Forgive Me

Chapter 1 - Mistaken

By: KaKaVegeGurl


Hello Everybody!

Welcome to the first chapter of 'Forgive Me'.

Introducing another Harry Potter fan fic, please, have a cup of yaoi and enjoy!



D I was always an independent kid, or so it would seem. I hated my family, I hated my parents, I hated them for countless reasons, though a few just seem to stand out much more than others. Everything I was and had grown to be was because of them. They controlled me. I couldn't stand for myself, so they molded me, like clay, into the person I am now, and it's finally came to pass that I have realized the cage they have locked me in, I now depend on them, like a boy with a broken leg to his crutches to stand. Without my father, I would be nothing, quite literally. Then again, maybe I always was nothing... Maybe I should ask father; he seems to know everything. All the things I've said before, I got from my father, word for word are his own words, I had a tendency to copy what I heard. The drawling voice, the way I dressed and styled my hair, the way I walked, it was all his. I got everything from him, and lost everything else. I lost the ability to think for myself. I lost the friends I could've had, my outstanding unique personality, and control over my life. It was all his fault. D

D There was one thing I could once have, in some form or another, called my own... My obsession with the boy-who lived, Harry Potter... At least, that's what I thought. As it turned out Father had a fling with Potter's Father; James, back in school. He also had a large crush on him. Those feelings carried on to a particular Golden boy, whom my Father also likes, the same one I like. Maybe I was like my father in EVERY way. I was more like him then I thought possible... Is there anything we didn't have in common? D

D No. D

"Father was released yesterday." Draco put down the paper, looking with his cold grey eyes at the small house Elf before him, "Why?"

"Because, sir," Spoke the Elf in a miserable sort of voice, "Mister Malfoy was innocent."

"No he wasn't." Draco glared at the wall, "You know father isn't innocent."

"Yes, young sir."

Draco watched the Elf maliciously, "Don't agree with me! If you disagree say so! Don't you dare lie to me!"

The Elf stepped back, lifting up her hands in fear, she began shivering violently, "Nebbie is sorry, sir."

"Don't cower!"

Nebbie hesitantly straightened up, she took it slowly, "Sir, I do not think Mister Malfoy is not innocent."

Draco nodded for thought and then frowned again, "But he wasn't and you know that, so why do you defend him?"

"Mister Malfoy is Nebbie's master, sir."

"Am I not?" Draco asked with an edge in his voice.

Nebbie shook her head, "Sorry, young sir. You are Nebbie's master as well."

Draco nodded once again, "So, with that in mind, I want you to think about it and conclude in your own way. Is Lucius Malfoy an innocent man?"

Nebbie stopped for a moment, her finger tracing once under her lips as she thought and then smiled, "No sir, Mister Malfoy is not."

"Of course he isn't." Draco said boldly as a smirk appeared smugly over his face, "Now we need to prove it."

"Why, sir?"

Draco cocked a brow, "So he gets locked back in Azkaban, where he belongs."

Nebbie watched Draco stand before her.

"I order you not to tell father of this conversation, understand?"

"Yes sir."

"How could you even suggest that?"

"You will do as I say, Draco!" Spoke Lucius Malfoy as he stood from his seat in anger, he glared down at Draco.

"I'm not going to be a Death Eater!" Draco stood from his seat as well and stormed towards the door.

"Yes you will!"

Draco glared at his father and moved away silently, "I'm not listening to you, I've told you plenty of times, I'm not going to be one of those freak show people worshiping a crazy loon who should be in St. Mungos."

"Don't you dare speak of the Dark Lord in that manner!" Lucius snarled and slapped Draco hard across the face.

"I'll speak of him any way I want. He's nothing!" Draco moved towards the door.

"You leave this room; and I will throw you out!"

Draco turned back to his father, "I don't care. I'm leaving."

D I had finally taken my stand, I became my own person, I had been trying to do it for some time now, leaving my Father's shelter and moving out on my own to become a real person; it was my time now. I decided what I was going to do a while back, only now I actually stood and acted it out for real, I took my belongings and packed it all up, sending it all to the Leaky Cauldron for wait; until I arrived. I then grabbed the last few things I needed; which included my wand, a bit of money I had kept with me to pay for the trip, and my coat. I didn't care what he said now, I had made my move, I was ready; there was no going back now. And it was not as if I wanted to. D

As he walked out of Malfoy Manor, Draco could feel he was being watched. He turned to the door and saw his father standing there.

"Come back inside, Draco." Said Lucius coldly, "We need to talk about this."

Draco closed his jaw tight and stared back, "No we don't, our talk has been far over."

"Draco, don't be foolish."

"I'm not, I'm being a man." Shouted Draco to his father, his fists balling tightly at his sides as he wrapped his left hand around his wand, "I'm making my own decisions."

Lucius took a few steps forward, "Draco, you don't want to do this."

Draco watched his father for only a moment before turning and heading past the front gates. He listened in the background as he heard the door slam.

As he walked down the road he finally came across a stop sign, he glanced at his watch and then raised his wand, "Lumos," He muttered and the tip lightened up.

He found himself aboard the Knight Bus around 10 o'clock at night and had just began drifting off to sleep when the bus arrived at the Leaky Cauldron. He slowly descended and walked in, getting the key to his room and climbing up to the door, he opened it and entered to find all of his stuff had arrived as planned.

He slipped off his shoes and climbed sleepily into bed; where he fell into an instant sleep.

He awoke bright and early in the morning, he quickly dressed and set off into Diagon Alley, where he would find the place he would spend the rest of his vacation before returning for his final year at Hogwarts.

He had his stuff moved by noon that day and instantly began unpacking everything. It took him three hours to get everything where he wanted it, the best part was that he knew he didn't have his father or mother there to criticize it or move things around; making it the way they wanted it.

Knowing from the beginning that going out on his own was a big step and would be difficult; he still felt he had made the right choice.

At the end of his summer he received his beginning of the year letter and set off to get everything he needed, using his key for his own separate vault (which was loads full of money).

D I knew it was going to be hard from the beginning. My entire life I had depended on him, now that I was out on my own I didn't have him around, I could finally be my own man. But that's where the problem stood... I didn't know how. Still I had plenty of time to practice. When it was finally time to set off for Hogwarts, I packed all the stuff up as usual, got dressed and set off for King's Cross Station, when I arrived I immediately loaded up my stuff and snook through the passage way between 9 and 10. D


End of the first chapter!

I hope you all enjoyed it, come back again, please review!
