this came to me on Thursday night, after watching Bonding Memories. (heh. "Hey, wait! I never won any of 'em!" poor Ed.) as I mentioned, its my first FMA fic, so go easy on me. pleeeeeeeeaaaasssseee?

I dont own FullMetal Alchemist. ...someone does... hm.

Switched Up!

chapter 1

"Ed, that was amazing!" Winry commented for the fourth time that day. The Elrics had headed back to Risembool for a break, and Winry had just witnessed one of their fights (like in House of The Waiting Family). Ed was honestly sort of flattered at first, but now it was getting annoying.

"Thanks, Winry, you don't know how much that means to me," Ed sighed sarcastically.

Winry crossed her arms and made a little 'hmph' kind of noise. "If I was getting on your nerves, you should've said something, for crying out loud." Ed's eyebrow twitched. How did she always find a way to annoy him? ...Hm, it's probably in the nature of a Rockbell, he figured.

As the three headed back to Winry's house, the sky began to cloud up. The middle of a spring afternoon suddenly went dark as nighttime. Thunder clapped, lightning flashed, and the rain started to fall. Well, not fall... pour.

Al's eyes widened. "Um, brother?..." he began, the tone of his voice proving he was nervous.

Ed looked up at his brother. "Yeah?"

Al was embarrassed to ask, but he had to know: "Uhh... w-will I rust?"

Ed and Winry fell anime-style.

"Al, come on, you've been out in the rain before, have you ever rusted?" said Ed.

"Uhh... no."

"Well, there ya go. You'll be fine."

Al nodded. By this time, they had reached the Rockbells' house. Winry walked up the steps (if they have any... (sweatdrop)), Ed following shortly behind. Al paused for a moment, thinking he heard something. It was probably a squirrel or something. Then...


A bolt of lightning shot down from the sky and zapped Al. "B-Br-Brother!"

Ed turned around, and the sight before him almost made his heart stop. "AL!" He ran to his brother, and tried to pull him into the house... with his automail arm! At that moment, Ed froze up as a strong, painful shock from the lightning shot through his body. (a/n: okay, sorry if Im, like, defying the laws of physics here or somethin, but I figured something like this could happen if they get shocked)

"Edward!" Winry rushed over and, before the lightning could get to her, grabbed Al and Ed and pulled them to safety on the porch.


Both brothers had been rendered unconscious from the lightning. Winry lay Ed on the couch, and set Al on the floor next to him.

"Guys, please be okay," she said quietly to herself. Then her attention went almost instantly to something else: Ed's watch.

Winry grinned a sly smile. She reached for Ed's pocket gingerly, and it was just then that Ed began to wake up.

If Winry were a more selfish person, she would have been pret-ty ticked that she wouldn't get to look at the watch, but of course, she's not like that when it comes to Ed and Al.

"Ed?..." Winry almost whispered.

Ed opened his eyes, and looked at Winry, almost confused.

Winry got nervous. "Ed, do you remember me?"

He nodded. "But... why do you keep calling me Ed?"

Wait a minute, Winry thought suspiciously, That voice... Then her eyes widened in realization, but total confusion.


weird, huh? well, chapter 2 should be up soon enough, so in the meantime... u know what 2 do!