Empty Baskets

Chapter 3: What I want...

Disclaimer: I never have and never will own the characters of Fruits Basket. However, I did have a dream that I owned Kyo...but Kagura came and I got scared

Authors Note: Konnichi wa! It's been a while since I've updated, hasn't it? Gomen ne, I was on summer vacation and just didn't have too much time to be online.

I want to apologize for any confusion that the second chapter might have caused. It seems that when I loaded it onto Fanfiction, it cut out bits and pieces that I had added. I went ahead and added in the parts that had been missing.

Thanks to everyone who reviewed, I really appreciate it. And to, Minako-san, I'm not sure why the site wouldn't let you submit a review. Thanks for emailing me and letting me know what you think though. I just love emails!

Enough rambling and on to the story!

"Hatori, you did this?" Yuki asked, disbelief evident in his voice. For as long as he could remember, Hatori had never been a violent person before. Maybe it had been something Akito had told him to do? Hatori did do everything Akito told him to. Everyone knew he was the equivalent to a puppet, even Hatori. "Why?"

Kyo growled in a mix of annoyance and anger, but refused to say anything to Hatori. Instead, he focused his attention on Tohru, lifting her head onto the towels. She had already lost so much blood, Kyo knew, because he was kneeling in a small pool of it.

Her face looked so pale, and even with the pain Kyo knew she was feeling, her face looked peaceful, not frightened, as he would have expected it to be. "Tohru" he said, touching her shoulders, "Tohru?"

"He had Akito pinned against the wall, Yuki. I suppose it was his attempt to keep Akito away from Tohru. Either way, he was hurting Akito, and I had to stop him. He was so upset, he just wasn't listening to me" Hatori replied calmly as he walked around Yuki and over to Tohru. "Shigure will be alright, it's Tohru we have to worry about"

Kyo growled again as Hatori approached. Suddenly, he didn't trust Hatori to take care of Tohru. "Of course Shigure was upset, look at what Akito did you damn idiot!" He glared at the doctor, "And you saw what he did to Tohru, and you still defended him! What's wrong with you?"

Yuki grabbed Kyo and yanked him back, "Let Hatori do his job, we need to atleast try to save Miss Honda" Even though Kyo had a point, he had to allow the doctor to work before Tohru lost any more blood.

Kyo snapped out of his grip and stood up, hands balled into fists at his side. "How did Akito know Tohru coming here, Hatori?" he asked angrily. Yuki grabbed his arm again and began to pull him out of the room.

"Hatori needs to focus you stupid cat, shut up"

"No! Let go you damn rat, I want to know how Akito knew!" Kyo snapped his arm free from Yuki's grip once again. He wanted an answer from Hatori, and he wanted one now.

He was tired of Akito being able to do what he wanted, then Hatori covering for him. It just wasn't fair.

"I'm sorry Hatori..I'll get him out so that you may concentrate" Yuki apologized as he grabbed Yuki a third time in an attempt to remove him from the room.

Kyo swung his arm around, back-handing Yuki across the face.

Yuki fell back, stunned. The damn cat had actually gotten a hit in. And it hurt. He touched his cheek lightly as his eyes narrowed. "Stupid Cat, don't you see, if Hatori can't concenrate, he can't save Miss Honda!"

Hatori continued working on bandaging the brunette's head. Really, the argument between the cat and rat wasn't bothering him at all.

Slowly, Shigure began to come to, "Ha'ri?" he rubbed his head and whined, "Oh Ha'ri, you're so mean..you need to learn to be gentle..."

Kyo blinked as Shigure came to. "How can you talk to him like he did nothing wrong!" Before anyone could answer, Kyo let out an aggravated yell and left the room. He stormed out of the house and began heading towards the woods.

If he was any angrier, fire would have been coming out of his ears. He couldn't stand how everyone could be so calm after everything had just happened. He knew Akito was one to be feared. He controlled their lives...but when were they going to admit that they were tired?


Kyo continued walking, annoyed. Suddenly, he felt himself being tackled from behind, his face pushed down into the dirt.

"How could you do this Kyo? Why would you do this?"

Meanwhile, back inside, Hatori finished wrapping Tohru's head. "She needs to rest" He informed them, "And I'll have to check on her occasionally..." Hatori stood, picking up his black bag and looked over to Shigure.

Shigure stood, still rubbing his head, pouting.

Hatori sighed, walking past him, and Shigure suddenly became serious, "Ha'ri, for how much longer is this going to go on?"

"I don't know" Hatori answered as he continued on his way out. So many questions were left unanwsered, and it bothered him. But there was nothing he could do about it.

"Hiro, look at the trouble you've caused..."

Ever since Tohru's mind had been erased, Momiji had been hanging around his fathers building more and more, hoping to spark some kind of memory in Tohru's mind, hoping she would some how remember him and know him how she used to. When she saw him, she's smile and greet him, then move on with her work.

He helped her sometimes. He secretly cleaned up certain parts so she wouldn't have alot of work to do, and sometimes, he pretented to have messages from his father to give her, just to be closer to her. He had been told many times that Tohru would never remember him, or any of the others, or the curse. She had gone back to living her life as it had been before she met the Sohmas.

But he knew that was a lie. She wasn't the same...there was something different about her...but what?

"All done!" Momiji exclaimed cheerfully as he dropped the wet rag into the bucket and saluted to the taller woman infront of him. "Everythings all cleaned up now! Don't be mad at Tohru for not coming in today, kay?"

The woman smiled and hugged her feather duster, "Isn't he just adorable?" she asked the woman to her right. The woman smiled as well as she nodded.

Momiji smiled, "Well I gotta go now, remember, don't tell my daddy Tohru wasn't here today!" He leaned foward slightly, winking, and giving the two ladies a peace sign before bouncing off.

It was time to take a trip to the woods to visit a particular girl who loved in a tent...

Yuki knelt down next to Tohru, looking down at her peaceful face, "Shigure...I want you to call the others..tell them to come"

Shigure walked over, kneeling down next to Tohru as well, "My poor little princess...perhaps, I can wake her with a kiss"

"You will not" Yuki suddenly said in a serious tone, "I want you to call our relatives, now..It's about time we did something about Akito..."

A/N: Stay tuned for the next chapter: A revolt begins, A true hearts confession..memories of the past