A/N: Sorry it has taken me a while to update. I've been quite busy. And if you all may remember the Helen's father is Irish so i write what he says the way he would say it. Let me know if there's anything you dont understand. thanks! R&R please. Xoxo

Pain of Today, Healing of Tomorrow

Chapter 8

The next morning, Christmas Eve day, was cool and sunny with not a cloud in the sky. The sun stretched its long arms into the living room of the Brundlehurst home. The remains of the wood that had been burned the night before lay at the bottom of the brick fireplace, still giving off pleasant warmth.

Helen's father, who was still a stranger, had not returned home yet, and Helen was still asleep on the sofa where Sirius had tucked her in. He had woken up an hour and a half ago, and taken a shower. He found the kitchen and began to assemble breakfast for Helen.

He made a full-bodied English breakfast tea first. Sirius discovered pots and pans lurking in the bottom cabinets of the large kitchen. There would be no toast because there were two loaves molded over completely. He was lucky when he found eggs in the refrigerator and frozen solid bacon in the freezer.

When the meager morning meal had been made he carried it on a plate into the living room and set it on the oak center table. The tea was finished steeping and he came across the teacups to pour it in. Sirius also placed the cups on the table.

He lightly touched Helen's shoulder so he wouldn't scare her. When her eyes fluttered open, Sirius smiled that 'good morning' smile, and he bent to kiss her forehead.

"Morning you," She strained to say as she stretched like a baby kitten.

"Morning," He responded.

"What smells so good?" she asked.

"Me!" Sirius announced triumphantly.

"You smell like bacon?"

"Well, it's not me you smell, it's the food I made!"

"Oh Merlin! Is the kitchen still here?"

"Ha Ha. Very funny, I happen to be quite talented when it comes to food."

"Maybe eating it." she mumbled, picking on him.

"What was that?"

"Nothing." She said innocently. "It looks great, Sirius."

Helen and Sirius were nearly done with their breakfast when outside the bang of a car door sounded, gravel crunched, and there was a thud onto the front porch. Sirius looked worried, and Helen ran to the front door before Sirius could stop her and opened it wide, in her nightgown, she stepped onto the paint-chipped wooden porch and guided in a man who looked like a vagrant.

He had not shaven in quite a while; in fact he hadn't showered in quite a while, and he definitely had been wearing the same clothes for quite a while.

The unknown man's face was sunken and hollow. His skin was a pale yellow, and his dirty clothes looked too large for his body.

'Maybe this is normal. Maybe people like this come in from no where all the time. I mean we are on a deserted road and the bus does pass here. What if I hadn't been here? Would she have opened the door then? Who knows who this man is! What if something bad would have happened to her? No, he didn't come on a bus, there was a car door.' All these thoughts and more flashed in, out, and around Sirius' head while Helen continued to lead the man further in the house.

She was gone only for a few moments, but it seemed like hours to Sirius, and he was getting edgy, so he rushed upstairs to see Helen closing the upstairs bathroom door, leaving the man inside of it to clean up.

"Helen! What are you doing? Who is that?" Sirius questioned frantically.

"That, Sirius, was my father. I'll properly introduce you both when he comes downstairs." Helen responded, tiredly.


Helen's father descended the intricate wooden staircase. He was in a fresh shirt and trousers, and he was now clean shaven.

"Father, this is Sirius Black. Sirius, this is my father, William Brundlehurst."

Sirius outstretched his arm and shook Mr. Brundlehurst's hand.

"Well you two, I have to go the grocery store. The food items in this house are scarce. Dad, I don't know how you've been surviving. Get acquainted and I'll see you both soon. Don't worry, I won't be long." Helen smiled and opened the cream colored door to the morning sun.

"Be careful." Sirius and Mr. Brundlehurst said together. The two looked at each other; Helen, finding it amusing, laughed.

"I will," she called back.

Helen had been gone for nearly fifteen minutes and Sirius and William Brundlehurst had been making small talk. They discussed the bitter winter they'd been having, where Mr. Brundlehurst worked, and other little things.

"Mr. Brundlehurst, can I talk to you about something personal?" Sirius asked as he looked him in the eyes.

"Of carse ya can. Wot is it?"

"It's about your drinking." Sirius answered.