Puppet of Death

Chapter 1: Murder

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Yami no Matsuei and I never will. But damn it, I can dream that one day I will!...cant I?

Authors Note: This is my first attempt at a Yami no Matsuei fic. I apologize for any parts where the characters aren't portrayed as they should be. Also, this story is a colaboration between myself and Leviathan06. Leviathan06 created the plot, while I did the actual chapter.

Rain poured down upon the empty streets of Nagasaki Japan. The air was cool, refreshing, perfect for anyone who might have been out so late at night. All was silent aside from the soft pitter patter of the rain landing on the earth.

One would think that it was a peaceful night..but it wasnt. Not at all, for pain and suffering was just around the corner.

Taking deep breaths, he tilted his head downwards to stare at the fallen male laying on the ground before him. "Hiroshi Shinamuru, you must die for your crimes", he spoke as he watched his victim struggle to catch his breath.

He gained no pleasure in watching the male suffer, but he didn't gain any pain either. He stood there without a speck of emotion, observing, with only a single thought running through his mind: Punish.

He watched Hiroshi grab onto a light post and struggle to pull himself up. The teen was already heavily wounded. Blood poured from a gash in his stomach, as well as from gashes in his back and throat. He would not last much longer.

Fear and confusion was evident in his expression. He was a responsible sixteen year old with no criminal record and perfect grades. He had many friends, and as far as he knew, no enemies. He couldn't understand what he had done wrong or why he was being accused of a crime. "Onegai..Onegai.." he pleaded as his dark brown hair fell into his amythest eyes. He continued to plead as he sensed his attacker's approach.

"Onegai!" he cried out once more before the kinfe cut through his flesh and into his throat for a second time. His grip on the pole tightened at first, then slowly loosened as his body slid towards the ground. He coughed, leaving a spatter of blood on the street and gasped for breath once or twice before his eyes rolled back into his head and his body gave up the struggle.

Dropping the blade through the bars of the sewer drain, the young attacker tilted his head back and held out his hands, allowing the rain to cleanse him of the blood that stained him. The blood washed off his pale skin, but not from his clothes. Turning quickly, he walked away, leaving the body of young Hiroshi Shinamuru on the side of the road.

"You've done well, boy" A light haired man spoke with a delicate smile as he helped the young attacker out of his blood-stained clothes. "But tomorrow-" he continued speaking as he brushed a lock of light hair from out of his blue eyes, "-you'll have to do much better".

He grabbed a wine red robe from the bed, and slid it around the teen's naked form. He stepped back a moment, marveling at the slender figure in the over-sized robe, then chuckled, "Tomorrow" he repeated as he strolled over to the window to their right. He stared out at the full moon before turning back around. "Tomorrow, my puppet".

At this point, the teen appeared to be in some sort of trance. His bright green eyes were wide and his pupils were dilated as he stared out the window. He remained this way for a minute or two before he began to blink once again. Confusion filled his mind, and he lifted a hand to his forehead, pressing hard against it as he squinted to peer around the dark room.

His mind was entirely blank. He couldn't recall what he had been doing, or where he had last been. All he could remember was his friends talking about some case and how they had a lead on who to go after. Other than that...

He leaned foward to rest against something-anything that was there. His body felt very heavy and he needed to relieve himself of the strain. However, he apparently missed whatever he had been aiming for, and stumbled foward onto the ground.

Groaning gently, he tilted his head back up. It was then that he noticed the clothes in the corner. He remembered wearing those...not this robe. He reached for the clothes and pulled them to himself. They were wet..and..covered in blood.

Several images flashed through his mind: Amythest eyes, brown hair, bloody hands, blue eyes...

He tossed the clothes down and quickly set his hands on his temples again. "I don't understand...". Closing his eyes tightly, he lowered his head. The pain continued to grow, and he began to hear a soft chuckle. He growled gently, trying to control the pain, but couldnt.

Soon, the door creaked open, allowing a bit of light from the lamps in the hall way to come in. A figure entered the room, and as soon as they noticed the pained situation the teen was in, they rushed towards him. "Whats wrong?" he asked in a worried tone.

The young one looked up in to the amythest eyes of his compainion, his eyes filled with pain and fear.

"Hisoka?" Tsuzuki asked, grabbing Hisoka's arms and shaking him gently.

"Tomorrow..I'll do better" Hisoka whispered before collapsing in Tsuzuki's arms.

A/N: Well?