A/N; DB/Z/GT is owned by Akira Toriyama only.

Two Worlds One Hero

Chapter 15: It's Finally Over

Oozaru Goku furiously smashed and bashed his brother into the ground and mountainside, growls and roars erupting from his large mouth with every attack. Raditz screamed in agony with every painful contact, blood spewing from every part of his body. He had to do something and he had to do it now. But Goku was just so fats. How? And when was he so fast? He stood up as Goku began to pound his chest with his fists, roaring his battle roar. Raditz held onto his broken arm, his one eye barely looking up at him. Somehow he had to cut off his tail, but he needed a distraction.

"Stupid Shola. If he hadn't been so careless he could have helped me defeat him" he snarled to himself.

Yamcha grabbed his sister and brought her into hiding behind a large rock with everyone else. With all the rocks and debris Goku was throwing around, surely it would hit them if they weren't in safety.

"Now what?" asked a shaking Bulma, not letting go of Yamcha's arm. He grunted. Couldn't she see he was losing blood circulation in that area?

"I don't know. He's just out of control. No wonder he had his tail cut off years ago" there was silence, "THAT'S IT!" He suddenly yelled.

"What's it?" Chichi curiously asked.

"We have to cut off his tail!"

"Yeah, then he'll change back" Bulma added in, very happy with the idea. Chichi smiled.

"But shouldn't we let him destroy Raditz first?" Bulma asked as she looked over at the beaten Saiyan.

"Good point. But if we wait any longer he could blow everything up, and worse yet, he could move into the city" Yamcha suddenly thought.

"I suppose you're right. But how are we going to cut it off?" Krillin questioned.

"I'm working on that part" Yamcha said in thought.

Chichi suddenly found herself away from the others and walking towards her lover. She didn't know what she was doing, but somehow she wanted to help him. She looked up, her eyes watching as he preformed mini tantrums and threw things around.

"Goku" she whispered…but he heard her…

He stopped moving and looked down at her…everything was quiet and she became scared…but what really frightened her was the loud echoing snarl that soon came out of his fanged mouth. She jumped, soon wishing she hadn't moved from her hiding place, but when she went to run she was grasped by his huge ape hands.

"CHICHI!" Yamcha called in worry and anger as he saw her being picked up by the creature.

"Oh no! What if he eats her?" Bulma cried.

Chichi shielded her eyes with her hands in fear, wanting him to eat her and get it over with; after all, he wouldn't remember her…would he?

That was soon answered when his large finger began to stroke her chin. She gasped and removed her hands, her eyes looking up into his. She didn't think it was possible, but there he was, stroking her and purring slightly. She smiled at him and put her hands on his finger.

"I guess you do remember me" she said. He licked her face making her giggle, but after she felt the slime she cringed. He purred some more and nudged her cheek with his large nose, howling gently now and then. She chuckled.

This was Raditz' chance!

He prepared a large disk of energy in his hand which was above his head and carefully and as quietly as he could he threw it in the direction of Goku's long tail. Before Goku knew it, he felt his tail falling off and he howled in pain and anger, dropping Chichi out of his hand. She screamed as she fell, but was soon caught by Yamcha before hitting the ground.

"Oh Yamcha" she sighed, hugging him tightly. He embraced her back, watching as Goku began to change once more.

He roared, his body shrinking and his once hairy form becoming hairless. His canines disappeared and his eyes returned to normal as he fell to the ground, normal once more.

Chichi gasped and left Yamcha to run over to her lover's body. She turned him over, his eyes closed as if he was unconscious. She also noticed he was naked. But then again, he did tear his clothes apart when he transformed. The others came running over, slightly embarrassed by Goku's nakedness. Bulma however was quite intrigued.

"Yamcha can he have your shirt?" asked Chichi. He nodded and took off his top shirt, handing it to Chichi as he did. She wrapped it around his waist to cover him up the best she could.

"My Chichi, he has one hell of a package" Bulma chirped. Chichi looked at her and blushed, Yamcha looked horrified and the others just nervously laughed or looked away. Chichi soon shrugged it off and peered back down at her beloved. He looked so handsome when he was out she thought. She had the urge to kiss him, but she'd rather him be awake for that. So she just gently caressed his cheek with her fingertips.

"Now" and enraged Raditz spoke standing right behind them, startling them all, "Lets finish this" he spat, gathering a ki ball in his hand. The girls gasped and the guys grit their teeth. But before anybody knew it, Goku flipped up, grasped a long sharp branch and stuck it through his brother's chest.

There was silence…

The Z Warriors were in complete and utter shock. Raditz looked down, blood dribbling out from the wound. He felt cold and drowsy, his head was spinning and his knees began to buckle beneath him.

He fell to the ground, the others watching him in disbelief. He glanced up at his little brother and whispered "Kakarot" and after one last smirk he fell to the hard floor, his eyes open, his heart stopped.

Goku stood victorious and relieved as he looked down at his rival. It was finally over. Peace had finally come.

"Oh Goku! THANK YOU SO MUCH!" Bulma cried running up to him and wrapping her arms around his waist tightly. Goku was a bit surprised but he smiled lightly and patted her on the back.

"Oh you saved my life! I thought I was going to die! Thank you so much!" she cried, a smile on her face as she looked up at him. She surprised him with a kiss on the cheek before winking at him.

"By the way, looking good down there" she said. He looked down and yelped realising he was naked. The t-shirt must have fallen off when he rapidly got up. He nervously chuckled and blushed.

"Oops!" Chichi said, walking up to him, scooping the blue t-shirt up as she did, "Here you go" she said, wrapping it back around his waist. He smiled gently down at her.

"Thanks" he murmured softy, his eyes gazing lovingly into hers. She couldn't help but smile back. But before their loving trance could go any further, Krillin intervened.

"Well Goku, I have to admit, I wasn't so keen on you at first, being a Saiyan and all. But…after all that's happened…you've gained my trust and my friendship pal, and I owe you my life" he said with a smile.

"Hey no worries" Goku replied with a smile. Chichi happily laughed and embraced him even tighter than Bulma if possible. He laughed at her. Yamcha soon interrupted them by tapping Goku on his shoulder. Goku turned around to see Yamcha looking down at him, and for once he wasn't glaring.

"Well, what can I say? You've saved us, and the world. I guess you're not so evil after all" Goku looked at the ground sheepishly, "I suppose I owe you an apology. You know, Chichi tried to tell me you were different, but I just wouldn't have it. But I shouldn't have judged you like that just because of others of your kind. I'm sorry for that" he said. Goku smiled and put out his hand to shake Yamcha's.

"Hey, you had every right to dislike me. There was no need to say sorry, but it was coiyono of you!"

"Huh? Coiyono?" Yamcha questioned.

"Oops, sorry, I'll have to get used to just speaking your language. I meant to say, it was nice of you" he repeated, letting Yamcha shake his hand. The two male species smiled.

"Well, I'm beat; let's say we head back to Capsule Corp" Krillin suggested.

"Yeah, I'm in desperate need of a shower!" Bulma stated. Krillin laughed.

"Thanks for sharing that with us Bulma" he said. Tien turned to look at Goku.

"So are you coming back with-" he was cut off when he and the others realised that Goku and Chichi were in the middle of sharing a passionate kiss. Bulma sighed heavenly whilst the others let their jaws drop.

"Awe how romantic" Bulma cooed.

"Um guys, sorry to interrupt but, we're kind of going" Tien told them. Their lips parted and Goku laughed, placing his hand behind his head.

"Sorry about that, forgot you lot were there" he said. Chichi giggled. Yamcha rolled his eyes and with the others following him, he made his way back to the bikes.

Chichi was about to walk off when she noticed Goku had stopped and was now looking down at his brother's dead body. She bit her lip and went up to him, her hand now in his. He squeezed it slightly before speaking. He suddenly walked closer towards his brother's body. He picked up his large brother and suddenly yelled, a laser coming from his eyes, making a hole in the ground next to him.

"You know, I worshipped him. He may have been…evil and all, but he was my brother…he was all I ever had" Chichi pitied him deeply now, "My dad dies upon our planet and we never heard from my other brother. He was all the family I had" he said sadly. He began to bury his brother, not stopping until he was covered fully with rubble. He sighed and rested his head in his arms for a few seconds, whispering something Chichi couldn't quite hear. He then stood back up, Chichi approaching him. She turned him to face her, her hands cupping his cheeks.

"We're your family now…you're not alone" she whispered. He smiled.

"I know" he whispered. They both walked back to where the others were. Krillin and Tien were already in the truck and Yamcha was helping Bulma onto his bike, her yelling because her skirt was annoying her. Goku sat on his bike and Chichi soon hopped on behind him.

"Well, where to my lady?" he asked her, turning slightly to look at her.

"To the stars" she whispered, her one hand grasping his chin, pulling him in for a kiss.

"Not another Bulma and Yamcha" Krillin moaned.

"What? We're not that bad!" Yamcha defended. Krillin just sighed and muttered under his breath.

Goku and Chichi pulled apart from their moment of passion and smiled playfully at each other before he turned around to face the desert area.

"Alright" he said, "Last one home's a rotten Raditz" he joked, his foot on the pedal as he zoomed off.

"Hey you cheated!" Yamcha yelled, soon starting his bike and zooming off after him. Krillin and Tien soon followed and a trail of dust was all that was left as they drove out towards the horizon…

The End