A/N: Well this is the spin-off that some of you requested. And by the way… Memories Made in the Rain and this story are connected. But you don't need to read MMTR to understand this one.

Disclaimer: I'm sorry! I always forget this. Please don't sue me. I don't own Sirius Black. I don't own Hogwarts. I don't own Dumbledore. I don't own James. I do not own Lily. And I do not own Remus. I don't own Platform 9 ¾. I don't own the Hogwarts Express. I don't own Diagon Alley. I do not own Hogsmeade. Ok. There. I think I covered everything so far. Oh! And I don't own Voldemort. (who would want to?) Ok. Yea. Let me know if I forgot anything. :-))

Pain of Today, Healing of Tomorrow

Chapter One

It was almost two years since Helen Brundlehurst's mum died in a freak car accident. Mr. Brundlehurst was still learning to cope with their loss, but not in the best of ways. He was drinking.

He was not a violent drunk at all; he was in fact very docile. He would hold imaginary conversations with a Mrs. Anne Brundlehurst, who wasn't there. This broke Helen's heart.

The summer night wind blew through the open windows. The breeze wrapped around Helen as she say out on the small balcony that stemmed form her French windows in her room. It was Helen's escape, just to go up there and write or draw or read. The balcony was above the porch and overlooked the graveled driveway that was lined with beautiful trees. Helen always missed her home when she was away at Hogwarts, but she felt just as at home there.

"Oh Merlin!" Helen said frustrated, "And he's driving."

She said that as a small blue car came up the drive, making loud crunches as he passed over the gravel. It was night and the moon was a sliver in the sky. Helen ran downstairs, graceful as a cat, and helped Mr. Brundlehurst from the car.

He was singing obnoxious Irish pub songs, very loudly. Helen was thankful that they lived in a somewhat rural region, the nearest neighbors were about a kilometer off, so they weren't aware of Mr. Brundlehurst's drinking.

When they made it through the doorway Mr. Brundlehurst requested bratwurst.

"Because heaven forbid, he not have bratwurst when he comes home wasted." thought Helen exasperatedly.

He always wanted bratwurst after heavy drinking.

"Please," He begged, "You're m'best friend" he continued to whine in his drunken tenor tones.

"Fine." Helen sighed.

By the time Helen had gotten the bratwurst out of the freezer and the pan out of the cabinet, she soon had to pick them right back up because now Mr. Brundlehurst was out cold on the couch.

She gently shook him to wake him up. He barely stirred. She was able to awaken him and get him to bed, and Helen reminded him, "I'm leaving for school in the morning, dad." She couldn't help but think dejectedly, "And you'll have a hangover for my last year."

Helen was already packed for school on September 1, as she lay on her bed thinking about a boy she had met and spoken to at length in Diagon Alley over the summer.

The first time she had met Sirius Black, a completely gorgeous and popular guy, she had been thinking about her mum and pitying her dad and current lifestyle. Sirius Black had seen her and comforted her, not even knowing her name. They decided to meet up again and again. After three meetings Sirius asked her to be his steady girlfriend. Helen had surprisingly jumped right in head first without a second thought to the matter.

Helen wanted desperately to be loved. Her past relationship had been a nightmare to any girl, but that's all she knew. She had thought that that was love. Only until the end did she truly see the light and realized that it was wrong.

Sirius Black was a big step up. He definitely fit the description of tall, dark, and handsome, not to mention intelligent. After their second meeting, the pair had discovered they both attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and were even in the same house. Sirius had never really noticed her, but Helen, on the other hand, had noticed him. (Who wouldn't!)

The couple had decided to meet at the train station on September the first.

Helen arrived to the train station later than she had planned. As she suspected, Mr. Brundlehurst had a hangover and had overslept not wanting to drive in the morning sunlight. Helen lectured him all the way to the station.

"Dad, it's not only not good for your health, but you drove home last night. I worry about you Dad, I'm going away to school and I won't be here to …"

Mr. Brundlehurst cut her off in his strong Irish accent, "Don't you be worryin' yerself over me, d'hear? I'll be fine, and I'll not have ya frettin' yerself for nothin'."

"Just promise me you won't drink as much while I'm gone?" Helen asked as silent tears streamed from her chestnut brown eyes.

"I promise Helen." He told her in reply.

They arrived at the train station a little after 10:30am. Helen pulled him into a tight bear hug.

"I love you Dad. I'll miss you. And I promise I'll write.

"I know. See you soon. Love you. Be good."

Helen walked on to Platform 9 ¾ leaving her dad and the muggle world behind. She was entering her last year of Hogwarts, her seventh year.

Sirius found her first. He came up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist, surprising her for a moment. Helen turned into him, hugging him. Sirius lifted her chin so that he could look at her. He kissed her on the lips, her first.

They met up with Sirius' friends, James and Remus, and their girlfriends, Lily and Leigh.

Helen and Sirius got a compartment with the other four. While Helen was still in a dream-like state from her first kiss, Sirius decided to go a step farther and began snogging her. No one really bothered them, like James usually would have done.

Later on the train Sirius introduced her again to the group. It seemed to Sirius, that no one had been listening to him the first time, at the train station.

That night they ate in the Great Hall with the others. Sirius and Helen retired at around 10pm. The two parted at the entrance to their own dormitories, kissing once more.

A/N: I'm soooo sorry, I know that Chapter like really sucked but I swear it gets better. I promise. You all can send evil elves after (I think some of you already have) me if it doesn't get better. Well R/R please:-))