Summary: Second chapter/sequel to So You're leaving. Very, very, VERY ROMANTIC, I WARN THEE! This is placed about a month after Aelita first…ummm….visits cough Jeremie.

Disclaim: yep…you guessed it…don't own C.L., don't own the song 'Missing You' (Wish I did…) Thank you for reading, and please review.

Frozen Heart

Why didn't I do it? Why! Why didn't I go after her?

"…Jeremie, please read for us."

Why? I'm such an idiot-


The young blond man jumped, startled out of his thoughts, to see his teacher glaring at him. Ignoring the sniggers from the other students around him, he began to read the passage.

'"To love, is to dream, the old wise men say. Yet never do dream, your true love away. Love is a blessing, to care is a curse. When one's heart is broken, nothing is worse.'" Jeremie looked up, surprised. How ironic. He knew exactly how the writer felt.

Why did I ever let her go?

Every time I think of you

I always catch my breath

And I'm still standin' here

And you're miles away

And I'm wonderin' why you left

And there's a storm that's ragin'

Through my frozen heart tonight

Tears darkened random spots on the choir music, and Aelita blinked, wiping her eyes.

"Lit? Aelita? Are you okay?"

Aelita turned to see Ana (her roommate, remember?), looking at her worriedly. "Is there something wrong? You've been so down lately. What's up?"

Aelita shook her head, pink hair falling into her eyes. "I'm just tired, that's all. You know, with finals and everything."

Ana put her hands on her hips, and give her pink-haired friend a 'get-real' sort of look. "You've looked like your dead on your feet since you came back from Princeton. Is it something with Jeremie?"Aelita gulped at the mention of his name, and unbidden, another tear fell. Ana sighed, and sat down across from her. "Okay, fess up, Lit. Did you guys fight or something?"

Aelita shook her head violently. "We've never fought once. I-" she looked at her feet. "I really don't know how to explain. I…it feels as if being so far from him is tearing me apart."

Ana smiled slightly. "You miss him. That's obvious."

I hear your name

In certain circles

And it always makes me smile

I spend my time

Thinkin' about you

And it's almost drivin' me wild

And there's a heart that's breakin'

Down this long distance line tonight


"What is wrong with me!"

Yumi looked concernedly at her friend. Aelita paced the room, scared and confused, trying not to cry and not succeeding. "Why I am so afraid?"

Yumi sighed. "It's a big step, Aelita. You know, for…couples. You just got carried away, and got scared. There's nothing wrong with that."

"CARRIED AWAY!" Aelita half-shrieked. "He…I…" she stopped, her face very red. Yumi smiled knowingly.

"You love him, right?"

The look on Aelita's face almost screamed 'are you stupid!'. "Of course I do! I have since I met him." A small, dreamy smile appeared on her face, despite her distress. "There isn't a reason in the world why I wouldn't…" she trailed off for a second, then came back to Earth with an unpleasant bump, hearing someone knock on the door.

At that moment, Jeremie had entered the room, and seeing Aelita, immediately went to her. "Princess?" he asked, softly. Yumi silently left the room, praying that everything would be okay.

Aelita shook her head, and put her head on his shoulder, still battling tears. Jeremie pulled her close, wondering what on earth was wrong. Then it dawned on him, and swore at himself in his mind. How they had almost…Jeremie cursed himself, and tried to apologize without words.

Aelita pulled away suddenly, and looked at him. "Jeremie…I have to go. Go back to collage. Don't…please don't ask why. I love you." And without another word, she ran out of the room, leaving a stunned and upset Jeremie standing in the middle of the room.


Well, that's all for now. Please review and tell me what you think. And again, thank you to all who reviewed So You're Leaving. I hope this measures up to it. Love from: Lady Lucy.

i ain't missing you

since you've been gone away

i ain't missing you

no matter of what i might say

There's a message in the wire

And I'm sendin' you this signal tonight

And you don't know how desperate

I've become

And it looks like I'm loosing this fight

In your world

I have no meaning

I try so hard to understand

And it's my heart that's breakin'

Down this long distance line tonight

i ain't missing you

since you've been gone away

i ain't missing you

no matter of what my friends say

And there's a message that I'm sendin' out

Like a telegraph to your soul

And if I can't bridge this distance

Stop this heartbreak overload

i ain't missing you

since you've been gone away

i ain't missing you

no matter what my friends say

i ain't missing youi ain't missing you

missing youi ain't missing youi ain't missing you

missing youi ain't missing you i ain't missing you

missing youi ain't missing youi ain't missing you

missing youi ain't missing youi ain't missing you