This fanfic is about the life of the characters from RE Outbreak before the outbreak, and leading up to it. I picked George first to get him outta the way, but you guys can say who you want me to do next. Hope I did good. -

Italics mean the character's inner thoughts. I own nothing so don't sue...


What was it about today? What was it about everyday before that? Why can't I just be happy with my life?

George Hamilton was always asking himself that, day after day. It had been a few years since he moved from New York, a few years too many. He had a job offer in some city out of state that doubled his yearly income, but in return, he would have to move. It's not that leaving his home was any huge ordeal, he was in fact bored of the same white walls that had already been enclosing him for years, at his house and the hospital, both were too stuffy and he needed out, but the one thing that he was regretting having to leave behind was his wife, or ex-wife, she should be called.

Heather DeMonde was her name, past wife and utter thorn in George's ass since the two married. She died two years ago, in his hospital, during an operation, an operation that George himself was managing. She was in an accident, she had fallen down a flight of stairs in their home and had minor injuries, but under further examination of her body after her fall, George found a tumor next to her liver. He ordered an immediate operation to remove the tumor before it spread, but during the procedure, her drugs wore off. She woke up, and could feel it, the knives cutting through her, hands around her organs, the immense heat from the lights overhead. She couldn't take it.

George remembered at that moment, seeing his wife get up and then seeing her organs sprawl over her body, over the table, and then as her screams of panic and pain grew louder, he could hear her vital signs go through the roof. She died that day, and George paid for her funeral a week later. He didn't miss her, not in the least, but he did feel guilt for mistakenly taking her life. Though she was a parasite that tried to suck him of everything he was worth, nobody, even her, deserved to die that way, to die with such fear and agony. He could only imagine what it must have been like...

"Dr. Hamilton to the third floor, Dr. Hamilton to the third floor, room 302." A nurse called over the intercom, pulling him out of his daydreaming state.

No time to worry over past events, I have a new life in Raccoon City, Heather, and everything else is nothing more than a bad nightmare.

As George pulled himself from the chair in the doctor's break room he pushed the memories back into the deep recessesof his mind so they could haunt him as he sleeps. As he walked to the elevator on the first floor, he still couldn't help but feel the need to leave, leave what he wasn't sure, but something was telling him that the hospital was the last place he needed to be.

As he stepped into the elevator and pushed the button for the third floor, a nurse called for him to hold it. As she ran to catch it, George threw his hand out to stop the doors before they closed. The doors bounced off of George's arm and allowed the nurse to come in.

"Thanks, Dr. Hamilton." The nurse said as she fiddled with a bag of a clear liquid and a chart for a patient that went along with it.

"Floor?" George politely said as she looked up at him.

"Third, please." She said as she brushed loose hair back with her free hand.

"Well, is it just me, or are there a few more patients than usual, nurse." George said, resting on the wall of the elevator.

"I was just thinking the same thing, all kinda like flu cases, but different. O, and you can call me Elena, Dr." The young nurse said as she scribbled down a few words on the chart, trying to save time.

As George looked at the blonde girl of about 25, he could see that she was rather attractive. He begun reading the words that she was writing down, when the elevator stopped and the power went out, but for only a second. The two stared at each other glad that they weren't going to be stuck in the elevator while they had patients to get to. No more than five seconds later they reacher their floor and walked out together, splitting up as the walked down the hall.

George walked into room 302 with a sigh, before attempting to see what the problem was. A quick look around showed that wasn't too serious, just the patient, a middle-aged man, and another nurse. He walked over to the nurse as she handed him the man's chart, both doing so without saying a word. George looked at her name tag, Kathy.

"Well, is there any real reason I was called up here, nurse?" George said, with a hint of irritation in his voice at not finding anything of real importance in the chart.

"He came in with sudden fainting attacks, but as time went on his temperature a readily increased, he has a fever, I just needed your advice as to how you'd like me to handle this." The brown-haired nurse asked.

"Let's see, how about you give him some antibiotics in case it is because of an infection, and other than that, you'll have to decide on your own, but thanks for consulting me before doing anything." George said, his mood lifting.

He handed Kathy back the man's chart and look at his watch, seeing it was half-past ten, his shift was over 15 minutes ago. George quickly moved to the locker room and grabbed his coat out of his locker, then said his goodbyes to the others that were in the room with him as he clocked out. George didn't need any encouragement when it came to getting off work, he'd do anything to get away from the smell of sickness and sounds of people moaning in pain from their ailments.

George walked down the dark, city sidewalks, headed towards his apartment building not five blocks away from the hospital. He felt better, now that he was out of the hospital for the night. He closed his eyes as a cool breeze flew over his face, taking with it his troubles, but leaving behind something much worse than the typical boredom of an over-worked doctor. After it stopped blowing over him, he felt his heart ache, beat hard, almost forcefully trying to keep itself pumping blood. George raised a hand to his chest as he puzzled over his sudden anguish, but just as quickly as it had come on, it was all over. George stood still for a second more, but then started to walk again as he shook off his confusion.

Halfway to his apartment building was a bar that he passed every night, but had never gone in once before. He walked past the front entrance, but stopped in front of the huge window that showed the entire bar. George did enjoy to drink, but he only liked fine wines, he never had much of a taste for normal, draft beers, but something was pulling him inside, wanting him to take a seat at the bar and at least order a glass of water. He gave in to his inner self and made his way into J's bar.

"Hey, can I get you a drink, sir" A man from behind the counter said upon George's entering.

"Could I have a glass of water?" George said, embarrassed at his drink choice.

"Coming right up." The bartender said as he fished a glass out an overhead compartment.

Why did I have to come here? This is the last place I need to be after getting off of work.

George let it go as his water was placed in front of him. The bartender asked if he wanted anything to eat. He was famished, so decided to go along with the man's request to fix him a meal. As the man turned around again to go over to the stove to fix a burger, a blonde woman came from a door from behind him, greeting him as she did so. He nodded to her and for a second marveled at her beauty. True, he had been alone for some time now, and he never really looked for anyone, but this woman was different, she not only caught his eye, but he could feel things build up inside of himself. He could feel several emotions all at once, and not all of them were good, as he payed his feelings more mind, he could sense an ever growing element of darkness and despair around her, but then it wasn't only her, but the entire bar, including himself. He no idea of the things to come, that he would once again be forced to leave another life behind, that he'd have to cope with more guilt than he had ever imagined possible. Yes, his hell had not even begun...

End of chapter...

Yeah, I really wanted to make a RE fanfic, so this is my second attempt. Did I do good? Please review, and tell me which character you'd all like me to do next either Kevin, Mark, David, Cindy, Alyssa, Jim, or Yoko, or else I'll have to decide. Please, please review, I beg on both knees. Thanks for reading.