Chapter 11

Once Trish had realized what she had done, she immediately regretted it. She didn't mean to go off on Randy like that but the minute she saw his face, this unknown rage took over. She wasn't herself. It was as if all the anger that she had bottled up inside for her stepfather was unleashed into the slap. She didn't see Randy Orton, she saw him. The man who night after night molested her, took advantage of her during her most impressionable years, the man that she wished death upon night after night. However, even dead he found a way to get to her.

Trish was so wrapped up in her own thoughts that she didn't see Dave enter the room. He watched her silently from the doorway, not wanting to startle her. She collapsed onto the floor, the tears flowing freely down her cheeks.

Dave didn't know what had happened and wasn't even sure he wanted to know. All he wanted was to stop his girlfriend from crying. Dr. Evans had told him that even though she was well ahead of the game as far as her recovery was concerned, she was bound to have a few minor setbacks here and there.

Dave sat down next to Trish on the floor, pulling her into his lap. Trish immediately latched onto him, sobbing helplessly. He stroked her hair in a soothing motion, allowing her to get it all out. He knew that there was alot about Trish that he still didn't know but none of that mattered. All that mattered right now was getting her healthy. He was slowly but surely falling in love with her and he couldn't imagine his life without her in it. He would go to hell and back for her, fighting the devil himself if he knew it would help.

"Orton had better pray to God he did nothing to hurt you diva," he whispered softly in her ear. "Friend or no friend, nobody hurts my girl and gets away with it."

His words caused her heart to sore, her stomach fluttering with excitment. His girl. God that sounded so good. She had never wanted anything in her life as much as she wanted Dave. She wasn't sure how he did it but he managed to turn her life upside down in a few short months. She couldn't imagine her life without him in it and that is what scared her half to death. What if he got sick of her? He still only knew a portion of her past and what if she completely gave into the love that she was starting to feel for him, only to have him find out the truth and then stomp all over her heart?

However, she was finding it harder and harder to fight it. The musky smell that always seemed to surround him, sent her senses on overdrive. Like right now, he had his strong arms wrapped around her tightly, protecting her from the world yet all she could seem to think about was ripping open his shirt to send buttons flying everywhere. She could visualize his face as he was buried deep inside of her, moving in and out of her, taking her over the edge.

Trish began to blush as the overwhelming desire to touch him took over. She knew that he was only consoling her but right now all she could think about was touching him. While still in his lap, Trish pulled back a little to get a good look at him. She sighed deeply, a sexual hunger for him building inside.

She wasn't sure if he had any clue what was going on in her mind but that thought was quickly put to rest when he lowered his mouth to hers, tasting her sweet kiss. He explored her mouth with his tongue, pressing her tightly against him. He could feel her chest heaving as he stifled a moan from within. The kiss quickly took on a life of it's own, growing in fervor.

Trish just had to feel his naked flesh against her fingertips. She began working the buttons on his shirt growing frustrated when she couldn't get them undone quick enough for her liking. She pulled back from the kiss and straddled his lap, needing to feel him NOW. She practically ripped his suit jacket off him, then began with the buttons once again.

Dave delved into the hollow of her throat with his tongue, gently licking and sucking while he massaged her two perfect globes. She was grinding her hips up and down the length of him causing him to grow painfully hard. She was awakening feelings inside of him that he didn't even know he had. God he wanted to make love to her so bad but he knew that she was vulnerable right now. Could he really take advantage of her like that?

He was going to protest but when she raked her nails across his nipples he lost all site of what was right or wrong. In one swift motion he picked her up, her legs wrapped around his middle and found the nearest wall. There would be time later to make love to her properly. He wanted the first time to be special but right now he needed this. Heck they both needed this. All the weeks of pent up sexual frustration needed to be released or they both were going to end up in the nut house.

Dave took control of the situation, working his mouth over her body. He began opening the buttons of her blouse, kissing each piece of flesh that was revealed to him. Once he got her shirt removed he fumbled with her bra for a moment before adding that to the pile on the floor, leaving her upper body completely exposed to him.

He winced as he drank her in, her swollen lips were parted and her eyes clouded over with sexual hunger, the heat from his gaze sending shockwaves of electicity throughout her body. He took a nipple into his mouth, biting down gently, a sound of raw abandon being torn from her as he worked his tongue over her hyper-aroused flesh. Trish clawed at Dave's back as he continued to torment her relentlessly with his skilled hands and mouth setting each and every nerve ending on fire.

Knowing that they didn't have as much time as he would have liked, Dave set Trish down for a moment to remove his pants. Trish's trembling hands began to fumble with his belt buckle while he undid his button and zipper. He grabbed a foiled package from his pants before discarding them to the floor along with his boxers.

Trish watched the adonis standing before her role the condom over his swollen erection. She couldn't believe that this perfect man wanted to be with her. She didn't deserve to have him, she was sure of it but was thankful just the same.

Dave hoisted Trish back up, her legs wrapped around his middle once again. He sought out her mouth once again with his own, soothing her trembling lips. He hiked up her skirt and moved her panties to the side, sliding into her easily. He gave her just a little bit at a time, allowing her to get used to the invasion beforing burying himself to the hilt. He slowly began to increase his thrusts until he was at his desired pace.

Trish dug her nails into his back as she began to climb that mountain of pure ecstasy. Her hands worked their way to his tight ass, squeezing it gently, trying to get him to go deep and tight. She couldn't get enough of him. She wanted to feel all of him buried deep inside of her as her walls milked him dry. Each new thrust sent shockwaves of electricity pulsating through her body. Their sweaty bodies slapped together in a rhythmic motion, moans of pleasure being torn from each of them.

Dave could feel his orgasm approaching as he increased his pace. Trish held onto him tightly as she felt her orgasm washing over her, each and every part of her body on fire. He held her shuddering body while continuing to pump in and out of her. Each thrust lifting her up the wall. A few more thrusts and his orgasm hit him full force, a low growl escaping him as he emptied himself deep inside of her.

He buried his head into her chest as he pressed her up against the wall, attempting to catch his balance, his knees buckling beneath him from the intesity of the orgasm. His breathing came in shallow pants as he slowly but surely tried to bring himself back to reality.

Trish's eyes were closed, her head thrown back in ecstasy as she tried to regain her composure. Tears began to flow freely down her cheeks as she was overwhelmed by so many emotions. No man had ever made her feel like that and she was pretty sure that no man ever could.

Dave felt her body racking with sobs, instantly regretting what just happened. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt her. He just couldn't hold himself back could he? He just had to let his animalistic desires take over. If he could kick himself he would. He set her down on the floor once again, throwing his pants on quickly before taking her into his arms.

"Trish I am sorry that I lost control like that," he began. " Please know that I would never take advantage of you like that. I just..."

Dave was cut off by Trish as she crushed her lips into his, seeking out his tongue with her own. She wanted more. Heck she needed more. With tears streaming down her cheeks she kissed him with as much passion as she could muster.

Dave was definitely thrown for a loop. He returned the kiss with equal fervor, sliding his tongue into the warm contours of her mouth. Their tongues danced off of one another, his desire for her hitting him full force once again. God this woman was going to be the death of him.

"Please Dave," she begged. "I need this. I need you."

That did it. Time or no time, he was going to make love to her again. He lifted her up and carried her through the doors to the shower area. Might as well kill two birds with one stone.

Meanwhile, in the other room, Ric and Hunter were questioning Randy over what had just happened.

"Randy," Ric began. "What did you do to my girl to make her attack you like that?"

Randy honestly had no clue what had just happened. He never did anything to the girl, let alone even talking to her.

"Ric man," he raised his hands in defense. "I swear to you, I have no idea what just happened. I mean I don't even really know Trish."

"Well something is going on Orton," Hunter chimed in. "You have been acting like an asshole for the past month or so. Something is going on with you and I am going to find out."

"Fuck You Hunter," Randy bit back. "What goes on in my personal life is none of your damned business."

Hunter was shocked by his outburt. How dare he speak to him in such a tone. Hunter quickly got up in Randy's face, pressing his nose up to his, looking his directly in the eyes.

"Listen buddy," his tone very serious. "You better know who the fuck you are talking to." "I MADE you Orton and I can break you, just like that," he emphasized by snapping his fingers. "So don't you EVER talk to me like that again or you will be down on that ground so fast it will make your head spin."

Ric tried being the mediator, getting between them to break things up before Hunter pummeled him.

"Guys, guys, guys," Ric started. "We are Evolution. Wooo! We need to stick together. We are a family and families watch each other's backs."

Ric's speech fell on deaf ears as Randy stormed out of the locker room, slamming the door behind him. Hunter in turn punched a hole in the wall, trying to unleash some of his anger before he also stormed off.

Ric knew that this was the beginning of the end of Evolution. He knew it was going to come sooner or later with the way things had been so tense around the locker room lately. Orton wasn't too keen on Trish joining the group in the first place.

Hunter protested at first but quickly grew to love Trish as much as he and Dave did. Hunter took her under his wing and really showed her the ropes. He helped her in the ring and helped her become an even more amazing wrestler than she already was. He was a great mentor to her and he had only hoped that Randy would have took to her in the same way.

Instead, Randy chose to disassociate himself with the group all together. He stopped attending their meetings and had been really crabby with everyone. He wished he had known what was going on with him. He knew he was a good kid deep down. That was why they recruited him into the group in the first place. He and Dave were the only ones that had what they were looking for. Ric silently hoped that whatever it was that was bothering him, he would get help before it was too late.

"Randy please baby, don't," Stacy pleaded. "I don't know what has gotten you so upset but this isn't the answer."

Stacy was greeted with the back of Randy's hand as he let out his frustrations onto her. Hunter pissed him off in a big way and if he didn't have such a power over his career, he would have jumped on him. Randy continued to hit her, letting his rage take over.

"You stupid bitch," he yelled. "When are you going to learn not to question my actions," he screamed louder shoving her into the corner and wrapping his hands around her throat.

Hunter stopped in his tracks as he heard what he thought was a woman's scream. The noise came from the diva locker room. He listened again to be sure that he wasn't hearing things. That was when he heard a smack and a thump.

Hunter quickly ran through the doors, covering his eyes in case the ladies were not decent. He scanned the room quickly, immediately finding the source of the scream. Randy apparently didn't hear him enter because he still had his hands wrapped around Stacy's throat.

Hunter's nostrils flared in anger. That was the one thing he could not stomach, a man hitting a woman. Plus this was not just any woman, this was the woman that he had secretly been crushing on since she showed up on Raw. In one swift motion Hunter had Randy pinned to the ground, his hands wrapped around his throat.

"You son of a Bitch," Hunter screamed, squeezing a bit harder on Randy's neck. "You ever touch this beautiful lady again and I swear to God I will kill you."

Randy tried grabbing at Hunter's hands, gasping for air. He was going to kill him if he didn't let go.

Hunter noticed Randy's face turning blue and let up a little but still kept his hands around his neck.

"You go back to the locker room, get your things and get the Fuck Out," he demanded, his voiced laced with rage. "As of this moment, you are no longer a member of Evolution."

Hunter got off of Randy, lifting him up by the collar and getting right in his face.

"Why Randy," he questioned. "What the fuck happened to you man? You had so much going for you and you stoop to this?"

"I don't know...," Randy tried responding but was cut off by Hunter.

"No, he screamed." "Don't you fucking talk. You lost all right to talk to me when you decided to use that beautiful woman as a punching bag," he pointed out, glancing over at Stacy. "You see Randy, Evolution is about strength and dignity, qualities that you severly lack. You are nothing but a coward Orton. Get out of my face before I take MY frustrations out on you."

Randy didn't say a word and did what Hunter asked of him. He had known Hunter long enough to know that he meant everything that he said. He would kill him if he saw him near Stacy again.

Once Randy was gone, Stacy breathed out a big sigh of relief. Hunter was her hero. She didn't know what she was going to do to thank him.

Hunter met her gaze and smiled sweetly to her. He held out his hand, waiting for her to accept it. Once she did he pulled her into his arms and held onto her tightly as her hot tears began to soak his shirt.

"It's going to be okay Stace," he promised. "I will not let anything or anybody hurt you ever again."