"Girls against Guys"

Janitors were cleaning up the stage. Crystal Palace Theater had been around for generations. It had been rebuilt last year however. Serena Kiera sat at her desk pondering the inevitable fate, tomorrow she would be sponsoring the famous show, "Girls against Guys," right here in her theater. Darien her husband, thought this would be a great idea. The couple was deeply in debt and on the verge of bankruptcy. Serena and Darien also needed the publicity to keep the business going. No publicity equaled little business.

She watched the business through the one way glass window. She tried to keep her employees happy.

Darien walked into the office, "Usako, it's getting late."

Serena sighed. "Darien, do you actually believe that this will get us out of debt?"

Darien hugged her, "yes Usako, I do believe that this will get us out of debt. Now can we please go home?"

Serena and Darien grabbed their stuff and left the building, leaving their stress in the theater.

The Next Day, the Guy's Story

Mr. Chisholm pounded on the door of the guy's dress room. "Thirty minutes to show time." After that Mr. Chisholm walked towards Darien. "It is crowded in there. The people are paying to stand up and watch the show."

Darien smiled, "Thanks Dave."

Dave patted him on the back. "Everyone wants to see things work out for you and Serena, Darien."

"I know it's just so difficult to maintain great grandpa's business. Well, I better check up on the guys." With that said Darien went into the guy's dressing room.

In the dressing room, Eckels and Thomas Black Bull were talking about the ways of the past.

"I do believe that was a splendid time to visit, but I would never do it again." Eckels chimed.

"Our people are so serene; we would only kill what was essential. Why wouldn't you do it again?" Thomas Black Bull stared at Eckels.

I learned of the butterfly effect, which changed my future. I should change my hunting style, but sadly I still hunt for sport." Eckels seemed to gaze out in space for a second.

"I understand I forgot my way of life once too." Thomas smiled. "I only think about today. Worrying about tomorrow seems futile."

"I love all the gadgets." Peter Hadley entered the banter.

"How could you live with all those gadgets?" Thomas queried. .

"How could you not live with all those gadgets?" Peter laughed, "We walk into the nursery and we are anyplace we want to be."

"Have you ever gone hunting?" Eckels bit his lip. He must really stop thinking about hunting.

"No, we have a gun that automatically shoots creatures that traverse its path. No work involved for the hunter." Peter answered.

"What I wouldn't do to be youthful again. You are missing out on so much kid." Mr. Medbourne. "What do you think Eugie?"

The kid sitting in the corner didn't budge. "Eugie, what do you think?" Peter Hadley screamed to get Eugie to take notice of him.

"Yeah, you missed so much Peter." Eugie at last answered.

Darien laughed, "Eugie doesn't talk much does he?"

"No, I guess he doesn't, but we will still win this competition." Eckels joked.

Mr. Chisholm came in, "Let's get this show on the road."

The Next Day, the Girl's Story

Serena sat in the corner. "I don't know if this will work." She hadn't seen the crowd waiting to see the show.

Emily walked over. "Everything will work out. I mean you're not as blind as others I am acquainted with."

Serena cracked a half smile, "Thanks, I hope to never be that blind."

Bianca sat on the couch reading a book. "Emily dear, guys are the only blind people I know, they can be fooled effortlessly."

Mrs. Hutchinson was checking the Television rating on the computer. "The show received a 4.5 rating out of 5. That should give you the publicity you need and allow you to maintain the theater for years."

"Don't you girls ever get worn-out from technology?" Lydia pondered out loud.

Serena smiled as she moved over to the bunch of girls. "A little technology every once in a while never hurt anybody, Lydia."

"No, I guess not. I just want to take a break from technology. Advanced technology kind of seems overbearing to me." Lydia replied.

Emily stared at Lydia for a second. "There isn't much technology where George and I live."

Mr. Chisholm knocked on the door. "Serena, May I talk to you for a second?"

"One second," Serena got up and walked to the door. "I will be right back, ladies."

"I wanted to show you the size of the audience and ask where you keep the extra chairs." Chisholm smiled.

"Oh Dave, is the crowd really the immense?" Serena was taken aback.

"Why don't you look for yourself?" Dave led Serena and she looked at the size of the crowd. Dave smiled at the young lady he had grown up with. Dave and Serena had been friends ever since they were little. When Serena and Darien were in trouble he would do whatever he could to help them, they would do the same for him. Darien had agreed immediately to host the show at Crystal Palace Theater. Serena despite the fact took a while to get used to the idea.

"Are they really all here or our show? I hope I don't klutz on stage." Serena giggled.

"You won't I promise, and if you do we will make t seem as it was a prank. Go tell the girls it is show time. I will get the guys." Serena left to get the girls.

The girls laughed as they walked towards the stage.