As most stories begin with the phrase, Once upon a time, but this one does in a way, but another fits it even better...A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...

You see, someone felt the sting of betrayal as Darth Vader hurled Emperor Palpatine, his master, into the core of the Death Star, where his life ended in a spectacular explosion, but that was not his end, nor would it be. You see he had at least one backup plan, clone bodies on the planet Byss.

Although he would live again in one of them, the Sith Lord's plans meant that he would be forced to wait for them to mature, and as such he sat, watching the universe and planning his revenge. It was there that he felt a faint echo of someone elses betrayal, someone else having been abandoned by all he knew. Someone who would make a worthy aprentice.


A young green eyed boy sat in silence as he fought the terrors trying to shatter his mind. He had survived the deaths of his so called family when Voldemort himself had struck on Privet drive, and then he was blamed for it all, those who believed in his innocence had been barred from the courtroom, though many of his friends had been there to proclaim his guilt. Even the old headmaster was there alongside Minister Fudge.

Hedwig had been killed by the Aurors when she tried to protect him during his arrest, and his things were taken, his wand snapped and he had quickly found himself in Azkaban with the corpse of his owl and his shattered wand as his only company beyond the Dementors.

The rage and hatred that now filled him was something that protected him from the Dementors, but a presence touched his mind and he heard a voice speak to him, offering him a chance to escape, to deal with his betrayers, and to take what was rightfully his.

A positively evil smile crossed his lips as he agreed.


Darth Sidious smiled at his new apprentice as he constructed a pair of lightsabers. The yound wizard was fully trained in everything he knew, something that a Sith would normally never do, but this was a special case. The boy would never be a threat to him, he would have an untire universe to rule over that would never trouble his Empire, and it was the perfect place for a ew order to rise without the overzealous Jedi to trouble them.

To turn a savior into a conqueror was something that was especially delightful, something that would easily change the fate of at least the world he was on. Not to mention the technology the boy would easily be capable of constructing to ensure his power.

The crystals of the blades were made from the ashes of both the wand and the remains of his familiar crushed with the might of the force into a perfect pair of gems, all the metal was from the chains that had bound him. It was the perfect pair of weapons for a young Sith Lord.


"What is your name," his master asked as he finished his work, the two perfect, blood red blades shining in the gloom.

"I am Tyran, Dark Lord of the Sith," he responded with a cruel smirk, "And I am ready Lord Sidious."

"Then it is time that I return, for I may not tarry here for much longer," the dark spirit responded, "I will leave you one last gift my Apprentice, and I hope that we meet again Lord Tyran."

With that the cloaked man faded leaving a small case behind, opening it he revealed a true treasure trove of artifacts from his now-former masters universe, armor, holocrons, and far more. They were what he required to begin his own missions, and a perfect way to begin his retribution.

Quickly he dressed, the dark armor concealing his skin and the helm and cape to hide his identity, the twin lightsaber handles hung at his waist, one on each side, their silver metal gleaming as he rose to his feet, drawing in the full powers of the Force and binding it to his will.

Lightning flashed outside as even the dementors felt the power surge and began to despair, true darkness had come and let all who stood in its way fear their demise.

The black clad sith calmly shattered the door to his cell with a simple glance as he walked, the darkness calling to him as he calmly walked to the center of the ancient fortress, a place where the seat of power for a lost empire had been, a darkness that had warred with the ancients, had fought Atlantis at its height before it had been crippled by an assassin, but taking its hated foes with it.

He advanced unafraid, his power cackling around him like a maelstrom as the force guided his steps, showing him the way. An obsidian throne sat within a massice chamber, and he walked forwards, unafraid and, yet he was drawn by the sirens call of power.

Once seated, knowledge flowed into him and he smiled at what was now his as the dementors knelt before him as one and the power that made Azkaban feared was his.


Dumbledore was almost in a panic at the new prophecy that sat before him, it made him feel scared for what was to come.

Betrayed by the light

The hero shall fall

Gifted with power

A darkness shall rise

The power of life

The force shall come

Both light and dark

Shall fear his return

Blood fire shall herald him

His blades shall preceed him

Tyran he shall be called

Heir of those ancients feared

Those who betrayed him

Shall know despair

A shade from beyond

The farthest of stars

His teacher shall be

The world will remember him

For eternity.