My X-mas baby!
()WaRnInG:Contains YAOI / adult language / boyfriend abuse / gender confusion ()RaTiNg:PG-13 (T)
Chapter 1 :"Gift For My Yuki!"
It was a cold,windy winter afternoon in late December. Shuichi Shindou was happly window shopping for his dream boy,Eiri Yuki. When he came to a book store,he paused. He saw a big display with Eiri's newest novel in it ("just in time for the holidays!"). He smiled wide. Shuichi knew all too well what that new novel was about.
"Yuki? Are you sure you should get this published?",Shuichi lifted his head up from the rough-draft of Yuki's new story.
"Well,why not? Everyone already knows about us,so I thought it'd be fine to write about us.",Yuki took a puff of cigarette and turned to the younger man,"Besides,I thought this story would be...ya know...special...kinda like a X-mas present for you." Yuki knew exactly what to say to make Shuichi melt. Shuichi went silent. He looked away from Yuki,to the floor,blushing. "I know,Yuki. But it's still too dangerous. I think you should just thro-",Shuichi was cut short as Yuki took him in his arms,turned Shuichi's face to his and stared into his eyes. "I'm not gonna throw away such an interesting love story just because a cute,little boy asked me to. Understand?",Yuki gently put Shuichi on his lap and softly pulled him closer,"This is a gift. I can't just throw it away now...",Yuki trailed off,thinking maybe he'd said too much or the wrong thing. Shuichi looked at him wide-eyed for a moment,then jumped up on Yuki in a clumsy hug and practically squeezed the life out of him. "Oh,Yuki! You really did do this for me,didn't you?"
"Hey! Hey! Get off!",Yuki yelled.
"Oh,Yuki! I love you!",Shuichi rubbed their cheeks together and squeezed Yuki harder.
"Agghhh!",Yuki groaned as he was being pulled down,"Listen,I just don't wan't to throw it away because...I'd have wasted days working on it know how much I hate to waste time..." Yuki blushed slightly as he said this and hoped Shuichi couldn't see it. But,he did,of course.
"I love you,Yuki!",Shuichi shouted,"Yuki,Yuki,Yuki,Yuki,Yuki,Yuki,Yuki,Yuki,Yuki,Yuki,Yuki!
Yuki's ear drums couldn't take much more of this. He pushed Shuichi on the sofa,grabbed his face in both hands and kissed him. 'Ahhh...silence.',Yuki thought. The kiss lasted a while until they had to pull away for air. Yuki got what he wanted;Shuichi was quiet now,but as Yuki licked his lips of Shuichi's left over saliva,he found that he was quite turned on. He gave a few huffs and held Shuichi down (even though Shuichi wasn't going anywhere),so he could steal another kiss from him. This kiss lasted a lot longer and was much deeper. Shuichi could feel Yuki's slim fingers run up and down his thigh. Shuichi groaned as Yuki brought his hands to meet Shuichi's groin and then started to peel his pants off. Yuki moaned and quickly reached to pull Shuichi's underwear off and----
Shuichi was standing against the window of the book store with a deviant grin on his face. He didn't even notice he was drooling.
"AHAHAHAGAHA!",Shuichi laughed like a maniac as he recalled that hot night they had had.
He stopped only when he realized he still had an important task to fulfill.
'Now to find the perfect gift for Eiri.',Shuichi said to himself. He reached a toy store and saw a whole herd of children with their moms,shopping. Shuichi stopped and watched as the children ran up and down the store showing their parents the toys they wanted from Santa for X-mas. He just loved kids. And,sometimes,was compared to a kid. 'I do not act like a child.',Shuichi mentaly told himself.
He finally walked up to a little boy picking out a train for Santa to get him,and smiled,"Hey there!",he bent down to chat with the child,"So,you getting a train for X-mas,eh?"
"Uh-huh!",the boy replied,"I'm gonna ask Santa for it!" Shuichi patted the boy on the head and looked around. He finally found a shiny,red train and handed it to the boy,"Here you go. This is the best train I've seen at this store! Ask for this from Santa if you want.",Shuichi's smile grew wide.
"Ok! Thank you,Ms.!",the boy happliy simled and carried the train to his dad to show him.
"No problem!",Shuichi waved bye to the kid,but stopped abuptly as he realized what he had been called. "Ms.? You gotta be kidding!",Shuichi was about to cry,but stopped himself.,"I'm not a kid. I can handle this like an adult!",he thought aloud. Apparently,that little mistake bothered him so much,he rushed after the boy. "Hey kid!",Shuichi called out,"Wait a sec."
"Daddy,thats the nice lady that helped me pick out a train!",the boy said,looking up at his dad.
Shuichi was just about to correct the boy,but his dad stopped him and smiled,"Well,thank you Ms.!",he put his hand on Shuichi's shoulder,"I'm really impressed such a beautiful,young lady,such as yourself,would help a little boy like that. You must be a angel sent from heaven."
Shuichi just stood there in shock. He couldn't move or say anything.
"I'm sorry if I am a little forward,but would you like to have dinner with me sometime? I'm a single dad and,well,you how it is..." The man looked sad just then. Shuichi finally came to sences and felt sorry for the guy. ' I guess just one dinner with him wouldn't be so bad ',Shuichi thought.
"I just want to have some company,ya know. I had to give up my whole life to be a dad. I just want a nice friend like you...thats all..." He looked at him with puppy dog eyes. The man looked very handsome and
he seemed nice enough. "Well...alright. I guess if you just want a friend...,but I have to tell you,I'm not a woma-" Shuichi couldn.t finish his sentence because the intercom of the store turned on and a woman's voice came over a the speakers saying;"ATTENTION SHOPPERS. THE STORE WILL BE CLOSING IN 5 MINUTES. PLEASE MAKE YOUR FINAL PURCHASES NOW AND HAVE A NICE NIGHT. HAPPY HOLIDAYS."
"Well,I gotta go now.",the man gave Shuichi a smile and shook his hand,"I'll see you at 8:00,at this store again Friday,Ok?"
All Shuichi could do was nod.
"Oh and what's your name? I'm Touya Kumakura.",the dad asked.
"Daddy,we gotta go! The store gonna close!",the boy yelled.
Dad and the liitle boy ran to the cashregister.
Shuichi found himself calling out,"Shindou! My name's Shuichi Shindou!"
The man smiled,"Oh,really!" Then that means-",his son cut him off as he told his dad to hurry.
They both waved good bye. Shuichi looked at the ground and sighed. ' How do I get myself in these situations? ' bad could this be? He's respectful,seems sweet,caring...and he does look cool.
This might be fun. To have a new friend with a sweet little boy. It'd be like babysitting. Except with a cute guy there.
Shuichi sighed again,'No sence in trying to convence myself it's ok. And what will Yuki think?'
In the end,Shuichi decided not to tell Yuki. He thought it wasn't that important.
But,what was important was to find a gift for Yuki. Shuichi just had to keep telling himself that. He repeated it over and over,"Gotta focus. What would Yuki want?"
He passed a flower shop. "Flowers?",he thought,"No,that's not too special..." Then,he spotted an antique store. A Chinese antique store. Shuichi decided to enter just to humor the idea of Yuki needing anything from an antique store. It was a small shop with silk floors and slik on the walls and windows. Stacks of shelves filled the room,all of them with gold and silver nick-nacks,of all shapes and sizes,in them.
"Um,excuse me.",Shuichi politly said to a small,asian man behind the counter.
"Yes? What is it young lady? Can I help you with something?",The old man asked with a wide grin.
"Ummm,actually,I'm a guy.",Shuichi replied with an in-ward sigh,"but,I was looking for something to buy a very special person for Christmas and he's...well...kinda..."
"Say no more.",The old man smiled as he said this,"I think I know the type." The old man took out an old,dusty box from the back room and with a large grin,blew the dust off. "Let me guess. This person in question is hard to please,but you want to anyway because this person's very special to you?"
Shuichi's eyes grew big,"Yes! That's exactly it!"
"Well,then look in this box and maybe you'll find something for 'this person'." The old man walked away from Shuichi to let him decide on his own.
'Hmmmm...',Shuichi thought,'Well,maybe Yuki would like something here...' Shuichi started to dig through the box and soon found a small,sliver case-looking-thing and that caught his eye.He opened it up and to his surprise he found four,tiny silver figures inside. "Hey,is this a Saiyuki replica?"
The old man came back,this time with a cup of green tea and another one of his wide smiles. "So,you are interrested in that,eh?",He sat down at a table set up in the back corner of his store and called Shuichi over there to sit next to him. "Well,it is a very,very old model of the "Jouney To The West" legend.",the old usured him,"and it's very,very valuable too."
"Ohhh.I see," Shuichi opened his wallet,"You're not gonna sell it to me cheaply,are you?"
"Oh,no,young man.I was mearly stating a fact.It is very special you know...",the man twittled his thumbs and made a face that gave the impression he was thinking hard. "Well,for you...$46.00."
"Wow!Really!",Shuichi stood up and stared in disbelief,"That's cheap! I was expecting,like,$100,000.00 or something!"
"Yes,well,that's as low as I go.So take it and go. I believe it's about to snow,so you better hurry up and get to your lover,Shuichi Shindou." The old man smiled and took another sip of his tea before standing up,walking Shuichi to the door after paying.
"Thanks a lot Mister!" Hey, do you know my name?"
"Heh.Well,there are not many young boy rock stars with pink hair and a body as frail as a woman'"
Before Shuichi could get angery or even give him an answer,the old dude whipped out a pen,"Would you...maybe...autograph my butt?"
Shuichi,stunned,took a few steps backward,"Wha-Wha-What?"
"Yes. I am a big fan of yours. Please. Here. Do it here",he pointed to his rear,"I'll pull down my pants for you...unless you want to-"
Shuichi walked slowly out of shop with his purchase,shaking his head 'no'-too shocked for words.
"AHAHAHAHAHAHA!",Yuki almost doubled-over with laughter (which is hard to imagine with Yuki).
"It's not funny,Yuki!",poor Shuichi was pouting on the sofa,next to the blonde man,"It was really weird...and scary."
"You didn't sign him,did you?"
"NO! Of course not!",Shuichi shouted,angery that Yuki was so amused at his expence,"It was sooo creepy...Make me feel better Yuki!"
"No way."
"Huh! Why! You're so mean,Yuki!",Shuichi climbed up on Yuki's lap.
"If I'm so mean,why are you on my lap?",Yuki said,smirking slightly.
Shuichi made himself more comfortable on Yuki,"Because I still love you."
"Hn. How much?"
"How much do you love me?",Yuki asked again.
Shuichi paused for a second,"This much.",he streched his arms out as much as they would go,almost hurting himself in the process.
"Yes,baka!",Shuichi smiled,"So,how much do you love me?"
"I'm thinking!",Yuki closed his eyes,"I love you...enough to..."
"Yes!",Shuichi was becoming restless.
"To...kill you?",Yuki offered.
"What kind of answer was that!",Shuichi started hitting Yuki as much as he could,"Why are you trying to abset me?"
Yuki took Shuichi's hands (which he was trying to hit him with) and held them tight in his own,"I'm not trying to make you sad," Yuki kissed the pink-haired boy's hands,"That's the last thing I ever want to do."
Oh,yes. Yuki was slick! Very slick.
"Oh...Yuki...",Shuichi blushed and reached for the blonde man. Yuki allowed himself to be pulled down on top of Shuichi. They kissed. Tonuges clashing.
Yuki pulled away from the kiss,"Wait. We can't do it here.",he picked Shuichi up and started to carry him to the bedroom.
"But,Yuki,that's to far away!",Shuichi said,hastily.
Yuki mentally agreed and,instead,carried him to the closest room;the kitchen.
Don't burn yourselves!
To be continued in Chapter 2!
Chapter 2 preview:
We get to meet some new characters and some old ones! And we get more indept on Touya Kumakura! Is he a friend or foe! AND don't forget about Shuichi's date with Kumakura-kun!
"See you Space Cowboy"