Good VS Evil: The Struggle to Choose

Summary: This is my version of Star Wars Revenge of the Sith. It's an alternate ending. I'm sorry, but I was sooo depressed that Anakin turned evil! Anakin is way too hot to be on the dark side! This is my version of what would happen is Anakin was loyal to Jedi order. He tells his visions of Padme's death to Master Yoda, and Yoda informs him of why he is having these visions. Anakin also gets help from Obi-Wan, and tells him their biggest secret. What if Anakin and Padme didn't get pregnant when they did in SW III? What will happen with the order, and will Anakin ever really become a master? Anakin/Padme SPOILERS FOR SW III

Chapter One: The Big News

As Anakin stepped off the bus with Obi-Wan behind him, he immediately searched for the familiar face in the crowd. Before he saw her, one of the Senates came up to him and clapped him on the back.

"Well done Jedi Skywalker. Maybe now this war will settle down and we will reach peace," the Senator said. Anakin nodded politely, but kept searching for her face. Anakin and Obi-Wan had just gotten back from a mission to rescue Chancellor Palpatine from the Sith Lord. Anakin had been the reason that the 2 Jedi's and the Chancellor were alive, and one of the strongest men on the dark side was dead.

Obi-Wan looked at his apprentice and knew that today was the day that he would be ranked as a Master Jedi. He knew that Anakin had become even more powerful as a Jedi as anyone of the Jedi council could even dream of becoming. It was his destiny to be an important Jedi.

As the Senate walked away from Anakin to talk to the Chancellor, Obi-Wan walked up behind his young friend and whispered silently, "She's behind the pillar." Anakin turned around so he was face to face with his Master.

"And how did you know I was looking for her?" Anakin said, already knowing what the answer was going to be. Obi-Wan smiled.

"You easily forget how well I know you." Anakin smiled and nodded. He hurried and turned on his heel and jogged to the pillar that was away from the crowd that greeted the Jedi's at the bus. He walked around is and almost collided with his wife, Padme. Padme cried for joy and flung her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly.

"Ani, I was so worried about you," said as she kissed his ear. Anakin smiled and pulled away from his wife.

"I'm alright, I promise. Are you alright? You look pale," Anakin said, looking worried at Padme. She just smiled and rested her face on his chest.

"I'm perfectly fine. I was just worried about you lately. You're late getting home, and I thought something horrible had happened," She said. Padme pulled away and Anakin kissed her on her lips. She quickly pulled away.

"Not here, now Anakin. Anyone could see us," she said and subconsciously took a step away from her husband. Anakin looked down at the lightsaber attached to his belt.

"Why must we keep our marriage a secret from everyone? I'm tired of hiding! Obi-Wan is the only one who knows," Anakin said, taking Padme's hand and lead her to their vehicle.

"Because I am still a Senator. My term is almost up, and when it is, I will run for a smaller office position. You know no one would accept our marriage, with you being a Jedi Knight and I being on the Senate," Padme answered as she sat in the flying vehicle. Anakin's face tightened.

"We should just come out and tell about our marriage. No one would be able to not accept it, considering we're already married. We should just tell them."

The truth was, Padme was also ready to tell the entire senate of her marriage. She wanted to run as a Senator again when her term was over, but she did not think anyone would vote for her, considering her husband was a Jedi knight, and the connection of Jedi and Political powers was highly frowned upon. But she wanted to tell them.

"You're right. Tomorrow at the Senate meeting, I will announce the marriage," Padme said, and looked over at Anakin, who almost lost control of the flying vehicle.

"What! Didn't you just say we shouldn't?" he answered, completely flabbergasted by her sudden change of mind. Padme just looked at her husband and told him of how she was also fed up with hiding their marriage. Anakin looked back at his wife and smiled. He was completely in love with her.

When they arrived at their apartment, Anakin opened the door for his wife and followed her into the living quarters, and then into their bedroom where Anakin changed into a pair of pants to sleep in, and left his shirt off (a/n: omg, if you've already seen III, you would TOTALLY understand why I want to think about Hayden Christensen w/ no shirt! Lol) and Padme put on her favorite nightgown.

Anakin walked into the living quarters once again and picked up the book he was currently reading. He sat on the couch, leaned on the arm of it, kicked up on of his legs on the couch, and began reading.

Padme leaned against the doorframe between their bedroom and the living quarters and watched her husband read. She watched his well defined chest rise and fall with each breath, and watched his intense eyes run across the page of his book. Anakin glanced up and smiled at his wife.

"What?" Anakin smiled, and put down his book. He patted the spot next to him and Padme walked over and sat down. She leaned her back on Anakin's chest and rested her head on his shoulder and sighed.

"Nothing. I was just thinking about how much I loved you." Anakin smiled.

"I love you too." Padme smiled and closed her eyes. Within a few minutes, both of them were in a peaceful sleep, arms around each other.

A/N: Ok, I know it's not the greatest chapter ever, or the longest, but it's just something to start my story. PLEASE REVIEW! Flames are welcome, I really could care less, but I promise there will be more action/adventure and lovey dovey mushy gushy moments, and for u perverts (jk!) there will be some sex probably! Idk yet though! Stay tuned!
