Draco hadn't thought there would ever be a time where he'd be this humiliated in front of his classmates. This would exceed when he was attacked by that hippogriff in third year, and when he was beaten up by Potter and one of the Weasleys in fifth year. Better yet, when he'd been turned into a ferret in fourth.

Hell, it seemed that most of his life was filled to the brim with humiliation.

Draco heaved a heavy sigh, approaching the main hall. It wasn't long before he spotted Potter lounging by the staircase, waiting for him. He ran his hands over the plain school robes he was wearing and stopped a fair distance away from the boy. "What?" When he was finished with the straightening, he looked up at him.

"I was wondering how you wanted this to work," Harry replied, his tone somewhat irritated. He appeared to be uncomfortable about something, but Draco took no notice.

"If Snape is in the Great Hall for dinner already, we'll walk in together. If not, we'll just go in separately and walk out together when we leave. And your cloak, where is it?"

"In my pocket." Harry motioned to a large pocket in his own robes. "I used a shrinking spell so it'd fit, and I'll put it on behind a statue or something before following you to the dungeons."

"Alright, good." Draco wrung his hands for a moment, glancing back toward the Great Hall where the students were filing in to start their meal. He felt as if he were going to collapse from nerves. Honestly, he was going to destroy his entire image by going through with this. He glanced back at Potter. "Care to check and see if Snape's in there?"

"Not really, Malfoy," Harry muttered.

"Do it anyway, for gods sake," Draco retorted. His nerves caused his tone to grow icy.

Without bothering to snap back and start something, Harry dragged himself away from the main staircase and toward the doors leading into the Great Hall. Emerald eyes glanced inside. There was a second's pause before, "No, he's not in there."

"Come here then, quick!" Draco hissed.

"If you keep bossing me around like this, I'll just forget about helping you. You know my friends are going to react just as badly as yours." Harry spoke with a glare as he made his way back to the Slytherin.

"You've chosen to help me on your own," Draco said.

"Don't ask me why." Harry gave a quick roll of his eyes. Why he had gone nutters enough to help his school rival was beyond him. Maybe helping people had grown on him. But to go this far, he'd have to think more about it while his entire house berated him for it.

"He's coming, Potter." That suited well to snap Harry out of his brooding. A sideways glance was shot down the hall and it was just in time to see Snape walking down it. He looked to be searching for innocent students to take house points from.

"What do we--" And Harry was interrupted by a sudden snatch to the front of his robes. No later than that did he feel lips pressing hard against his own. His eyes widened as he was turned around and pushed up against the staircase railing. Malfoy's hands had already found their way to his waist.

The only thing Harry could think to do when he finally realized what was happening, was to plant his hands on Draco's chest to push him away. It worked for a moment. "What do you think--"

"Play along, Potter," Draco whispered hurriedly, his breathing sounding a bit off. Before Harry could say anything else, lips returned to the rather too-heated kiss. The pale hands at his waist moved up, one of them cupping the side of Harry's face to run his thumb there.

The only reason he saw Snape standing in the hallway, looking absolutely furious at the display, and as his black stare bore into them, was because Harry was still in half shock and his eyes were still completely open. Although, he did eventually shut his eyes and allowed the show to continue, no matter how unbelievably awkward it was proving to be. He grasped the railing behind him and gave a startled sort of yelp when he felt his backside being groped.

He was glad when he heard loud footsteps leaving their area and was even more glad when Draco pulled away. He sounded very out of breath. Harry hated to realize that he was as well, and that it took him almost a minute to clear his head and process that he'd seen Snape's robe whip out of sight as he made his way into the Great Hall.

"Oh god, that was wrong." Draco exhaled, seeming to purposely adopt a disgusted tone when he decided to say that outright. He was using the back of his sleeve to wipe at his mouth. He did the same with his hands on his robes. "Ugh."

Watching Draco made Harry do the same thing. "You're the one who did it, you git," he snapped.

Draco's head whipped around and he narrowed his eyes at Harry. "Well then, did it work? Did you see his reaction?"

"He looked like he was going to explode."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"He looked angry, Malfoy!"

"Oh, good then. I never want to do that again, so as long as he saw it once..."

"Do you even care about what I'm okay with doing!" Harry exclaimed, by that point frustrated with how he was being treated.

"It won't happen again," Draco answered quietly, once again watching the entrance of the room where everyone was eating.

"You said not a lot of touching," Harry added.

"I'm aware, but I told you not to touch me."

There was a short glaring match before Draco dared to open his mouth again. "Let's go inside now."


And so Draco took Harry's wrist in his hand and began to move. When they entered the hall, a few looks were given their way, but thankfully not the entire school body. A quick observation and Draco saw Snape watching them with a murderous glint lingering his eyes.

"See you later, Potter," Draco said in a rush. He brought himself closer and lifted the back of his hand to run over one of Harry's cheeks, for what he hoped was an affectionate gesture. As soon as his hand dropped, he quickly turned and began walking over to the Slytherin table, fighting back the urge to make a face or look back at Snape to see if he was any angrier.

Harry, still quite left behind with the actions being done upon him by Malfoy, trudged his way to the Gryffindor table, trying to look happier than he felt.