Disclaimer: If I owned FF7 I don't think I'd be where I am in life, but the usual disclaimer doesn't fit anymore since Vincent has his own game now, which I beat about 12 hours after I bought it, that's what nonstop playing will do for you, anyways, here it is, the long, and I repeat LONG awaited next chapter of Of Wine and Blood, hope you all enjoy XD

Chapter 15

Vincent felt the hair on the back of his neck stand up and he raised his gun not knowing what to expect. Just then he saw him. Sephiroth was descending rapidly towards the praying Cetra with his sword drawn. Then with the accuracy and speed of only someone infused with mako and Jenova cells he fired three well placed shots at the first class SOLDIER.

Tifa, heard the gunshots and her heart leaped as she saw the great Sephiroth knocked backwards with two shots in the chest and one directly on the blade of the Masamune before it plunged into it's target.

"Aeris!" She screamed as she realized what had almost occurred.

Cloud finally got his senses about him as he reached for the Cetra and pulled her to safety.

"Insignificant insects," Sephiroth snarled as he looked at the four.

Just then before anyone could approach, Sephiroth darted back up and the group saw another piece of Jenova fall where he had just vacated.

Here we go Valentine.

Vincent took one leap to the alter to hopefully catch the creature off guard firing as he went. He noticed Cloud carry Aeris off to the side obviously shaken from her near death.

And I thought I was a monster… Vincent said to himself as he neared the beast, with Tifa right behind him, the anger burning in her eyes something he had yet to see. Tifa landed a powerful kick to the creature as it sent off a blue orb of magic energy towards her. Vincent felt his heart skip a beat until he watched her masterfully avoid the magic attack, only to charge once more.

Vincent fired off another full load of bullets into the creature's face, or so he hoped. As he started reloading the gun he saw Cloud approaching the monster with a ferocity ten fold of Tifa's.

"YOU SON OF A…" He heard Cloud roar as he started hacking wildly at the monster, not stopping until the beast was nothing more than a pile of what he could guess was flesh before it withered away.

Once he was sure the foe defeated he hurried to Tifa's side as she was obviously tired from the attack she had unleashed before Cloud finished the thing off.

"Running away you *%&$ing coward!?!?" he heard Cloud shout up in the direction Sephiroth had fled.

"If you wish to follow me, head North, past the snow fields…" then Sephiroth's voice was gone, and Vincent felt his presence slip away too.

After the battle Cloud walked over to check on Aeris.

"Are you alright?" He asked concern evident in his tone.

"I… I think so…" Aeris said looking up at Cloud.

Cloud then turned to Vincent, "I can never repay you for what you did back there, thank you."

"Think nothing of it…" Vincent replied looking over Tifa to check for any wounds, she seemed fine, however something seemed to be on her mind.

"Tifa?" Vincent asked looking into her wine colored eyes.

"Are you alright?"

"Yea Vincent, I'm fine, thank you…" she finished before soft sobs took over her body.

"If you hadn't been here, Aeris would have…" she let her voice trail off then as the sobs continued.

Vicnent looked over at Cloud, "I think we should head back and get some rest."

Cloud just nodded to Vincent and picked Aeris up into his arms as Vincent picked up Tifa.

Vincent was outside sitting on one of the roofs of the buildings in the area watching for, well anything. Just then Cloud walked outside, looking very troubled. Normally Vincent would just leave him be to his thoughts, but because of the scene earlier, he felt obligated to ask.

"What's on your mind?"

"Hmm? Oh, hey Vincent," Cloud said looking up to the gunman. Cloud seemed to decided something then as he approached the building Vincent was perched upon and deftly jumped up to the roof to sit next to him.

"I just can't figure out what's wrong with me… Earlier this week I gave the Black Materia to Sephiroth, and just back there… I almost…"

Vincent could sense the self doubt and loathing in the young swordsman.

"Am I really me? Should I just quit this journey before I maybe hurt someone else…?"

"Cloud," Vincent interrupted, "you wouldn't have been able to hurt Aeris."

Cloud looked puzzled at this, "I was just one swing away from,"

"I had my gun on you the whole time, I was fully prepared to give you a bullet in the arm before you could hurt her, I don't really know what's going on with you, but… Sephiroth has been around for years past his death now, and I have come to understand you have some connection with him, I can feel him as well, seeing as I have Jenova cells within me, but…"

Here Vincent closed his eyes thoughtfully, "Anytime we sense his presence I'll be there, and I can promise to do everything in my power to keep harm from my allies, even if that means disabling one of them, so don't let it get to you to much."

Cloud looked dumbfounded at first, never really hearing Vincent make such a long speech, but as the words sunk in, he knew Vincent to be honest.

Cloud then nodded his head lightly, "Thanks."

"Cloud, you should get some rest, I'll keep watch tonight." Vincent said, looking over toward the house Tifa was currently sleeping in.

Cloud saw where Vincent was looking and knew he could trust him. "Once again, I can't thank you enough," Cloud said as Vincent waved him off.

I still don't understand exactly what happened back there…

I sensed a strong connection between Sephiroth and the swordsman, that's twice now he lost control.

It worries me, but as long as she is safe…

Aww, Vinny, I do believe you're being overly protective watching her hut like this.

Shut up demon I didn't ask for your input. Pesky beast.

You just know I'm right, Vampy.

Vincent quirked an eyebrow at this.

Where did that come from?

The part of me that enjoys annoying you.

Vincent felt the beast chuckle and decided to let it go as the sun was coming up.

As Cid came outside spear in hand Vincent figured he could get some rest finally, he jumped from his seat and was pleased to see the pilot just nod his way lighting up a cigarette, not surprised at all from Vincent's sudden appearance.

Vincent approached the hut Tifa was in wanting to see her for himself before he got some rest, surprised to find that she was already awake and sitting in bed thoughtfully.

"You're up?"

Tifa just nodded her head, barely glancing his way lest he see the tears in her eyes. She hadn't been able to get any quality rest as there was too much on her mind. She felt him sit next to her and knew he had easily sensed her distress.

Like you could hide something like that from him. Tifa thought to herself.

"Didn't sleep very well last night," she confessed.

"Want to talk about it?" Vincent asked.

Tifa just shook her head and laid it down against his shoulder.

"Alright," Vincent said leaning his back against the headboard, "you know I'm here if you wish to later."

Tifa just nodded her head really softly and laid into his chest.

This position seemed a little awkward for Vincent but he decided that the comfort she got from it, despite them not being on the Tiny Bronco for once, was worth the awkwardness. Then as he looked down at her face, he noticed that she had seemed to fall asleep, already a smile on her face. Vincent felt his own smile surface for just a second, and all the awkwardness seemed to melt away as he too dozed off for some much needed rest.

Tifa awoke laying against Vincent's chest and could tell how late it was from the brightness around the hut.

What an amazing man, she found herself thinking, I don't care what anyone else thinks, if it wasn't for Vincent, Aeris would have been a goner… at that thought Tifa felt tears well up again at what might have been and hugged Vincent closer, hoping he wouldn't wake up for awhile. But of course…

"Well good morning," Vincent said, looking down at Tifa and she felt herself blush.

"We should go see what the other's are up to."

As Vincent and Tifa walked out of the hut Vincent felt someone else pounce him and wrap him up in a fierce hug.

He quirked an eyebrow up as he looked down at Aeris arms wrapped tightly around him.

"Thank you, so much."

"It was nothing…" he said pulling her off of him.

"Sorry," Aeris said sheepishly realizing what she had done, but she didn't care, he had saved her life after all.

"Well then…" Cloud started, "I guess we head North from here, unless Sephiroth was trying to put us off track."

Just then Aeris looked like she had realized something very important she forgot to tell everyone but shock came to her as she felt around her ribbon.

"It… it's gone…"

"What's gone?" Cloud asked looking at her.

"The White Materia."

"What?" Everyone asked, but Vincent of course.

"That's what I came here for, to pray for Holy."

Everyone looked dumbfounded by this point and Aeris began to explain.

"After Cloud gave the Black Materia to Sephiroth," Cloud looked hurt at this and Aeris put a hand on his arm to comfort him, "I knew that the only way to stop Meteor, is with Holy, the opposite of Meteor. But the only way to cast holy is for someone with the white material to speak to the plant, and I knew this was the best place for the planet to be able to hear my prayer, if the prayer is answered the material will begin to glow a pale green, but I can't find, it. It must have fallen from the alter during all of the commotion." Aeris looked defeated, "I'm sorry everyone."

"There is no need to apologize," Cloud said putting his arm around Aeris, "I'm just glad you're safe."

"Well shit," Cid said flicking his cigarette butt away before lighting up another.

"I say we follow Sephiroth for now, there's no proof he's even cast Meteor. We might still be able to stop him." Cloud said looking towards the north.

Fun… Vincent thought to himself, before looking down to hopeful wine colored eyes.

Well, not like I have anywhere else I'd rather be…

A/N: There you go folks, the whole idea I based this fic on, trust me it won't be the last update. Any Ideas for how I should write based on the fact that Aeris is alive, would be appreciated, I have my own, but more ideas, equals less of a writer's block. Anyways, until next time.