An Enemy's Friend

Disclaimer: I do not, and never will own the characters of Fruits Basket.

Authors Note: This idea came to me just after watching the final episode of Fruits Basket. This is my second Fruits Basket fic. I hope everyone enjoys.

He coughed gently and opened his eyes to look up at the clear sky.He was still angry about not having a choice about whether or not he died, but he was no longer afraid.

"Hatori" Akito called out as he sat up in his bed, pulling the collar of his kimoni up and back onto his shoulder.

The doctor made his presence known at the door.

" not want to die alone" He said lightly, almost ashamed.

Hatori understood the hint in the message, Akito knew it was time to die. "I'll go to the Sohma house now"

"There is only one person I want by my side now..."

Hatori listened on, then nodded before leaving the room.

Tohru Honda walked silently down the street, listening to the sound of the raindrops beating against her pink umbrella. Kyo and Yuki walked on either side of her, a few steps infront. They were usual.

'I guess everything is back to normal' Tohru thought with a weak smile. She had been afraid that things would be a bit different after Kyo had been forced to reveal his true form, and after the meeting with Akito, but things hadn't changed at all.

"You wanna settle this right now ya stupid rat?"

Yuki stopped and turned his head to look at Kyo, "Right now?" Yuki set down his umbrella, allowing the rain to hit him. "Alright".

Kyo mummbled something about hating water, then turned around. "As soon as we get home, your ass is mine rat boy".

Yuki picked his umbrella back up, then turned to look at Tohru. "Miss Honda, are you alright? You haven't said a word since we left the school"

"Oh, I'm fine" Tohru smiled from beneath her umbrella. "I'm just a little tired" she admitted.

"Hurry up you two!" Kyo snapped as he turned his head. "The rain's getting harder!" Nothing bothered Kyo more than water.

"Coming!" Tohru responded and picked up her pace.

Yuki watched her pass, and though she wouldn't admit it, he knew there was something wrong. He noticed that she dragged her feet along instead of picking them up, and that she kept her head lowered with her eyes slightly closed. Her steps appeared uneven and somewhat shakey.

"Miss Tohru" he said again, reaching out to grab her arm. She felt warm. She stopped and gave a small gasp as soon as she felt him touch her. "Your sick aren't you?" he then asked her.

Tohru forced a smile onto her tired face. "I'm okay Yuki, really..come on. Kyo's waiting" her voice was softer than usual.

Yuki nodded once and followed after her. Once they got back to the Sohma house, he'd ask Shigure to call Hatori. Maybe Tohru had been working too hard. Ever since Hiro had moved in, she had been running errands non-stop. The boy bossed her around like a personal slave, and like the kind person she was, she did everything he said.

Maybe next time Kyo got into an argument with Hiro, he wouldn't jump in.

As they reached the Sohma house, Kyo turned and looked back at them. "Alright Rat! You and me! lets go!" And on that comment, he squinted as he looked at Tohru. "You sick or something?"

Tohru shook her head as she set the umbrella down. "I'm fine. I should go get started on dinner!" she pointed out.

"Yeah! Cause Kisa and I are starving!" Hiro yelled from the main room. "Now hurry up already!"

"Shut up!" Kyo yelled. " Tohru's not cooking today! She's sick!"

"Tohru's sick?" Came Shigure's voice from upstairs. "Poor Tohru! I'll call Hatori"

" I'm not sick" Tohru said shyly. "Really"

Shigure, who had made his way down, approached Tohru, and felt her forehead. "Your burning up" he pointed out. "You should rest"

"But someone has to cook dinner..and the dishes need to get washed, and I have a test tomorrow and I have to work" Tohru complained.

"I'll cook dinner" Shigure offered.

Everyone stopped and the house became errily silent.

Shigure+CookingDeath by bad food

"I'll cook dinner" Kyo them muttered, and the noise around the house resumed again. Turning away from Tohru, he began walking towards the kitchen. "That's what you get for being so nice and helping everyone all the time. You over-worked yourself...dummy...Now go sleep or something so you can get better already!"

Tohru smiled gently. Even though he sounded so harsh, she knew Kyo was trying to be nice. "Thank you everyone" she replied as she slowly began the walk upstairs.

Just then, there was a knock at the door. Shigure rushed to get it. "Ha'ri, I was just about to call you!"

"I'm here to see Tohru" Hatori answered.

Shigure moved aside for Hatori to enter. "That's why I was going to call you. Tohru is sick. She's come down with a fever, and shes looking a bit poor poor Tohru!"

"Stop it, you sound like Ayame" Hatori replied as he entered the house. "Tohru is sick?"

Shigure nodded, "We just sent her to her room to rest...Something wrong Ha'ri?" He asked, noticing the look on his face.

"I came because Akito sent me to find Tohru. He wants to speak with her before he passes on."

"What?" Shigure asked.

Hatori nodded once, setting his bag down on the table. "Akito is in his final hours..and he wants Tohru to be with him."

A/N: Continue?