Title: What did you say Iruka-sensei? By meleth78

Genre: Romance/Humor

Characters: Kakashi, Iruka

Rating: R

Status: One shot of fluff and nothing but fluff

Comments: Kakashi dares Iruka to prove his point. Iruka is NOT pleased.

Disclaimer: They want to be mine, but they are not. No one cares how THEY feel.


'This is all your fault' snarled Iruka as he turned to glare the taller man next to him. The chuunin practically radiated with annoyance as he stood with his fists clenched besides the offending jounin.

'I don't know what you mean sensei' replied the pale jounin, seemingly engrossed in staring at his worn left glove, closely searching for the signs for more wear and tear. Kakashi's right hand was shoved in his pant pocket as the jounin slouched oh-so-nonchalantly as they waited for the fifth Hokage to make her appearance.

'You don't know what I-' spluttered the young sensei breaking off as his indignation threatened to overwhelm him. Iruka opened his mouth once again to utter a few choice curses when Kakashi added,

'As I recall, you're as much to blame as I am sensei.' The half-gloved hand lowered and the copy-nin finally turned to face the glowering sensei beside him.

'WHAT!' yelped Iruka, his chocolate eyes shooting wide open in outrage.

'I don't you recall you asking me to stop.' Continued the jounin, evidently intent on making his case.

'That's because-' began the sensei.

'You clearly DIDN'T want me to stop.'

'I did too!' yelled Iruka.

'Did not.' maintained Kakashi. He added, 'And as I remember you were holding on to my ass pretty tightly'

'That was only for…balance.' Iruka finished lamely, wincing just a bit.

'You certainly didn't SAY anything that indicated you wanted to stop.'

'Your TONGUE was in MY mouth!'


'SO!' hollered the younger man, 'SO! SO YOUR TONGUE WAS IN MY MOUTH!'

'That still couldn't have rendered you completely speechless sensei, unless…' the jounin broke off, looking speculative.

'Unless what?' questioned Iruka, suspicious. He didn't like the look on Kakashi face.

'Unless…' the jounin trailed off again.

'What? Unless what? WHAT?'

'Unless you're willing to admit how affected you were by Just. One. Kiss.' finished the copy-nin looking for all the world like the sneaky kitten that stumbled across a vat of cream. FULL cream.

'YOU TONGUE WAS IN MY MOUTH!' yelled Iruka in immense frustration. 'YOU WERE SUCKING ON MY TONGUE! That's why I couldn't say anything! I was NOT affected by your stupid little kiss.'

'It wasn't a stupid little kiss.' Huffed the jounin at his side appearing extremely put out by Iruka's thoughtless comment.

'Whatever.' The sensei looked away, trying to hide the fact that his cheeks were beginning to take on an alluring pinkish hue.

A moment passed at both men stared into space, for all appearances oblivious to each others presence. However, just as Iruka was thinking that he had managed to dodge the issue at hand, Kakashi piped up,

'Fine. Let's have an experiment then.' The tone in the jounin's voice was clearly challenging.

'What do you mean?' asked the sensei, curious despite himself. He had been warned about the copy-nin's deviousness. The third himself had called the copy-nin a sneaky bastard.

'I'll put my tongue in your mouth again-'

'You most certainly will not!' gasped the young sensei as he backed away abruptly from the other man.

'Oh, you concede?' The jounin's clear blue eye sparkled as the taller man taunted the young sensei.

'I DO NOT!' The third had also always said that Iruka's competitive nature would be his downfall one day. If only he had the sense to pay attention.

'So you agree to the test then.' Satisfied.

When Iruka spluttered, speechless, Kakashi continued.

'As I was saying, I'll put my tongue-' Kakashi's pale hand lifted to tap at his own mouth, 'in your mouth' the same hand reached out to tap at the startled sensei's lips, 'and we'll see who's right.'

Swiping at the fingers that lingered overlong over his lips, Iruka squeaked out,

'Wha…what do you mean?'

'You try and say the word "stop" and then we'll see who's to blame for this fiasco.'

'What makes you think I won't cheat?' questioned the sensei twitching crossly.

It would be easy enough for Iruka to feign being unable to speak. Not that he'll need to of course. Not with KAKASHI'S TONGUE IN HIS MOUTH.

'You've always held my trust and respect sensei. I don't believe you'll do something as underhanded as that.' Retorted the older man, his exposed blue eye curving into a cheerfully inverted U shape.

Those words flustered the young sensei, he frowned, contemplating the sheer insanity and not to mention, unbelievably stupidity of the entire situation. The jounin apparently took the younger man's silence as consent.

'So sensei, shall we begin?' Kakashi's eye-brow quirked upwards and the jounin's slim hand slowly reached for his mask, obviously looking for a signal from the sensei so he could pull it down, thereby allowing the experiment to begin.

Nervously, and against his better judgment, Iruka nodded, edgy as he watched the copy-nin yank down his dark mask. The almost black material pooled around the jounin's neck. Iruka had a bad feeling about this but he could see no other way out. None that would shut the jounin up anyway. And the sensei just refused to…what had Kakashi said? Oh yes, concede. Iruka would not give the underhanded bastard the satisfaction.

Just then, the chuunin's breath caught. He had not been able to get a good look at Kakashi's face earlier, everything had happened so fast. But now…the silver-haired man that stood before him was exquisite…almost unearthly beautiful. And the son of a bitch knew it. Iruka's dark eyes narrowed.

The left side of the jounin's mouth quirked up slightly as if he could actually read the sensei's thought process. Kakashi then moved in closer, leaning over Iruka who was by now quite unconsciously half-sitting on the fifth's desk.

'Ready?' breathed the jounin, his breath ghosting over the sensei's lips.

Again, Iruka nodded, taking in a deep, unsteady breath.

Pale lips touched his gently at first, then harder with a hint of enticing wetness. It was…almost exactly as it had been in the classroom earlier. A nimble tongue emerged from the jounin's lips and softly traced the sensei's slightly parted ones. Sliding achingly slow from one end to the other. Kakashi then bit down delicately on the chuunin's lower lip eliciting a startled gasp from the younger man. Taking advantage of the sensei's open mouth, Kakashi plunged his tongue in, just as he did earlier and slicked it hotly against Iruka's. Tangling wetly. But…something was not quite right…

Kakashi broke away abruptly. He murmured,

'You need to grab my…' the husky voice trailed off as the copy-nin indicated at this own rump.

'NO!' yelped the younger man. No way in hell!

'It's all in the details sensei.' The jounin was firm. His gloved hand patted his own ass once again. 'Unless of course you want to concee-'

'Shut up.' Snapped back the chuunin, trapped but still defiant.

Sighing in resignation Iruka gingerly slid his hands first down to Kakashi's lean hips. He paused there, trying to sum up the necessary gumption needed to move on further. However, before he could, the jounin made a wry comment,

'I don't think that's my butt sensei.'

'Shut. Up.'

Taking in another steadying breath, Iruka proceeded further, finally stopping once he reached his intended destination. The sensei then shut his eyes as he groped half-heartedly at Kakashi's taut butt.

There was silence. The jounin remained immobile. Hesitant, Iruka opened an eye to peek at the man that was not quite plastered against him. Yet.

'That's so NOT how you were doing it just now.' Commented the jounin dryly.

The mocking look on the older man's face irked the young sensei to no end. Oh the hell with it thought Iruka as the tightened his grip on the jounin's butt, forcefully tugging Kakashi closer, much closer to him. The lean man was now trapped between the sensei's spread legs. Iruka's breath caught tightly as the jounin's lower body pressed up enticingly against his. If Kakashi moved there was no way Iruka would be able to stop the moan that was already threatening to break free.

'That's better' congratulated the pale man smiling, seemingly satisfied that the reenactment was proceeding as close to the original scenario as possible. The jounin tilted his head down again and began to carefully nip at the sensei's mouth. Teasing, testing. When Iruka sighed softly and parted his lips to Kakashi's probing, the pale man once again slid his tongue back into its hot, welcoming depths. Kakashi paused for a moment, exhaling before murmuring against the sensei's lips.

'Try it now' prompted the jounin.

'Not yet.' It was Iruka that broke away this time.


'Not yet.' If Kakashi was going to force him to recreate every single stupid detail, there was one detail that Iruka felt was imperative that the jounin had to perform. 'You're not doing it right.'

'Oh?' There was a definite laugh hidden in the simple word.

Deeply aggravated, the sensei continued, 'You were sucking-' breaking off, Iruka flushed hotly unable to continue.

'Suck-ing?' repeated the jounin as if the word denoted an action that was unfamiliar to him.

'YES' confirmed Iruka even more exasperated. 'You were sucking' His entire face was beguilingly pink right now.

'On what?' came the infinitely curious question.

With a look that clearly showed how much the young sensei wanted to strangle him, Iruka gritted his teeth and managed a strangled,

'My tongue' The young man then proceeded to flush even more heavily.

'I was?'


'I don't quite remember. Perhaps you should show me?'


'Well, then it would seem that I win-'

Iruka grabbed at the jounin's head and meshed his mouth harshly against Kakashi's. The sensei's tongue delved in deep, twining itself around the jounin's, stroking, dueling and then sucking…hard. Iruka suckled for a few more moments before releasing Kakashi's already swollen flesh, lapping softly, as if in comfort. The jounin groaned just as Iruka broke away, panting heavily.

'It…it was like that.' Out of breath.

'Oh…I see what you mean about the sucking.' The jounin managed to sound contemplative in spite of his breathlessness.

'You do it now.'

'Anything you say my sensei'

Kakashi slated his mouth over the chuunin's once again. There was no longer any teasing. The jounin was intent on proving his point. This time Iruka's mouth opened immediately, welcoming the jounin's tongue into his wet warmth. Kakashi repeated his earlier move, initially stroking and rubbing up against Iruka's tongue with his own before latching on to the young sensei's nubile member and sucked hard. Iruka gasped.

'Uoom sopp.' A low groan followed the unintelligible words as the chuunin's strained up against the taller man.

'What sensei?' Kakashi paused and pulled away from Iruka. He nudged at the younger man's cheek with his nose. 'Stop you said?' Politely enquiring.

'NO!' shot back the sensei, already reaching for the jounin, pulling the silvered head and skilled wet mouth back to him. 'Don't stop.'


A few minutes later.

'Shut up.' Muttered Iruka darkly from his seat next to Kakashi on the couch. The Hokage still had not arrived. Thank the gods.

'I didn't say anything.' Chirped the jounin in question as he tilted his head back happily against the soft cushion. His single exposed eye was closed and his mask was back in place.

'You were thinking it' came the noticeably disgruntled reply.

'Oh, you're psychic now?'

'Shut up.'

'It's not my fault you proved yourself wrong.' Kakashi tried but was unable to help the tinge of smugness that lace his tone.

'I did not-' Iruka broke off, knowing he was defeated but still unwilling to concede defeat.

'Did too.'

'Shut up.'

'You proved you could talk. You could even say other words beside "stop".' The jounin continued with his dissection of the experiment unheeding of the vehement looks of death that were being shot at him by the man at his side.

Iruka remained stonily silent, jaw clenched tight. His dark eyes however, continued to blaze with undisguised wrath.

'You could say "more", "please", also, "more please" and "harder". You could even say "don't stop"' added the copy-nin unable to resist. He clucked his tongue, lips quirking.

'I hate you.'

'But that's not what you were saying a few minutes ago sensei.' The jounin finally allowed the smirk that had been trying to break out emerge. Never one to leave well enough alone, Kakashi then leaned over to nuzzle at the sulking sensei's cheek only to earn himself a shove to the face.

'Shut up.' Repeated the younger man, crossing his arms across his chest as he petutantly turned his face away from the skilled ministrations of the son of a bitch next to him. He then added grumpily, 'And stop humming'

Kakashi sighed.


And so it came to pass. Hatake Kakashi and Umino Iruka sat in silence as they awaited the arrival of the fifth Hokage to dispense their punishment for being caught making out in the academy classroom just as lunch break was ending.