CHAPTER 7: Sarcastic Subconscious

A/N: Aww, I feel so loved. I have gotten really nice replies for both of my stories. I was actually considering deleting my other one, Triplet Invasion, but some nice comments I got from someone convinced me not to. Yay! And I updated my bio.I didn't like my other format. I also added some stuff. I also decided to change the setup on here. Now anonymous people can review. All you gotta do is click review, type in any random name, like 'the Peruvian puff pepper' (yes, I was just watching drake and josh) and then say whatever you want about my story. Just be honest. If you really don't like it, say so. I just want to know. I will only delete your review if it offends other people (like races, religions, etc.), but I don't think any people would write that anyway. And remember, you don't have to type in your real name and you can leave the email line blank. Here's some stuff I'd like to say to my lovely loyal reviewers:

0o0 hApPy PilLs 0o0 : here's the update, just keep the mob away! Plz! I loved ur fic, it's totally awesome. Also, I'm glad Dana and Logan are portrayed the way you see them. I guess we have stuff in common.

Anythingirl2004: glad u love it and here's an update!

MrsLoganReese: You know I luv ya'! ur like my best friend here. U rule! Oh, and the only reason I know Spanish is from Spanish class that I started taking in 7th grade, hehehe. When you start, maybe we can practice together. I love you Natalie! You're like the fifth technical sister I never had. (To anyone who doesn't understand about the technical sister, BUTT OUT! This is between me, Nat, and my sisters.)

ShipGurl: You're so nice, and you're in luck, there just might be that kind of scene coming up. Not 2 many spoilers though. :) Oh, and I like ur fic.

Lucy: I thought you were gonna get your own pen name. And remember, next time you see Julia say "NO SELF ESTEEM!" Thanx 4 reviewing, though. It means a lot. I guess that's more than I can say for Juli, huh? She can't be bothered to review her own sister's story.

Maria Casey Wood: This is gonna be dedicated to you, then. You wanted Chase and Zoey. I realized I have been leaving them out, and I just needed to wait until now. This is for them. Hope you like it! Oh, and is that your real name? It's pretty.

I haven't updated lately because my internet connection hasn't been working an ANY of my computers. pouts I could use Word, and that was it. I couldn't email or read email (I email by a website), play internet games, read fan fiction, review, or update my story. This chapter was done a while ago, but before I posted it my computer started slowing down really bad. It took about three minutes to open one link. I couldn't submit reviews, because by the time the connection finally went through, it said the page expired. Something like that. I have been sad, because I couldn't email any of my friends back or read updates. I MISSED YOU, NAT!

Okay, people. If you look at my reviews, it may look like I reviewed my own story. NO I DIDN'T. That's pathetic. Lucy, who is not getting her own thing after all reviewed under my name. So, if you ever see that it looks like I reviewed my own story, I DIDN'T. It's probably Lucy. And I talked to Luce to answer her review. (I mean, come on, she and I live in the same house after all, I don't have to answer her review online.)

I'm sorry if I left anyone out. Anyway, here's the story. Can you believe every time I update this I read all of my previous chapters just to keep the plotline together? I read so many stories that it's hard to keep everything together in my head. Wow. Oh, well. Speaking of previous chapters, I fixed the thing in Chapter 1 about the do not review sign.

DISCLAIMER: In a perfect world, I would own Zoey 101. This is not a perfect world. Therefore, I don't own Zoey 101. Also, in a perfect world, I would be able to find my new silver bracelet…wait, I think I see it on Lucy's wrist. Oh yeah, I don't own U2 or their song "Beautiful Day", which gave me the inspiration for this chapter. Also, another good U2 song is 'Where the Streets Have No Name' and 'I Still Haven't Found what I'm Looking For'. 'Vertigo' is ok too. I don't own those either.

A/N: Okay, we left off with where Logan had pushed Dana in the pool, and then they stole each other's food at dinner. I realized that I haven't given Zoey and Chase much time together, so this chapter has a lot of them. This is a dream that Zoey had about…well; I will let you read it. But the next chapter will be the actual Day 2 of their trip. This is like the deepest chapter. I'm inside someone's mind. It's creepy, but I'm staying here for a while. Then Zoey and I will talk privately. She's allowed to visit my mind, and already knows what's gonna happen next in the story. And yes, I did allow my sister to post this:

This is just a note from Julia; I was the one obsessed with Beautiful day first. I listened to it every day for about the past two weeks. Mo came to me to ask if she could use this song that I know all the lyrics to and blast on the boom box in our room almost every night. But that aside, I'd just like to say, what you don't have you don't need it now. What you don't know you can feel it some how. What you don't have you don't need it now, don't need it now. Was a beautiful day.


Zoey was walking along a deserted beach. A voice came out of nowhere. Strangely enough, it was her own voice. Yet she was not speaking or thinking this. It was as if another person was talking to her, in her own voice. It was slightly creepy. Scratch that. It was EXTREMELY creepy. And what was worse, it was talking to her about love, which was not her favorite subject. It wasn't that she had a problem with it, exactly. She would offer any advice about it to anybody who needed love help. She could play matchmaker, if she wanted, no problem. So why did she have such a problem with admitting stuff about her own love?

Zoey's her mind was full with the sound of the voice.

Yourmind is full of the sound of your own voice. Honestly, isn't that a bit conceited? And I'm not here to discuss me or to help you. I'm here to discuss Chase.

Zoey asked the voice. "What does this have anything to do with Chase?"

You know perfectly well what I'm talking about. You like Chase. As in you have a crush on him, you don't want to be just friends. And now you've reached the point where you have to act on your feelings or make them go away. It's your decision, but you have to make it now. If you thought that I am here to help you with this, you may be wrong. I can only help you so far. I am your subconscious. I can not appear to you when you need help. That is what your conscience does. It helps you make decisions based on right or wrong. Well, guess what. I am here to nag you about things that I noticed subtly. In other words, I notice little details that come back to haunt you later. I'm haunting sooner than later, because I get to decide. If you ask me how I decide, I am not going to help you.

I thought you just said that you weren't here to help me anyway. Hmm?

Ughhh. You don't have to notice every little detail, that's my job, but can't you at least remember some? I can help you up to a point. I can help you, ok? I just can't do everything for you. That job belongs to a different part of your mind. There are many different parts to your mind. Your conscience, main memory, and your subconscious are only three of them. There's also levels. Levels of security, levels of comfort, levels of self- esteem and self-love, levels of-

Ok, ok, I get it. Levels, lots of them, about many different things. Parts of my mind. Alright already!

You cut me off! I-HATE-BEING-CUT-OFF!

Apparently my anger levels are high right now.

Don't tease me about stuff I've said before.

I thought that was your job, to remind me of stuff that's happened before. Huh? Are your insecurity levels getting to you? Or should I say me, since you are a part of me.

You are getting confusing. Let's get stuff straight here. I, your subconscious, am a part of you. I work with you, but I speak for myself. And yes, it's my job to remind you, Zoey, of things that happened before. However, when you said, "Apparently my anger levels are high right now", you were teasing me about the levels I had mentioned. YOU were reminding ME. I am supposed to remind YOU. Get it?

Got it.

Good. Now, you were trying to change the subject. We're getting back on subject, right now. Just because you don't want to talk about Chase doesn't mean you are getting your way.

How do you know I was trying to change the subject?

Hello! Maybe it has something to do with the fact that we are two parts of the same mind? Huh? Maybe that's it. Or maybe I'm a fortune teller. I don't know. You decide.

Sarcastic, you are.

I'm trying to sleep! I don't like being bothered with annoying popup voices that talk to me about my least favorite subject, love! Whine, whine, whine!

Jeez. YOU started the conversation, not me. I was walking on the beach till you came along. And don't make fun of me.

I'll do what I want. And what I want is to talk to you about Chase, your true love.

You make it sound corny.

I did that on purpose. But aha! Now we are getting somewhere! You admit it is true.

I never said that.

No, but you defended it. Now, the next step is that you DO outright admit that you have a crush on Chase. Then I'll leave you alone.

I thought you were going to help me?

I am. But later. You hate me, so I might as well leave.

I don't hate you. I want your help. I want to be with Chase. Because I like him.

You like him! Aha! Yes! You admit it! You like him! You like him! You like him!

If you are going to act like this all the time, forget you.

Forget me? I don't forget anything. I pick up the little things that your main memory never bothers with. Haha.

I guess we're together, then.

Yep. Don't worry, we'll get used to it. You'll get used to me. I only show up when something important is around. Like this.

This is not important. I have liked him for a few months. You never decided to do anything about it until now? Huh?

Now is a good time. You are away from PCA. A new environment can help you to get the two of you together. There are more chances for the two of you to be together alone. You don't have to put up with schoolwork here. It's a field trip.

Wow, you do pay attention to detail. I never even considered the possibility about a new environment.

Stop praising me and shut up.

(A/N: Huh? I'd say something like 'No duh. I thought I just told you that was my job. No surprise that I'm good at it.'

I'm not praising you, I'm complimenting myself. You said it yourself, we're two parts of the same mind. So if I say something good about you, it's like saying something good about me.And anyway, how would I know that Chase liked me back? The way I like him, I mean, not just as friends.

See, that's where I come in. Well, I've been here for a while, but…man, do we get off topic easily.

Like now.

I told you before to shut up. Now, I think that everyone in the universe has realized that Chase likes you, except for you. Or maybe you blocked it out. I wouldn't know that though, would I, because I'm not a fortune teller, according to you.

Major mood swings here! I think from being shut up so long, you need a shrink to sort you out.

Excuse you. Yes you, not me. Excuse YOU for saying that. I'm sorting you out. I was being sarcastic. I know that you didn't realize that he liked you. I just like toying with your mind. Mind. Hahahahaha!

You have a stupid sense of humor.

Whatever. Anyway, SHUT UP! Me, being the nitpicker, detail realizer, smart one, attentive side, wonderful—

Yeah, yeah, you're wonderful.And 'realizer' isn't a word. Just tell me how you know he likes me.


Anger management much?

Cram it.

Where, may I ask :)

Haha.We're two parts of the same mind. Figure it out.

Just answer my question. How would you know he likes me?

Let's think, now. Here are some scenarios, with stuff I picked up in the background that you never realized until right here and now:

When you first met, he fell off his bike looking at you.

He cheated on the personality test just to get matched up with you at the dance.

He was mad when Logan got the part of the lifeguard in the play, because that would mean Logan would be the one kissing you, not him.

He agreed REALLY QUICKLY AND EXCITEDLY when you asked him to 'double date' with Quinn and Mark. Then he was disappointed when you said it wasn't a real date.

When you were fighting with your roomies, he was all dressed up when he thought you two were going to the movies together. Then you brought Nicole and Dana. If it had just been a group thing all along, he would have just dressed normally.

Or how about these, which happened a few days ago.

"Whoa," said Zoey. "Just 20 bucks? 'Cuz that sounds like more money than I have. Sorry- I'm broke." "I'll help", said Chase, pulling out his wallet. "Oh, no you won't" said Zoey, grabbing his hand. Chase looked down at his hand and started to turn red. The three girls didn't notice.

Chase said, "I thought you guys would be ready by now or at least awake. We came to get you guys for breakfast." Zoey took his hand and twisted it gently so she could see his watch. He blushed a deep red. She didn't notice, because she was looking at the watch.

Didn't notice? Yes you did. You just noticed subconsciously. If you were just friends, then why would he blush when you touched him, huh?

I don't know. This is a lot to handle in one night. I feel overwhelmed. Love is complicated.

Well now, since we're being all touch-feely here, let me take the time to say that I don't care. I'm just here to tell you this and now I'm leaving. When you wake up, you'll remember this conversation all day and it will haunt you until the point that you will do something drastic or run away every time you see Chase.

Oh that's just great! This is going to be a wonderful field trip, huh.

So you can be sarcastic! I knew it wasn't just me.

I'm going to ignore that. But I don't know what to do now! How can I be around him now? If what you told me was true, then he likes me. Maybe not love, but he does like me. And I like him! And we should just be friends! But I don't want to be just friends! But if we broke up, we might hate each other forever. And then what?

Calm down. I will be here to help you. Except that I talk to you only when I feel it's right. You can wish that I would talk to you all you want, but I will choose when to appear to you. I make the terms here. You agree to them no matter what. That's how it's gonna work, and you're gonna like it. Now, I have to go.

But I need you! I don't know how to handle all this information. I don't know what to do and I think that you're the only one who can help me.

No, I'm not. But it's up to you to decide who is. My work here is done for now. Don't worry; you'll be able to handle this just fine. Now enjoy the rest of the night, because it's gonna be the last relaxing thing you'll have for a while.



Too late. Zoey's subconscious had left her. It went into a secret part of her mind that she couldn't open. Well, actually she could. She just didn't a) know that it was possible to open it and b) know how to open it.

A few hours later, Zoey woke up from an otherwise dreamless sleep. However, as the subconscious had told her, she remembered every word of their conversation perfectly. Especially when her subconscious had exclaimed, "You like him! Aha! Yes! You admit it! You like him! You like him! You like him! " That part made Zoey think long and hard. She sat in her bed about 6:00 am, thinking about the subconscious's sarcastic voice. Sometimes it seemed like it really wanted to help her, and kinda sounded like a best friend, but other times it was rude and didn't seem to care if she ended up happy or not.

'Well, what is it that the subconscious really wants from me, anyway?' Zoey asked herself. Quinn groaned in her sleep. 'Maybe Quinn could tell me what the heck kind of a dream that was.'

A/N: Well, that was Chapter 7. This was a new approach for me. I haven't written anything where the reader can see such a private part of a person's mind. I just started writing, and this is what I came up with. Tell me what you thought of it. Click the pretty button, the purple-ish one that says "Submit Review". Please. I want to know what you thought of this piece. I'm not sure what to think. I think it might have been too deep. Just be honest in whatever you say. If you don't like it, tell me so. I want to know. And remember, you can review anonymously.