Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Her Sweetness: Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you… the WINNER! Yes, yes. Call On Me has won this contest and rightly so, if I do say so myself. Secretly, I was rooting for it.

Well, we shall press on. But before I do, I'd like do give a special shout out to my reviewers, who make me very happy to be here. (I know, I sound like I'm accepting an Oscar…) Oh, and another thing… you guys picked this so you better review for it!

As always, I'll see you at the end.

Call On Me

Chapter 1:

It was early in the month of August. The night before, a violent storm had passed and now the streets of Domino were slick and covered in debris. Being that it was about nine o' clock on the dot, the youth of that strange city were on the move. Catching buses and walking past the houses that were entirely too tired to get up for school.

Inside one of these many houses, resided Marik and Malik, who weren't the least bit concerned with what went on outside.

Malik sat calmly at their kitchen table, cutting his toenails in peace. His yami hadn't gotten up yet and he was thankful. Normally, when practicing his morning rituals, Malik preferred to be alone.

He hummed mutely for a few minutes before the door swung open and Marik came rushing inside, "Good news, Malik, I've gained four pounds!"

"Gah!" Malik had almost clipped his entire toe off from surprise. The clipper flew out of his hand and landed into the coffee cup Marik had in his hand. "Marik, look what you made me do!"

"…" Marik looked at his tainted coffee, "Oh well, I'm sure I wont taste it." He then took a large gulp and Malik watched in despair, his morning-clipping session had just been ruined.

"Marik… What're you doing up, anyway? I thought you were asleep."

"Well, as I said before, I gained about four pounds. And that's in the past two weeks alone." He said, when he'd finished choking on his coffee.

"… And you're telling me this, why?"

Marik turned his back and thought for a moment, "How much do you weigh, Malik?"

"Marik, that's terribly insensitive to ask someone about their weight! If I didn't know you personally, I'd really take offense!"

"That still doesn't answer my question…" He grinned tauntingly, "You've gained a lot haven't you?"

His hikari mumbled something while blushing furiously. Marik tilted his head, "I couldn't hear you." Malik growled and shouted, "135 pounds, okay! Good grief!"

"I knew it!" He pointed accusingly at Malik, "Been eating a lot of Popsicles, right? You shouldn't feel ashamed, Malik, I'm up to 138. And do you know why we're higher than normal on the scale?"


"Who else? Yami and Yugi!" Marik strutted over to the window and pointed outside to the gray streets. About ten or twenty kids were traveling in a scattered group, heading to their high school. Within the bunch were two tri-color haired boys; their millennium puzzles dangling from their necks.

Malik looked out the window alongside his yami, "Um… But they aren't the ones who gave me the Popsicles, Marik, it was-"

"I'm not talking about Popsicles!"

"Then what are you talking about?"

Marik nodded, "They've been on summer vacation for about two months, right? (Malik nodded) And during those two months, we've tried just about everything to get their stupid millennium puzzles! But nothing we try works. They've even fortified the Game Shop with tissue paper, so we can't even sneak in anymore!"

"Yeah, that wasn't very nice."

"And, for the past two weeks, we've been gorging ourselves because, there's nothing else to do! They're getting too smart…"

"Well, okay, I agree…" Malik turned back to the table, "But what are we supposed to do about it? They know all our moves. And we definitely don't know enough about them to do anything."


"In order to carry out our lifelong mission, we'd have to have them trust us."


"We'd have to catch them off-guard…" Malik put his head on the table and sighed, "We'd have to… have to…"

"Malik," Marik whirled around and ran over to his hikari, "You're an absolute genius!"


"I couldn't have said it better myself!"


"That's exactly what we need to do!"

Malik nodded and jumped up and down, "Of course. I am a genius. This is what we need to do. I'm so glad I thought of it."

Marik watched his hikari's merrymaking for about a minute before he said, "You have no idea what I'm talking about, do you?"

"Nope!" He shouted with joy, "I thought maybe I could cover it up!"

He put a hand on Malik's head to keep him on the ground, "Well then, stop hopping and listen. I figure that we need to have Yami and Yugi trust us! Without trust, what is there?"

"But… how will we get them to trust us? They hate us."

Marik leaned in and whispered in Malik's ear, "It won't be us they'll see."


"That's right. I figure we hit them on their own turf, only there's a difference… we'll pretend to be someone else! We'll just use disguises! We can use your make-up kits!"

"Marik, that'll never-"

"And to take away suspicion of a ambush, we'll… we'll just enroll in their school!"

"…" Malik fell backwards and blacked out. Marik stood over his hikari's unmoving body, "Um… Malik?"

It was about three hours when Malik woke back up. Resting on their living room couch, his head was dizzy and all he could visualize was haze. A moan escaped his lips and he sat up, looking around. "… Um… Whew…" He sighed when he realized he was in his own house, "That must've been a dream… heh heh, only a silly dream."

He got up and looked in the hallway and then the kitchen, "Marik? Marik, where'd you go?"

In less than a minute, the front door opened and Marik walked in with two pieces of paper, "Oh, hey, Malik. You came to."

"Came… to?"

"Yeah, you fainted. I swear, you're such a girl."

Before Malik could even get upset about his yami's rude comment, he noticed a yellow sheet of paper Marik placed in his hands, "What's this?"

"Take a look." He grinned.

Malik looked down and the paper read as follows:

Domino High School

Student Schedule

Ishtar, Malik.

French 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Period 1

Algebra 1/ Homeroom . . . . . . Period 2

Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Period 3

Journalism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Period 4

Biology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Period 5

English. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Period 6

Physical Fitness. . . . . . . . . . . .Period 7

Student Number: 9542333 Sex: M

Malik looked back at his yami, horror stricken, "M-Ma-Marik… I-I… Sch-school…!"

"Isn't this cool, Malik? We each have classes with Yami and Yugi. That way one of us will be with them at all times!"

"…" Malik fainted again.