staggering from the front gate, blonde supporting carmine, words bouncing off of each other like playful bokken strikes during sparring practice. They looked like a whole herd of chocobos had just ran over them and a combination of Devil Rides, Dual Horns, and Elfadunks happened to come by right then and there. Exhausted, but still carrying that hidden spark of endless energy and determination they sometimes showed spontaneously. A passionate, burning navy and aquamarine no longer seem to bear the shadows of doubt or pain anymore, only hope and faith in the future.

Fighting back tears, Tifa and Yuffie walked forward with weak smiles. Words in which they wanted to express so badly.

The feeling was almost as if eternity stretched between this breath and the next.


As the duo pair of luminescent eyes caught sight of two of their important people...


Nothing holding them... nothing stopping them... yet it was not a dark emptiness.

"Okaeri nasai."

...both brothers gave stupid, wide grins.


A/N: Owari! End! -breathes a sigh of relief- Glad that I can finally end this more than a year of planning and writing. Had help from Rose Flame, one of the neatest FF7 authors here at ff (dot) net, and author of Faith and Feather, also taking two years after FF7. Many, many thanks, senpai! Go read hers, highly recommend.

Uzumaki Naruto and Haruno Sakura © Masashi Kishimoto's manga/anime Naruto. The girl saying "lunkhead" is Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky IV, from director Shinichiro Watanabe's anime Cowboy Bebop. The "memories" line more from Natsuki Takaya's manga/anime Fruits Basket, although italso references to Tifa's line from Advent Children.

As to the previous chapter, Empress-Eerian-Sadow noted that there wasn't much character advancement. This was mainly because I was aiming more for prespectives from other characters, rather than just the four main focus characters (or five, including Thau). Comments from their point of views, basically. Unfortunately, some parts has opened up a whole new can of worms, which will force me to think up of something in order to make sense of a couple phrases and actions. That will be difficult considering that school season will be interferring my writing time (not to mention brain cells).

Additionally, I'm following the Eastern concept where we say what it is and that's it, unlike Western concept where we say what it is and then explain it. Simplicity in of itself can also be very confusing. Reading manga/doujinshi, watching anime, and playing video games will do that to you, especially when you study something so much. The Eastern idea of simplicity versus the Western sense of explanation came from Gamefaqs (dot) com in the Resident Evil plot analysis by Thomas Wilde (TWilde). Funny thing, I never thought of it that way till I read the analysis.

Originally, I had planned it a simple seven-chapter piece, including a prologue. Yet, while in the process of actually writing it out, realized that changes were needed to make the flow more smoother. From just seven to fourteen, plus several side stories. I'm a little sad that I had to finish it this way, as I kept feeling that I could keep expanding it a little more. Then again, don't want to beat a dead horse. Sorry if I disappoint.

okaeri nasai - Welcome home
tadaima - I'm back