I would first of all like to thank DigitalPhantom, whose fanfic; "The Power of Love" inspired me to write this fic. I would secondly like to apologize to her for using her ideas for Sam and Danny to both have ghost powers, have a psychic connection (although mine is different, and happens different than in that story), and for Sam to attempt suicide, although I used all of them in a different sense.

Also, I must add that this story was written before the change in costume, which I thought was rather cheesy, and before the ultimate enemy episode, which I thought was one of the most overly fast paced episodes ever (I didn't like it, so sue me, or rather don't, because someone actually tried to once :)

It has been three years since Danny's fateful accident with the Fenton portal, and his powers have grown, as has his control, his confidence, and, his secret love for Sam. What will it take for him to find the strength to tell her how much he cares?

Two Is Greater

Armageddon Prophecy:

When the blood of the loved is spilled to destroy the ultimate evil, and the one who spills it is the one who loves, the key to oblivion, the prophecy will be fulfilled, and the ultimate evil shall truly be released to rain down chaos upon the worlds.

He flew past her house, pausing, as always, to feel the lump in his throat, and the beating of his heart, 'hard to believe that after all this time, I'm still surprised by feeling my heart beating as a ghost. You'd think ghosts don't feel their hearts, but being a human-ghost hybrid, being Danny Phantom, I guess that makes things different.' But that wasn't it. What was it, what made Danny Fenton's heart nearly jump out of his chest, ghost or human, whenever he passed that house, the house of his best friend, the one he cared for above all else, the house of Samantha Manson, was that he still hadn't told her how much he cared, and it was tormenting him. 'I just wish I knew how she felt. I don't want to ruin our friendship if she doesn't lo… I mean like me the way I like her.' He knew what he had wanted to say, he loved her, but saying it, even thinking it, would just make the longing worse. As it was, he was jumping out of his skin with need for her every time he saw her. If he were to even think the big "L" word, he would fall apart every time they met, which, because they were best friends, was a lot. 'I wish tucker was here. I know he would be a big jerk about it, but, still, at least he would keep it a secret and then I could get it off my chest… then again,' Danny thought, remembering the time Tucker had spilled the beans about Danny's secret to Danny's sister, Jazz. It had fortunately all turned out alright in the end, since Jazz already knew, and had been keeping Danny's secret for almost a year by then. But, either way, tucker was off visiting his grandparents, and when school started, he'd be away for a week visiting a techno geek magnet school. 'I guess its gonna just be me and Sam for the next few weeks.' He thought as he sped off towards the tree on that hill where he sat to do his thinking.

'I just wish I knew how he felt.' Thought Sam, crying into her pillow that night, just as she did every night. Her life was a constant torment. Ever since she had thought those words, and even more since she had said them, alone to herself, not more than a week ago. "I love you Danny Fenton… my ghost boy… my Danny Phantom." She cried until tears soaked her pillow, her face stained by tears. A few minutes passed, and she got up. By this time she was no longer thinking rationally. 'If I can never find the strength to tell him, I might as well not be alive. Three years I knew I loved him, since shortly after the accident, and every time I try, I just fall on my ass!' she pounded her fist against the night table. It shook the lamp sitting on it, nearly toppling it over. When she had steadied the lamp, she opened the drawer, revealing a few things she never thought she would have to use, but the pain was too much. "Now, I end it. Goodbye, Danny, my beloved."

Two miles away, in the park, Danny was doing some soul searching. "I have to tell her!" he said, 'You have to admit it to yourself first' said the little voice inside his head, the more confident Phantom side, as he liked to think of it. "fine then – I, I…–say it. I L – gulp I… –Say it! Oh, ta hell with it! I love Samantha Manson! I love you, Sam," his voice reduced to a whisper "more than anything else in the world. I love you… and I need you, by my side always." 'Now, doesn't that feel better? Quick, you'd better go say it to her face, before you chicken out' at that, Danny went ghost, and sped off in the direction of Sam's house, as fast as the wind would carry him.

When he reached her house, all windows were dark, with the exception of Sam's. He checked his watch. "8:00. her parents must be out again, and, if I'm not mistaken, today is the butler's day off. The perfect opportunity to tell her how I feel!" he flew up to her window, and her room was empty. He knocked. "Sam?" that was when he noticed the red stain spreading on the carpet on the other side of her bed. "Sam!" he crashed through her window, having no need to go intangible, because he already had, out of fear for her. He found her lying there, in a puddle of her own blood, and burst into tears, cradling her body against himself. "Oh Sam, what have you done to yourself… WHY?" he cried out, only then noticing that he had yet to see his breath. She was still alive. 'There's still time, but not enough of it to call 911, and have them get here before she…' he couldn't bring himself to think of her – like that. He had to save her. 'I'll just have to be creative,' at that, he phased through her, feeling her fleeting pulse as it mingled with his own. He opened his eyes, or rather hers, and got an idea. He quickly activated the rings that changed him back and forth between his two forms. He would give her his strength, his human strength, to help her heal. He reached into her soul, feeling the emptiness there, he put himself between Sam, and the icy cold of death. Slowly, as he felt the pain coursing through her subside, he knew it was working; he had stopped the bleeding, and healed her wrists, where she had cut them open. He phased back out when he felt her heartbeat speed up slightly. 'She's lost a lot of blood; I still have to get her to a hospital.' He was so weak, he could barely stand, but he picked her up, and flew anyway, his love for her fueling his strength.

When they reached the hospital, he realized he could not prove the loss of blood, considering her wrists were healed, as a human. 'to hell with my reputation. "invisobill" is already a criminal, and I wont let Sam die just to prevent my reputation from getting worse.' With that, he flew right through the hospital doors. Everyone stared in shock, and a few murmured the name they had given him, to which he muttered; "I really need a publicist.

Hey, listen to me! This girl is badly hurt, she's lost a lot of blood. I managed to heal her wounds, but she needs medical attention, right away!" as a nurse came in with a stretcher, Danny gently, lovingly laid Sam down on it, and, with one last look, he said "her blood type's AB. That should make life easy." At that, he sped away, from the direction in which he had come. When he got outside, he phased himself into the men's room, went human, and nearly collapsed. "no, cant go unconscious now… have to find Sam… make sure she's okay…" he stumbled out the door, fortunately enough, just as a nurse carrying a "jane doe, blood type AB" patient chart walked by, and followed her to Sam's room, where he went invisible until everyone left. Then he used the phone, and called his sister. "hey, Jazz, listen, I'm at the hospital with Sam. Don't freak, at least not over the phone, but she tried to… tried to commit suicide. I used my ghost powers to save her. I need you to cover for me tonight. I don't want to leave her alone, not after what just happened. You will? Thanks Jazz, I owe you, big time." He hung up, collapsed into his chair, and was asleep until morning.

When he awoke, the sunlight was streaming down on Sam's face. "You're like an angel Sam…" Danny had forgotten that Sam was a very light sleeper. Even though he was whispering, she started.

When Sam opened her eyes, she was surprised to see Danny smiling, standing above her, and not some attendant of the ghost zone, welcoming her to her new home. "Danny?" she asked weakly, only then noticing the tears in his eyes, the exhaustion evident on his face. Before she could say more, he swept her into his arms, and embraced her like there was no tomorrow. "Sam! You're alright! I – I thought I'd lost you." His voice was crippled with reliving the events of the night before, finding her like that. "Danny, what are you talking about, where are we?" "We're in the hospital. You, you tried to… but you're all right now, everything's going to be okay!" he squeezed her tighter, it seemed to Sam, that he was trying more to convince himself than her. "Danny, stop. I, I can't." "Can't what?" she pushed him away "I cant have you hold me like this, knowing how much I, I…" he cut her off with a kiss. When he broke off, he said three words. Those words, alone, healed, once and for all the void in her soul. "I love you." He said. "Oh Danny!" she grabbed him about the shoulders, and they embraced again, this time, she returned the embrace with all the love in her heart. "I love you too." She whispered in his ear, tears of joy streaming down her face.

It took a week or two for Sam to get her strength back enough to go out of her house, but with Danny at her side the whole time, she couldn't help but recover quickly. This was fortunate, because with school starting that week, she was going to need her strength, or she was going to need to make up a lot of homework. "but everyone is going to know something happened. What do I say when they ask me?" "I thought you didn't care what other people thought, and besides," he kissed her passionately, and her tongue licked his lips, asking his permission to go further. He allowed her in, opening his mouth, and they sat for awhile, exploring each others tonsils. When they finally broke for breath, it was he said "we'll give 'em something better to talk about." and then they were at it again. Danny was open to anything Sam would throw at him, but at the rate they were going, it became harder to restrain himself.

As their bodies pressed together, they rolled off the bed, and remained hovering in the air, on Danny's ghost powers. As Danny caressed Sam's back over her shirt, sending shivers down her spine, she could not resist grabbing him by the hair, pulling him in still closer. Their lips pressed together, almost to the point of pain, as they burned in their passionate embrace. When they came up for breath, Danny said "Sam, we have to stop, I don't know about you, but I'm having trouble restraining myself for much longer. I don't want to do anything we would regret later. I love you more than life itself, and I don't want to hurt you, or that love." She smiled at him. 'he cares so much…' "I love you too Danny, and I would do anything for you, but I agree. We should wait until we're ready." Danny lowered them to the floor, and Sam rolled off of him. "So… what are you going to wear tomorrow?" Danny asked, his voice slightly mischievous. He had said it somewhat for the sake of making conversation, but more to the purpose of getting enough of a rise out of her to kiss again. "Oh, I don't know, how about a kiss from you –" she tackled him. They rolled to the floor yet again, kissing with wild passion. Sam broke the kiss, to whisper in his ear "– and nothing else." She said this purely to get a rise out of him, which she succeeded in doing, and it brought on a fit of kissing that normally would have lasted for ten minutes, but they lost track of time in their passion, and they found themselves an hour later, hanging two inches below the ceiling, on the verge of fulfilling Sam's statement of what she would wear. They stopped just before Sam was about to remove Danny's shirt, and when they realized how far they had gone, Danny stopped fiddling with the clasp of her bra under her shirt, and removed his hands. They floated to the ground, straightened themselves out, and Sam said "but seriously, I want that to be a surprise. Why don't you come by tomorrow a few minutes early, and you can find out what I'm going to wear then?" "Sure, but why a few min– " she gave him a seductive smile "oh, well, okay then, see ya tomorrow." He turned to leave, when she pounced on his back, only to find that he had been expecting as much, and they kissed again for a minute over Danny's shoulder. By the time the kiss ended and he left, it was five minutes later.

When Danny knocked on the door, he was slightly disappointed when the butler opened it. He lost that disappointment immediately when Sam shoved the butler aside, and stood before Danny, a beautiful goddess. He then said as much. "You look like a goddess…" Sam giggled, and Danny raised an eyebrow. This was a very un Sam-like thing to do. He looked her over once again. For the occasion of the first day of a new year of school, but really just to look sexy for her boyfriend, Sam picked out a navy blue spaghetti strap belly-button shirt, and a pair of black low riding capris with silver stitching. Her typical boots were replaced with a slightly more feminine pair, ones with two inch heels and silver lacing. Danny reached forward and cupped his hand against her cheek, his eyes glowing, not with phantom energy, but with love, and longing. She reached up, closing his gaping mouth, which he didn't notice was open. "Take a picture lover, it'll last longer." She giggled as she dashed out the door, leaving him stunned, watching empty air for a few seconds. "Hey! Wait for me!" he called, and chased her down. She took a shortcut through the park, since they were early enough that they didn't need to take the bus. He reached her about halfway through the park, and tackled her, kissing her neck as they went down. After about a minute or so, they broke for breath. Only then realizing their surroundings. This was the exact place they had first kissed, three years ago, when they were trying to throw Valerie "ghost hunter" Grey off Danny's trail.

"Whoa, déjà vu!" Danny exclaimed, "yeah, but last time we kissed here, I didn't do this!" she rolled over on top of him, and promptly collapsed, falling into another kiss. They rolled over again, Danny kissing down her neck, Sam shuddering at the pleasure of his touch. "mm…Danny…" her leg roamed up his thigh, and she flipped him over again, so that she was on top. "you really want to win this, don't you?" he said, and faded through the ground below them. He reappeared above her, grasped her around the waist, and lifted her into the air. At about a hundred feet up, he tossed her to the breeze, and then swooped down to catch her, so that they were facing again. They shared one more passionate kiss, and flew off towards school. They landed behind the dumpster around back, and phased through the back wall into the janitors closet just as the bell rang. Fortunately no-one noticed them popping out of a janitors closet, and they headed for their paired lockers. They had been extremely fortunate this year; they had all the same classes at all the same times, and were therefore given adjacent lockers. As they made their way towards their lockers, they began to hear the whispers about Sam's "incident" at the hospital. Danny grasped her hand, kissed her quickly on the cheek, to gasps and a change in the train of conversation around them, and whispered in her ear "I told ya we'd give them something better to talk about." She blushed, but kissed him back anyway. At this point, with Danny at her side, she really didn't care what everyone thought about them.

The day went by uneventfully, with the exception of dash and Paulina, dressed up like Danny and Sam, making out on one of the tables. What they had expected was laughs, but, they hadn't planned on Danny and Sam actually being together at that point, so, although they got Sam and Danny blushing, they only proved to humiliate themselves in front of the entire school, and get in trouble with Mr. Lancer in the process. For the first time in a long while, Sam was truly happy. When they sat down for lunch together, Sam was surprised to see that Danny had brought a bag lunch, as had she. "Danny what's going on, you never bring – " she was thenn even more startled to see what he had brought – a salad. "Danny, what brought this change on?" "Well," he said, scratching the back of his neck, "when I healed you, I sort of had to overshadow you, and give you some of my own blood, in order to save you, so, I guess, while I was inside, a little bit of you rubbed off on me." "you did what?" "I had to go inside you and leave ghost mode, while using my powers to transfer my blood to you. I have to admit, it was a mind numbing experience. You were so miserable, I almost got dragged down into the void with you." Tears began to form in Sam's eyes. "Sam… don't cry, its okay…" "you did that… for me…?" she fell into his arms. 'now I really know how much he loves me. He'd give his life to save me.' "oh, Danny… I'm so sorry I put you through that, so, so sorry." She wept openly into his chest, not caring who watched. "Sam, I love you… I'd never let anything hurt you, especially not yourself… especially not your love for me." He whispered his love to her, calming her down.

"So, Fenton, your little girlfriend messed up with you already? Man, you really must be a loser." Dash had come up unexpectedly from behind them, but Danny ignored him outright. Dash was already pissed, considering his little "show" earlier that day had earned him a detention, and Danny not letting him get his goat only ticked him off more. "Hey! Fenton!" Dash, being the bigger, and the stronger of the two boys, pulled Danny away from Sam, much to both their despair, and tossed him onto a nearby lunch table, which cracked on Danny's impact, he was thrown with such force "Danny!" Sam cried, covering her face with her hands. Dash reared up, over her. Danny got up, slightly dazed, but more ticked off. "hey, Sammy, I did like that kiss you gave me in the ninth grade… why don't we try another?" Dash had lost it, and, with that comment, Danny wasn't far behind. "Don't touch her, Dash." Said Danny, his rage building to impossible levels. "and what if I do, Fenton, hmm?" Danny stared dash down dangerously "this doesn't have to end in violence Dash, it's clear that you're not right in the head right now, so why don't you calm down so we can find you a nice padded room to stay in." dash turned around, his muscles tensing with rage, but then he just smirked, turned back, and struck Sam so hard across the face she flew back. "Sam!" it was Danny's turn to cry out, and he sped forward to help her. Dash stood in his path. As the rage of hatred washed over Danny, his eyes turned a molten gold-orange, and with no further a thought, he rammed a fist into Dash's stomach. Dash flew backward, landing on a table two tables down. Danny lunged at him with unbridled fury, and managed to take control of his rage just before he planted a fatal blow to Dash's head. He looked to the fist hovering just above the bigger boy, and was rather surprised to see it ringed in orange-golden energy. He knew, had he made contact, he would have torn Dash's head clean off.

He stood up over dash, and waited for his head to clear of the angry haze he was in. "If you ever touch her again, or even so much as look at her the wrong way, I will rend your head from your body in the most gruesome way you can imagine." He turned and rushed for Sam. She was lying there, broken on the floor. "Sam, no… not again…" even from such a distance, he could sense she was not breathing. The blow must have snapped her neck. He felt the rage surging in anew, but forced it back. She wasn't gone yet. He had to save her. He cradled her in his arms, laid a hand against her chest. He let all of his love for her wash over him, his need for her. He spoke soft words to her. "Sam… I love you… I need you… don't leave me… take my strength, make me a part of you, and you shall be a part of me, and together, we can survive." He felt her voice in his head 'Danny… I don't know If I can… I don't know if I have the strength… and more than that,' her voice was growing fainter by the moment, he was losing her. 'I cant let you suffer. I wont. I love you too much…' 'if you love me, then don't let go of life, that would be torment for me, to see you die. If you don't want me to suffer, then live!' "LIVE!" he cried out, and finally, he felt the spark of her life enter him. He opened his spark to hers, and they traded, mingled, and together, were made whole. He, or rather they, felt a warm blue glow cover them both, their hearts beat as one, and they felt the love coursing through them both. When Sam opened her eyes, she saw only the love that Danny had for her. She felt his need to kiss her, to love her simply for being alive. He felt her need to give him the love she had for him. Through their touch, they felt each others raw emotion, and it was rapture. " "that was amazing" " they said together. With their hearts beating as one, they brought their lips up to meet each other. When they kissed, the rapture expanded to every corner of their bodies. They shuddered with the pleasure of it. Their need for each other stood out over all other emotion, and, ignoring the stunned silence of everyone around who had watched Danny heal Sam, they embraced, through their touch, they conveyed their love in the most beautiful sense; they were joined at the heart. They knew at that moment that there could be no other, and they would never have need for another as long as they lived.