Title: Memoirs of a Lost Soul

Author: Niki-chan

Rating: PG

Summary: Kagura is dead. There is no question about it. But then who is this mysterious woman haunted by her memories?

Notes: This story is current with the manga, so if you aren't familiar with the current story cannons I recommend visiting www . ear-tweak . com to catch up! In a nutshell Kagura died, Sesshoumaru feels compassion for her death and does not want it to have been in vain, and as a result of this change in his heart Toutousai reforged Tenseiga to be a weapon. The attack is called the Meidou Zangetsuha. Translated meidou means path of darkness, zangetsu is a moon visible at dawn, and ha means blast, but for the purposes of the story I'm going to call it the Path of Darkness. This is inaccurate, but I'm using it for simplicity's sake.

Disclaimer: Nothing is mine. They belong to the incredibly talented Tahahashi-sensei.

"Are you going?"

"Yes. It's fine. In the end... I was with you."

It was the same dream she had almost every night. It was so vivid she was certain she had been there before. She could almost feel the soft breeze through her hair and the sweet smell of flowers in the air.

She was not sure why she dreamt this. Night after night, it was always the same. Every detail remained constant, without even the slightest of variations.

She was sitting in a field, surrounded by blossoms. She was in pain. Excruciating pain, unlike anything she could ever even imagine. It was as if her entire body was burning from the inside. As if some foreign toxin were coursing through her veins.

She is always alone in her dreams. She knows she is dying but it does not frighten her. She is, however, afraid to die alone. But suddenly a tall figure appears, and it is as if he has the ability to heal her wounds, because as soon as he arrives she is suddenly at peace.

She never saw his face. Hard as she tried, as much as she strained, she was never able to make out the details. However, she was certain he was handsome.

The dream was always the same. She would try to go to the man. His arms were open, as if he were waiting for her. And she would run to him. But with every step he seemed to be further and further away. And then she would realize she was disappearing. Her body would slowly disintegrate, her ashes sprinkling into the wind.

And then everything goes black.

A/N: Very short little prolouge just to get you going. I'll probably have the next part up later on tonight. Let me know what you think so far!