My X-mas baby!

\\\ Chapter 2 info \\\

()WriTTeN By: Paisley (Neo Shinigami) --- manga/doujinshi semi-pro artist ---

() WaRnInG: Contains YAOI / adult language / boyfriend abuse / gender confusion ()RaTiNg: PG-13 (T)

() PaIrInG(s) : Shuichi/Yuki () hints of K/Sakano (you'll see what I mean later) () Kumakura/Shuichi (but,it's a bit one sided)

() DiScLaImEr: All characters (with the exception of a few,example:Kumakura) were created by the great and powerful Maki Murakami-sama! That's why they call it "fanfiction"! ;) ...but,who is "they" exactly...?

() TiD-bIt Of InFo: Was written while I was chewing lots of bubblegum and listening mainly to L'arc-en-Ciel and the Gravitation soundtrack.

story note : Digimon Rumble Arena II --- I,myself,was going to pick Soul Calibur II (or Dead or Alive II) for the game Shuichi and Yuki play,but it isn't on the PlayStation it? So,my younger brother picked D.R.A.II (It's a fun game and we both love anything Digimon...) :)

Chapter 2 :"Short And Sweet..."

"Oi! Yuki! You're cheating!",Shuichi threw down the game controller.

"No,I'm not." Yuki smiled deviantly,"It's just a game. If you're going to be so sore about it,then don't play."

"Hmmph! You're still not playing fair. You can't just start touching me like that when you're about lose. It's distracting!",Shuichi started to blush,"That's all I'm saying...",he fell silent.

The blonde man smiled again,"So,you're saying I can't touch you while we're playing PlayStation?"

"No! I said don't cheat by touching me when you're losing! Why can't you pl-" Yuki cut him off,leaning forward so that their hair intertwined,eye to eye,"I'm sorry...You where just so cute-looking..."

Shuichi had a feeling that Yuki was lying to him,but he didn't care right then. They kissed.

They parted. "Yuki..."


"Do you...wanna play again?"

"No.",Yuki said,flatly.

"But,why,Yuki?",Shuichi asked.

"I don't play with losers."

Shuichi was shocked for a moment,then got angery,"YUKI! You're soooo mean to me!",the younger man sobbed,"And you're still a cheater!"

"Fine. Then,let's play again;that'll settle our argument." Yuki proposed the challenge.

"Fine.",Shuichi picked his controller up and sat,facing Yuki,eyes burning for the challenge.

"Fine.",Yuki pressed the reset button on the menu screen.





"FINE!",Shuichi yelled.

"FIIIIIINE!",Yuki finished that argument.

/ The game restarted and the biggest war of Digimon Rumble Arena II was on/

"DING-DONG!" The doorbell rang.

"Yuki?",Shuichi asked,but didn't turn away from the game,"Someone's at the door."

Yuki just grunted.

"Yuki! Go get it."

"You go get it."


Yuki groaned,but pressed the 'pause' button on his controllor and got up,"This isn't over by far,fckhole."

Shuichi would have been a bit afraid by that last remark,but his sudden burst of male competitive hormones made him feel pumped...

The door stopped ringing. Shuichi could hear the door open,then close quickly,then rapid knocking,then it open again,and close,followed by some foot steps. He heard next a familar voice,"Oi! Shuichi!" The next thing the little pop-star knew,his best friend,Hiroshi,was standing in front of him,"Hey,man! What's hanging?",Hiro said,cheerfully.

"Hey,Hiro! What's up!" Shuichi jumped up and gave his friend a hug that soon turned into Hiro giving Shuichi a 'super-noogie',"How 'ya been,Hiro? It's been forever,dude!"

Yuki cut in,"It hasn't even been 24 hours since you've last seen eachother,moron!",he sat down on the sofa,lit a cig,and sighed,"You two are always in my house. Find another place for your gay little 'club house' meetings,",he took a long drag of smoke,"Idiots..."

No one heard Hiro's low,almost whispered, comment that sounded like : "Maybe that's a good idea;you're hogging all the gay in this house,'asshole-san.'"

/Maybe that's true (?) (YES) or (NO) /

"But,Yuki! You're place is nice and clean. And Hiro will only be here for a minute..."

Yuki closed his eye,annoyed."..."

"Heh. Don't worry,Yuki-san. I'm just here to tell Shuichi some good news about our 'late' CD."

"Wow! Hiro,tell me! What's the good news?",Shuichi was practically bouncing off the walls.

Hiro smiled,"Well,Mr.K called me today and told me that even though we had to release our latest CD a little late,it still had a chance to be on sale in time for the holidays. Also,that our fanbase must have doubled in size! Just over 70 percent of fans have already reserved the CD! And that's not all!"

Shuichi was drooling,his eyes already burning with excitment,"Yes? What else,Hiro!"

Even Yuki had to put his cigarette out and listen to Hiro.

"Well...K-san said that Sakano-san said that Seguchi-san said that there is a stong possiblity that we could be triple as popular by Friday! That's tomorrow! We might be able to past Nittle Grasper all the way,Shuichi!"

Shuichi's heart was pounding rapidly,sweat was literally pouring from his face,and the next thing you know,he was off like a fire-cracker,"YAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" He jumped on Hiro,sqeezing him to death,"We're finally HUGE,Hiro! We're up there with Nittle Grasper,man!"

"That's right,dude,but stop choking me!" Hiro broke free,"We gotta be at work tomorrow for a special meeting. So,don't be late."

"Right,Hiro!" They both smiled wider than ever,"Isn't it great,Yuki!"

Even Yuki cocked an eyebrow,"Yeah...for a dumbass." Even though Yuki didn't admit it,he was proud of his Shuichi.

Shuichi ignored Yuki last comment,"So,Hiro. You wanna stay for a big breakfast to celebrate?"

Hiro grinned,"Of course!"

Ignoring the bad-mouthing comments from Yuki,Shuichi and Hiro headed for the kitchen.

Moments later,the three of them came back into the livingroom with plates stacked high with food (Yuki was forced to cook).

Hiro noticed that their PlayStation was on,"Hey,what's with this?",he asked,pointing at it.

Shuichi picked the controllers up,"Oh,it's nothing. Just me and Yuki having a little spat before you got here,that's all."

Hiro raised an eyebrow,"Really? It doesn't look like you guys finished. Can I watch?",Hiro asked,amused,"Who's winning?"

"I am.",Yuki stated,taking his controller from Shuichi.

"But,not for long!",Shuichi sat next to Yuki,ready.

"Okay? Ready,Steady,Go!",Hiro directed. Both Yuki and Shuichi pressed the 'pause' button a second time to continue the game.


"YAAAAY! YAHOOOOO!",Shuichi cheered at the top of his lungs,"I WON!"

Yuki sat there fumming,pissed he had been so careless in that last round,"Humph...",he huffed faintly.




"Oh,will you shut up! You just got lucky that I'm really sleepy and I couldn't focus!",Yuki lit another cig,"Little punk..."

Shuichi grinned,"Sure,Yuki...Anyways...",he looked at the clock,"It's getting late,Hiro. Maybe you should get going home,now. It's practically dark outside and I hate it when you have to drive late at night..."

Hiro smiled,"Heh. You're starting to sound like my mother. I'll be fine.",he patted Shuichi on the head,lovingly,"Okay,'mommy'?"

Shuichi giggled,"Okay."

"Uhum!",Yuki grunted,"Sorry to break up happy,fairy land here,but get the hell out of my house.",he ordered.

"Oh,I see I'm not wanted here anymore",Hiro said,mockingly,getting up,"Don't worry,Yuki-san. I'll leave so you two can be alone to enjoy a little make-up sex..." After saying this,Hiro lept to the door before Yuki could get him and beat the shit out of him. His last words were : "See you at work tomorrow,Shuichi!"

Yuki followed him to the door,"Yeah,you better run,you little-"

Just then,Shuichi took hold of Yuki's arm,lovingly,leading him back inside,"Yuki?"


Shuichi moved closer to Yuki,rubbing things,"Yuki. I'm-"

Yuki cut him off,"Let me guess. You're going to say : 'Yuuuukiiii...I'm ready for our make-up sex.'? Am I right? You always say that after we make up."

Shuichi couldn't sence any real annoyment in Yuki's words,so he got suddently bold,"What? You don't want me to say it anymore?",he asked,adding a bit more sexy to his voice.

Yuki looked a bit surprised by this,but only for a moment; he leaned forward so that their noses almost touched,"What's with that tone,hm? You only act like this when you're totally confident that I won't throw you out on your ass." Yuki said it so softly and as-matter-of-factly that Shuichi looked stunned himself,but that subsided as Yuki leaned in even closer for a kiss. The blonde man's hand brushed the side of the young singer's face,falling to gently hold Shuichi's chin in place as he made the kiss deeper. Yuki could feel the younger man moan in his mouth,his hands holding on to Yuki,as if being drained of energy by the kiss and needing something to hold on to. Yuki snaked one arm around Shuichi's slim waist,holding his upper body up,and holding the younger man's head up to his with his other hand;Shuichi could feel himself get weak in the knees and it showed. Shuichi's hands were intangled in the older man's glossy,blonde hair. One pulled the other into one passionate kiss after another. Perfect. Nothing. Nothing at all could ruin this moment. 'Nothing at all...',Shuichi thought.

Suddenly,without warning,a rain of bullets plunged from above. A maniac laugh,all too familar,from a wild American.

'...Except that.',Shuichi inwardly groaned. Yuki sensed the deadly bullets in time,pulling Shuichi to safety,"Ah,Yuki!"

The blonde hunk fell from the sky,guns in hand,and grinning like a maniac,"Shuichi Shindou!",the man landed on his feet and came closer to the shocked couple,"Sorry bout showing up like this.." His tone of voice made Shuichi and Yuki both think he was full of shit.

"K-s-s-s-san?",Shuichi was horrified,but managed to stammer the following:

"K-K-K-K-K? What the F-CK are you doing? How? W-why? bahajfjfjgbnfbsdtvgcjiuik! hfghthgfhgdad! why tahell? What on God's green earth just happened! Jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!"

oooooooo HEART-FAILURE oooooooo

(insert a loooong beeping sound)


After a few obsene dreams,Shuichi awoke to find his lover over him,a worried expression on his face. The pink-haired man blinked a few times,making sure he was truely seeing it. But it disapeared and was replaced quickly by a look of distaste.

"Yuki?",Shuichi sat up,"What in the world-?"

Mr.K quickly strolled over to where Shuichi was sitting,squatting down to be at eye-level with him,"So you're finally up,eh? You had us worried for awhile there,kid. Hahahaha!" ,K stood up again,pointing to himself,he spoke again,"Sorry about before. I suppose you weren't yet ready for my chose of a dramatic enterance,heh?"

Yuki cut in,"Listen,I don't know what's going on and,frankly,I don't give a damn,but I want you to leave,now!"

K walked over to Yuki,"I see that you want a explanation,Yuki-san."

"No! I don't!",Yuki got even more angery.

"Wonderful! Since you seem sooo interested,I'll tell you!",K grinned,menacingly.

"Are you braindead?"

"So! Anyways! I just came by to tell Shuichi-kun here that by tomorrow he could be as big as Nittle Grasper themselves!"

Shuichi cut him off,"Yeah,I know! It's soooooo cool!",he sounded really stoked,"Hiro came by earlier and told us!"

"Hiroshi?",K sounded a bit surprised,"Really? And I told him not to say anything to you before I could surprise you with my 'grand opening'.",he sounded more disapointed.

"You mean you did this for me,K?",Shuichi's eyes watered up with joy.

"Yes,only for you...",K answered.

They hugged;sobbing with happiness. (It all seemed as if in a cheesy play)

"You idiots!",Yuki shouted,annoyed,"So,the reason you impaled us with all those bullets,nearly killing us,was all for the sake of appearance;to tell us something we already knew?"

"Ummm...Yes!",K smiled,innocently,"But,you didn't die! All thanks to you're sixth sense of danger,Yuki-san! I knew you were a worthy opponent! You knew to pull Shuichi away from the bullet's course just in time,saving you both...",K bluched,snicking slightly,",and all while you were rather...distracted..."K trailed off seeing the look of distaste on Yuki.

"What do you mean I was distacted?"

K smiled,then puckered his lips together,while crossing his arm,holding himself,and began to mock the action of kissing (kissing noises and all!),"You two were smooching if I wasn't mistaken.",he cracked up.

Ignoring the flushed Yuki with the death-glare,Shuichi walked over to K,blushing himself,but had a serious tone,"K-san. I'll be at the meeting tomorrow. Count on it!"

K smiled and patted Shuichi's head,"I know."

He turned his attention to his watch,"Whoops! Look at the time! I gotta get going before it gets late!"

TIME : 1:44 AM

Yuki sighed at all the stupidity that surrounded him. Poor Yuki...not! ;p

"Bye,K-san!",Shuichi waved good-bye to his manager as K disapeared on a the back of purple dragon (Yes,you read that right).

The pop star turned around,"Hey,Yuki?",he searched for Yuki with his eyes,but he was gone,"Yuki? Yuki?"

Yuki had already gone back inside.

"Yuki! YUUUUKIIII!",Shuichi banged on the door until he left big crater-type dents and blood (?) on the door,"Please,open up,Yuki!"

By the time Yuki let him in (or couldn't take the noises anymore,take your pick) ,it was pass 2 o'clock in morning and poor Shuichi was cold,wet (?),and half asleep. Feeling rather bad for doing that to him,Yuki wrapped his lover in a blanket,took him to 'their' bed,and 'cuddled' with him until sunrise.


"BYE,YUKI!",Shuichi,shouted,high-speed waving,"I'm go'n ta work!"

Yuki covered his ears,"Why do you have to shout like that;I'm two feet in front of you,dork..."

The younger man giggled,"Sorry 'bout that,Yuki...I'm just soooooo excited!"


Shuichi couldn't resist;he pounced on Yuki,"YUKI! Hehehee...You're sooo cute! I'm sooo happy!"

They both fell to the floor;Shuichi on top.

Yuki,slightly annoyed,sighed,"...Listen,kid..."

Shuichi interupted him,"I'm sorry,Yuki..again."

"Don't just say it...Don't do it in the first place."

Hearing this,Shuichi looked sad.

Yuki pulled Shuichi's mouth down to cover his own,snaking his hand in the younger man's shirt,playing with his nipples.

Soon,Shuichi got happy again.

(Things happened) --- Author-trying to speed things up while keeping it PG-13


Yuki buttoned up his shirt,walking his lover back to the door,"You better move,you'll be late."

Shuichi nodded,"Yeah,you're right. I'd better hurry...",he slid on his shoes,"Thanks,Yuki...",he blushed.

"Hm? For what?"

Shuichi flushed even more,"Ummmm...well,'ya know...What we just did...and 'ya know..."

Yuki resisted the urge to blush himself,but failed about half way. 'Well,when he puts it like that...',he thought.

Placing a hand on Shuichi's head,patting it,he spoke again,gently,"Around 9:30,right? That's when you should get back? I'll be here waiting for you,okay? Don't be late. Oh,and have fun...I guess...",even though he felt a little uncomfortable saying this,he half wanted to anyway.

Shuichi's eyes grew even bigger,"Awwwwwwwww!",he gave Yuki his infamous 'genki' smile,"I will,Yuki."

They hugged and Yuki even gave the other man a sweet 'bye' kiss.

Shuichi walked out the door,"I love you,Yuki!",he waved.

"Me..too...",Yuki said back,struggling just a little.


Shuichi Shindou slammed the twin-doors open,putting his hands on his hips,looking victorious,"I'M HERE!"

Mr.K,Hiro,and Mr.Sakano all looked up at once,"SHINDOU! ON TIME!"

Noticing the shocked looks on their faces,Shuichi smiled,"So,you all doubted me,eh? Even you,Hiro?"

Hiro walked over to him,patting Shui-chan on the head,lovingly,"Heh. Of course not,Shuichi. We are all just so proud of you.",soothed Hiroshi.

Shuichi grinned,"So what's the deal? Sakano-san?"

Mr.Sakano came over,"Well,Shindou-san,since Bad Luck is so popular now,I,that is,K-san and I have decided that you should have a photo shoot and we are planning on putting a 'Best of Bad Luck' CD together with some good shots of the band."

"Really? That's great,Sakano-san! Do we start now!"

Mr.Sakano pushed his glasses up his nose with one finger (and,no,not that finger) ,"Well,we can't start just yet..."

"Huh? Why not?",Shuichi's faced fell.

"Ummmm,well...",the priceless producer struggled a bit,"Fujisaki-san is not here yet..."



Shuichi gasped,"But,he's never,ever late..."

"I know but,we must wait for him-"

The twin-doors open again,"Ohio gozimasu.",announced a slummped figure with dark greenish-like hair.

"Fujisaki!",they all shouted at once.

Fujisaki just batted a hand at them,"Yes,I'm very sorry I'm late..."

Shuichi walked over to his bandmate,"So,what took 'ya,Fuji-kun?"

The other man yawned,"Ummm...I just lost track of time...sorry again..."

Shuichi swiftly put a hand on Fuji-chan's shoulder,"Well,then,let's get started!"

"Alright,",Mr.Sakano pulled out a video camera,"Now let's make the special,behind-the-sences video footage for the fans."

Mr.K looked at his watch,"Okay,we started at...exactly...7:48 PM...and it's Friday-"

Something 'clicked' in Shuichi's mind;it made him jump as he realized what he had forgotten,"Ooooh...nooooo..."

Hiro noticed this,"Hm? Shuichi? What's up?"

"Oh,no,Hiro...I forgot to...I...What day is it again?"

"Huh? Oh,it's Friday...and it's almost 8:00...Why?"

Shuichi's eyes grew wider,"I gotta go...",he walked,almost robot-like,to the nearest exit.

As he walked out,slowly,Hiro raised an eyebrow in intrest,"Shuichi? Where are you going?"

All Shuichi said before he left was,"Date...I gotta date..." When he was sure he was out of sight of them,he made a run for it;sprinting as fast as he could to the toy store-meeting place.


Everyone looked...surprised. Hiro's eyebrow raised again in intrest,"A date,huh?"

"You mean with Eiri Yuki-san?",Mr.Sakano asked.

"Hmmm...maybe...Who knows?",Hiro replied.

"I will!",K shouted,hand raised high (as if in a classroom),and jumped up with his gun,"I will find out for you!"

Hiro smiled weakly,"No...That's alright,K-san..."

"Nonsense!",Mr.K grinned,"No Problem!" He spun around,guns in hands,ready to go!

"N-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-nooooooo,K-san!",Mr.Sakano tried to stop him by flinging himself at Mr.K,but the American man just picked him up and carried him gently in his arms to the nearest window,"I shall return with this fair maiden when I have found out what our little pop-star,Shindou-kun,thinks is important enough to skip work for!",and with that,Mr.K,with Mr.Sakano clutched to his stong chest,leapted out of the window,girly screams coming from Mr.(?) Sakano.

Hiro and Fujisaki were left shocked,stone-faced.

Next to 'Happy-Go-Lucky' toy store,stood Touya Kumakura,awaiting his date with Shuichi Shindou.

"Gee...I wonder if Shindou-san is alright...",he looked at his watch,"It's almost 8:15..." The chocolate he had brought was starting to weigh heavy in one hand as the flowers in his other hand were beginning to make him feel sad,"...Or maybe I was just stood up...again...",he wanted to cry.


"Oi!,Kumakura-san? I'm here!",Shuichi,panting like crazy,raced to his new found friend(?).

Touya's face lit up,"Ah! Shindou-san!" The dark-haired man smiled wide,"Konnichiwa!",he held out a hand to his new friend to help him relax.

"I'm...sorry I'm so late...",Shuichi smiled weakly,blushing.

"Heh. That's okay. You were only a few minutes late,anyways. I've been later than that before...",Touya blushed as well,rubbing his head in embarrassment,"Besides,you look great...!"

Shuichi blushed even more,he had forgotten to but on cloths for He wore a sleeveless white T-shirt,a tan jacket with lots of pockets,navy blue geans that have been cut so it looks like they're shorts,and just his regular pair of street shoes.

But,Touya had on a black,tight,sleeveless turtleneck,a white jacket,a black pair a cargo pants,and black dress-shoes. And,of course,he wore a big,loveable smile. He was the one who looked great.

"Here," he handed Shuichi the chocolate and flowers he brought for him,"I made them myself."

Shuichi accepted them,flushed,"Wow! Thanks a lot,Kumakura-san! And you made em? Both of them?"

"Heh. Yeah. I made the chocolate myself and I have a garden at home...I picked the prettiest flowers for you...",he replied,very bashful.

"That's so sweet of you!",Shuichi giggled a bit,"They smell really good!"

"Which one;the candy or the flowers?"

Shuichi sniffled both of them,"Both!" They both laughted.

"So,you wanna go somewhere?",the dark-haired man said,looking hopeful.

"Uh,yeah. Sure!",Shuichi said,cheerfully.

Touya held his hand out to the side,half bowing,"Ladies first."

Shuichi felt weird,he would have to tell Kumakura-san that he was a guy,not a girl,soon.

But,for now,he just walked in front of Touya,smiling and giggling.

But,unknown to them,their was an American madman watching them from the shadows...Well,make that a American,madman manager and a scared,girl-of-a-man producer...

MUHUWAHAHAHAHAHA-cough-cough-cough...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! -scary,huh? ;)

-To be continued in Chapter 3!

() BoNuS :

(1) Author's Note(s) for Chapter 2 :

Hello! Well,another chapter,out of plenty,completed! To tell you the truth,I didn't really think the end of this chapter through too well...So,first off,I'd like to apologize for not getting into too much of Shuichi and Touya's date,yet. Also,for not getting very indept on Kumakura like I'd planned to in this chapter;but,I still have chapter 3,right?

I've been juggleing 4 fics;for me,writing just one at a time is hard enough. So,updates might take a while. gomen---

Next,I'd like to say that this fic is starting to turn into,not just a Yuki-Shuichi-Touya love triangle,but a little bit of a K/Sakano pairing fic as well.

As for the Y/S/T love triangle,I have a good plan for that,so don't worry. ;) It'll all work out in the end and everyone will leave with someone. (I like happy endings like that.)

And as for the K/Sakano pairing hints;I have been playing with the idea of this cute pairing for a while now (almost 3 years to be exact) and I kinda like it. And,yes,I know that K has a wife and kid in the manga and Sakano has an obsession with Seguchi-san,but I still think this pairing is good. Just think about it! ;)

In this chapter,I may have gone a bit overboard,though;portraying Sakano-san as the "fair maiden" and all. sweatdrops---

But,if anyone doesn't agree with me about this pairing,then I don't mind if you tell me so,but give me a good reason why,please. :)

If you don't like it,don't worry;you can just skip the small parts in this fic that might have hints of K/Sakano in them.

Last,I'd like to thank whoever is reading this fic. Thank you so very much! You make me so happy! hugges

Please keep reading and review it for me when you get the chance:)

--- Also,I'm going to put this story in doujinshi form when I'm through (It's fun to write,so I'll be even more fun to draw!) :) ---


Neo SHINIGAMI Currently the 'husband' of two shinigami - Duo Maxwell (Gundam W) and AsatoTsuzuki (Yami no Matsuei) (---)

(2) Chapter 3 preview! (NOTE : CONTENT MAY BE SUBJECT TO CHANGE)-That's fancy-talk for-"I'm still not sure if all of the following will be in the next chapter. :

In the next chapter,we get to know Touya Kumakura a little better. And we continue his date with Shuichi!

What will Mr.K and Mr.Sakano think of it as they secretly watch them? Will something be revealed in the prosess? And,what will Yuki think?

What's up with Fujisaki? Why's he so moody? Is it his time of the month or something? insert fake laughter

With the holidays right around the corner,will eveyone have a happy holiday?

When Yuki's new novel doesn't do as well as was thought,will Shuichi's Xmas gift from Yuki (the novel) end up hurting them both?

I don't know;I haven't written it yet. insert crappy joke

"See you Space Cowboy"