A/N- Hiya guys! I'm coming up with another PD fanfic. Don't worry, I'm still gonna continue my other story, My Knight in Shining Armor, but this idea just popped up in my mind and I couldn't help but write it down. I hope you'll like it!
Disclaimer: Roses are red, violets are blue, I no own, so you no sue.
Chapter 1: Still Single
Mia's POV
"Oh…my…god…" I stared at my grandmother in total disbelief. "YOU DID WHAT?" I shrieked.
She sighed in disgust and said, "Amelia, you can be truly vulgar at times. I said I struck a deal with one of these TV show networks. They're willing to do a reality show on your life."
"Grandmère! I can barely handle the paparazzi! What makes you think that I can handle being caught on film twenty-four/seven?" I cried.
Instead of being alarmed or scared, she very calmly took a sip of her sidecar and dusted off her skirt. "Amelia, I think it may interest you to know that this is one of those love shows. Where there are thirty men and they must try to win your heart, that sort of situation."
I felt the familiar squeeze of pain whenever my love life was brought up. Michael and I broke up his sophomore year of college, saying that he needed to experience new things and see different places, and suggested that I do too. Of course, now five years later, I had not gone out with another man since, and continued to hold onto a dream that I knew would never come true.
I sunk into the plush red love seat across from her and buried my head in my hands. "I can't believe this. I can't believe you did this."
"Amelia!" My grandmother snapped. "You cannot continue to live the way you are! You are wasting away, and you are only twenty-three! Now is not a time to think of yourself, but of your country! Your country needs a king. You need a husband, and I want to see my great grandchildren before I die."
I looked up gloomily and knew that she was right, as much as I hated to admit it. "Well…it's not like I have a choice."
"You always have a choice, Amelia," She sniffed irritably. "So you'll go through with it?"
I sighed and muttered, "Yes."
Michael's POV
"You WHAT?" I roared.
"I signed you up for a reality show," Lilly said very calmly while sipping her iced tea, as if this was an everyday topic of conversation. We were sitting at a table underneath a huge blue umbrella outside the Château de Marie. Lilly had asked me to lunch because she said she had a big announcement. Unfortunately, I had no idea how big.
I stared at her, my mouth agape. "What the hell are you THINKING?"
"Michael, before you go all Incredible Hulk on me, I just want to let you know that it's one of those romance shows. You know, where you try to get the girl. There, is that any better?"
"Uh, no!" I shouted. "Did it ever occur to you that I might possibly fall in love of my own accord free of TV cameras and other jealous men?"
She rolled her eyes in disgust. "Michael, it's been five years since you broke up with Mia." Inwardly I winced at the blunt way she stated the fact. "You told her you wanted to experience different things and see other people, but have you done that?" I grunted angrily in reply. "Look, I'm just trying to give you a chance to do what you said you would."
I sighed. My sister graduated out of college after two years, and became a famous psychologist, worshipped within the scientific world and praised for her studies of the human condition. She had written several award winning papers and published six tough love, self help books. I was proud and very happy for her that her life was so successful, but hated it when she decided that my life was her own little social experiment.
"Lilly, I thought you said shows like The Bachelor were playing on the lives of millions of young people all over the world, giving them stupid, romantic notions that the world is perfect and you'll always find the one person that you're meant to spend the rest of your life with."
"I did say that, and I'm not changing my stance on the subject either."
"Then why did you just sign me up for one?"
"While I believe that romance reality TV is harmful to the simpler minds of society, I will admit that these shows are a great growing up and learning experience. You'll travel places and you'll meet people. Maybe you'll see that there's more to life than moping around and waiting in line to see the midnight showing for Revenge of the Sith."
I sighed and replied, "Lilly, as much as I love you and thank you for all you've done, all the girls you've set me up with, I'm just not ready to date again."
"Michael, it's been five years! This is much longer than the healthy grieving period. You need to move on! You're a successful computer programmer with a from rags to riches band. Any girl would love to go out with you! You are they're dream man!"
I knew Lilly wasn't going to let go of the subject till I said what she wanted to hear, so I said, "Look sis, I'll think about okay?"
Temporarily satisfied, she went back to her salad and began talking about Boris. Again.
Mia's POV
The next day I had to meet with the show's producers and representatives from ABC who would be airing the show. When I arrived at the building with Grandmère leading the way, the workers gaped at me. Immediately, they began tripping over themselves, asking if I wanted anything, if I would sign their autograph books, if I would stand for a picture. Inwardly I sighed as I acquiesced to their requests and signed ever scrap of paper that was pushed in front of me.
After ten minutes of this, Dan McCuen, the show's producer, pushed them all away barking, "Go back to your desks! The J.K. Rowling special is tonight people! Do you want her to think we're completely incompetent? Shoo!"
After the crowd dispersed, I followed Dan and Grandmère into a conference room. It was just like any executive conference room was supposed to look like, with the big glass and steel table surrounded with plush leather executive seats.
Dan pulled out the seat at the right of the head of the table smiling, and said, "Your highness…"
I smiled graciously back at him and gracefully sat down. "Thank you, Mr. McCuen."
"No problem, your highness," He gave me a toothy grin.
"Please, just call me Mia."
Grandmère sniffed impatiently and said, "Well now that we are past the formalities, may we please discuss the terms of our agreement?"
"Of course, your highness," He said as he sat down at the head of the table. "Like we had negotiated earlier, we want the men to know that she is a princess. However, she must be able to choose which one likes her for her, and not just for her title."
"Like for that show, For Love or for Money?" I asked, my stomach churning uncomfortably.
"Yes." He nodded.
I frowned at Grandmère. "I'm not seeing an upside to this."
"The upside, Amelia, is that it will be filmed in the Palace at Genovia. The cameras will have some nice shots of the beauty of the palace, and we will be able to monitor the motives of the men carefully."
"So whaddya say, Mia?" Dan said, smiling at me and pushing a contract and a pen at me. "Are you in?"
I looked carefully at the contract placed in front of me. I had a bad feeling about this.
"You're grandmother's already signed it," Dan said, as if reading my mind. "She's gone over the contract with her own lawyers and they have approved the conditions."
"Excuse me, but I never had any of my input in this," I said icily, effectively wiping the smile off of Dan's face. "Before I sign anything, I want to read through this contract carefully with my own lawyers, add some of my own revisions, and then perhaps negotiate some terms that I deem questionable." I declared in my most princess-y voice.
"Of course your highness," Dan said meekly.
Grandmère, however was not about to let me. "Oh Amelia, this is ridiculous. I looked over the conditions and I found them perfectly acceptable. Just sign it already!"
"Grandmère, with all due respect, whatever you find acceptable is quite the opposite what I think is reasonable. I will not sign unless my demands are met." I said firmly. However, inside I was yelling, what the hell am I DOING? I've never been talked to her like this before!
"Amelia!" She yelled at me.
I stood up with my hands on the table in my most menacing glare. "Grandmère, I'm not going through with this unless I get what I want. Besides, what are you scared of anyway? I'll go through with it when I decide that the terms of the contract are fine." I looked at my watch and smiled at Dan. "Well if there's anything else you'd like to tell me, I've really got to be going. I have a previous engagement."
He shook his head and smiled. "No, your highness. That's all."
I gave him a forced smile, took the contract and walked out of the conference room, proud, and a little shaky. I've never been so…confident before! This feeling is awesome!
As I walked out, a surprising number of executives popped their heads out of their cubicles to get one last glance at me. I spotted a real hot guy and winked at him cheekily as I walked away.
I could almost hear him and all his buddies arguing over whom I had winked at.
I felt like I was on top of the world. I should be assertive more often.
Michael's POV
I plopped down on Felix's couch rubbing my eyes, desperately trying to get rid of the creeping headache that began to gnaw at my nerves. "My sister's really done it this time."
Felix looked up from the guitar he was tuning. "What did she do?"
"She signed me up for one of those romance reality TV show things."
Felix gave me a wry grin and said, "Dude, that sucks."
"You're telling me."
He paused for a moment, then said tentatively, "But maybe it's for the best?"
I opened my eyes wide and stared at him. "You're kidding, right?"
"Oh come on dude, you've only had one girlfriend in your entire life and you broke up with her five years ago! You need to meet new people, you need to go out with a freaking girl! All my friends are starting to think you're gay."
I raised my eyebrows at him and asked, "Would it bother you if I were?"
He stared at me for a minute and asked hoarsely, "Are you trying to tell me something?"
I laughed bitterly and said, "Man, I wish I were gay."
He went back to tuning his guitar and said, "Everything happens for a reason. You know, Divine Providence and all that."
"I thought you were agnostic."
"I am." He said simply. "But that doesn't mean I don't believe that we're all a part of some cosmic plan. By which cosmic being, now that is controversial."
I took one of the throw pillows beside me and smothered my head in it. A theological argument with my best friend was only going to make my headache get worse.
The doorbell rang and he jumped up. "That's Chiara. I better get going." He set his guitar on his stand and brushed off his leather jacket. "How do I look?" He asked.
I looked up at him and pointed to myself saying, "Dude, remember? Not gay."
He smirked at me as he grabbed his keys and his wallet saying, "At least I have a girlfriend." And with that he rushed out to meet her.
I sighed when I heard the door slam. I guess it wouldn't hurt to go through with this whole thing. I mean, like Felix said, everything happens for a reason.
Unable to do or think of anything else until I had told Lilly my decision, I called her up and said, "Sis? I'm in."
Mia's POV
I was with Andrew, my lawyer and we were carefully combing through ever clause that was written in the contract.
I was shocked at my grandmother's audacity. She actually expected me to kiss these guys when the director said. Reality TV? Yeah, right.
"So you want me to change that?" He asked.
"Yes. And change that one where they are welcome into my room at any hour of the night. I need my rest, and I'm not going to have sex with any of them. Put in a requirement where they have to stay in their rooms at night."
"Cameras in the bathroom?"
"Definitely a no." I said sternly. Andrew looked at me amusedly. "What? I don't want anyone knowing my hygiene habits."
"Embarrassing, eh?"
"No, it's a thing known as privacy."
"Okay, okay."
After we had torn the thing apart, I smiled at the revisions and took of my glasses. "Alright. Now all we have to do is show these to Dan and get Grandmère to sign this new one and it's all a done deal."
Andrew was looking at me concernedly. He was in his mid-fifties and cared for me like his own daughter. "Mia…are you sure you want to do this? I've heard nothing but bad things about these kinds of shows and I don't want to see you get hurt."
I looked at him and smiled consolingly. "Andrew, I'll be fine. I'm a big girl now and I can make my own decisions. Anyway, I highly doubt that they can make me fall in love, no matter who they throw at me."
I spoke with a confidence that I didn't feel. Being surrounded by loads of hot guys trying to win your heart was any girl's fantasy, right? Wrong. What if I really did end up giving away my heart and he just wanted the money?
Wait, I reminded myself bitterly. I gave away my heart a long time ago and never really got it back.
The next day, I walked into the ABC executive offices with Andrew at my heels. I walked into the conference room where Dan and Grandmère were waiting patiently. "I think you will like this version of the contract Andrew and I drew up," I announced confidently as I slid it across the table.
I turned to Andrew and gave him a big grin. "I've always wanted to do that."
Dan and Grandmère looked through it for a few moments. Dan looked up and smiled. "Sure. I'm fine with this. What about you, your highness?"
Grandmère frowned and said, "I suppose it will do."
"Great." I beamed. "I already signed, just you two left."
The placed their pens to the paper and, with one last flourish, the deal was done.
My heart was officially being sold to the highest bidder.
Michael's POV
"I have to go through an interview?" I asked incredulously.
"Of course," Lilly said, giving me her famous Look. "You don't expect them to just take anybody off the street, do you? They have to appeal to the American public, they have to seem like they've got a lot going on in their life, and they've got to have a natural charisma."
"You think I have all those qualities?" I asked, slightly surprised.
"Of course. You wouldn't have been able to snag Mia if you hadn't." She said simply as she took a magazine off the coffee table and began to read Cosmo Girl! in disgust. "Most Eligible Bachelorette? Her? Are you KIDDING?"
My heart tightened at the mention of her name. "How is Mia, by the way?"
"Haven't talked to her in a while," She replied uninterestedly. "She's going through a lot of princess training. I know that she was at the Save the Music fundraiser banquet last month. She was also at the Greenpeace ground-breaking for the new headquarters. They say she's their biggest contributor."
I smiled to myself wistfully. Figures, I thought.
"Michael Moscovitz?" The pleasantly plump secretary called, looking up from her clipboard.
"I'm here," I said as I stood up and walked over to her.
Upon seeing me, her jaw dropped and her eyes went wide. "Uh…th-this way…" She stuttered as she pointed down the hallway.
I sighed inwardly as I turned and walked down the hall she pointed out. Sadly, I was used to this kind of reaction. I mean, women falling over me and stuff. I don't mean to brag, but I guess I've got this sort of presence that just draws them to me. I guess it should be flattering, but it would be better if I was actually driven to pursue the opposite sex.
I walked into the office at the far end of that hall. There was a small desk and two chairs in front of it. At the desk sat a balding man in his late thirties on the phone. "Yes, honey, I've got it covered…no, go ahead and invite anyone you want…no, look, I've got to go, I've got an interview. Yeah, love you, miss you, see you tonight, bye." And he hung up quickly. "Sorry, the Missus, and all that," He said apologetically as he stood up and held his hand out to me. "Name's Carter Heffley. I'm the casting director for Crown Jewels." I shook his hand and he gestured to one of the chairs in front of his desk. "Please, have a seat."
As I sat down, he looked at the form I had filled out that was laying in front of him. "So, you're name's Michael Moscovitz, huh?"
"Uh, yeah." I said, while squirming uncomfortably.
And he continued to ask me questions about me, my education, my personal life…nothing about me was off limits. He was shocked when I told him I hadn't been on a date for five years. "Are you serious?" He asked incredulously.
"Yeah," I said apologetically. "I'm kind of a loner."
He stroked his chin thoughtfully. "You're the kind of guy we need on the show. You know, the strong, silent type." He gave me a small grin and said, "I like you kid. I want you on the show." He pulled out a contract and said, "Here. This is your contract. Feel free to look over it. If you think it's okay, please, sign."
I read each clause carefully, and it seemed pretty okay. "Yeah, okay. I'll sign." I said cautiously as I reached across the table and grabbed the pen Carter was holding.
"Great!" He said happily.
I scrawled my messy signature across the line and handed it in. "By the way, do you know who the eligible bachelorette?"
He gave me a crooked grin and said, "That's a surprise, my friend. You'll meet her when you get on filming site."
A/N- So whaddya think? Tell me, otherwise I just don't see any point in continuing this story.