A/N: All right you guys, after a very lengthy hiatus from writing, I am going to try to integrate myself back into writing. I cleaned out my old email earlier and saw a bunch of alerts, favorites and reviews from you guys from over the years. I figured I owed it to you to finish my started fics. So I am going to start getting back into it by rewriting this fic. It almost double the length with much more detail. I hope you enjoy the rewrite if you've read it before and I how you enjoy it for the first time if you've never read it.

Hermione always found herself finagling with her keys, bags and wand upon entering the house. It was her bright idea to use muggle locks to disengage the wards around their home. "A wizard breaking in wouldn't be able to break the lock and a muggle breaking in wouldn't be able to bypass the wards" was the initial logic she gave Harry. Now when she just wanted to be inside of the comfort of her home, she found the keys excruciating, illogical and just an all around hassle.

But one could never be too careful. In the wake of Voldemort's fall, reporters, fans, and worshipers alike somehow managed to locate their flat in spite the anti-apparation and location spells on it. They stood beneath their windows day and night hoping for a glimpse of the famous pair. What should have been a place of refuge and mental recuperation became a prison, and the last thing one needs after defeating the darkest wizard of the age, was to be in a prison, of the mental or physical variety. After a few weeks' time, Ron moved backed to the Burrow to be closer to his family after the loss of the twins. Fred passing away and George falling into depression, left a gaping hole in his family that he needed to help mend.

Plus, Ron realized that he and Hermione were going nowhere. In spite of the anguish left by the war, they always found time to fight and bicker like school children. They eventually realized that this was not love. After Ron's move, Hermione and Harry grew closer as she became his saving grace in his time of need. Hermione was the only person that he could bare what was left of his soul to and not feel judged, worshiped or drained. In turn, Hermione was able to truly experience love. Love and acceptance without fear of her intelligence being belittled or the eruption of a screaming match.

After precious moments of wasted time and wasted thought, a very harassed Hermione managed to open the door. She threw her belongings on the entry table and expanded her shrunk luggage to get down to the business of removing her pumps. She freed her feet from the confines of their pointed and elevated prison and dropped the stilletos with a careless thud, rubbing her aching stocking covered soles.

'Muggle shoes are unbearable. Even with a cushioning charm those shoes are barbaric.' Hermione thought to herself. 'There is no way those things are designed by a woman. Only a man would care so much about the view of legs instead of comfort. See that's the problem with the male chauvinistic ideals, all looks no function. I am a professional woman with multiple degrees and an Order of Merlin to boot, and yet, I am subjected to the flights and fancies of men and their absolutely ridiculous standards of beauty.' Hermione cut herself off before she could continue on her mental tangent. 'No, first thing's first…'

"Harry?.. Honey?.. Are you home?" Hermione called into the silent house. Realizing for the first time that the entry way was completely dark, she whispered a gentle 'lumos' into the hall table's electric lamp. Once warm yellow light flooded the hall, she heard heavy footsteps descending to the second floor landing of their little town home.

"Hermione? Is that you?", a muffled voice called from the stairs. Shortly after, the bare feet of her boyfriend appeared, followed by the rest of him covered in jeans and nothing else. "What are you doing here?" He asked in sleepy wonderment, running his fingers through his sleep mussed hair. "By my count you have ten days left."

Hermione was on a business trip to Japan for the better half part of the month of October working relentlessly to better werewolf rights. Harry had been counting down the days until she was coming home and had finally closing on the double digits.

'Apparently just in time for her to show up. All that intelligence and the girl doesn't know the difference between ten days and zero', he thought to himself with a smile.

"Japan is a little more progressive that England when it comes to the welfare of non-humans", Hermione said with a shrug. After the dust settled on the war, Hermione could not resist the efforts to expand, what Ron still referred to as, spew, to other areas outside of elfish well-being. She went to university to become a solicitor and created an activist firm that specialized in the rights and welfare of non and near humans. "Besides, I missed you. So we decided to wrap it up early, if that's all right with you."

"Of course that's all right with me." After a second's pause Hermione gave a gentle huff.

"Well if you don't want to hug me, I guess that's okay as well" she said with mock indignation. "Don't expect this lack of affection to lead to you getting any, tonight or anytime soon".

Harry rushed down the last few stairs towards her and scooped her up like a rag doll, spinning her around in wide circles. After she was sufficiently nauseous, he planted her feet silently on the floor and cupped her face. He placed hard kissed on her mouth, beginning with her slightly chapped lower lip. Between tentative kisses, he swiped her pouty lip with his tongue.

What started out as a chaste kiss rapidly shifted to a passionate embrace. She wrapped her arms around his waist, caressing his butt through what were her favorite of his jeans, for obvious reasons. He gave a light inhale, letting her know he was surprised by her frisky behavior. He thrust his tongue inside her mouth in a smooth rhythmic motion while his pelvis grinded against hers to the same tempo. He pulled from her lips to quickly descend, leaving wet sloppy kisses down her jaw, and her neck to what little of her clavicle was exposed between her blazer and silk top.

"Why must... you always wear... these bloody suits? Gods above... Even when... you travel?" He mumbled between kisses.

"Male chauvinism at its finest" she moaned, thinking of her earlier sentiment about the demonic pumps.

"Huh?", he questioned pulling his head slightly away from her neck surprised by a reply to his rhetorical question.

"Nothing. Just, nothing." She replied pulling his head down to that strangely erotic area behind her ear in the hopes of silencing further conversation. Harry easily took the hint, placing warm, wet kisses, on that spot she liked just below her earlobe. Hermione shivered in his arms, releasing a whoosh of air and a guttural moan. Harry smirked with masculine pride knowing that it was him doing this to the all-powerful Hermione Granger, yet thankful that she couldn't see him. She was after all, the all-powerful Hermione Granger. Even Harry Potter was no match for her.

She was obviously getting restless during his train of thought and began tugging at the zipper on his pants frantically.

"Belt first Hermione." he said pulling away breathlessly. "What's got you all worked up, anyway?" he asked returning to her neck.

"Month...No sex...Fuck me." she said in a little whine. She tightened her arms around his neck, and used her bearing to hoist her slim body into his arms. He quickly grabbed her thighs beneath her suit's skirt to stabilize her.

"SEX NOW." she cried. Harry knew better than to be told twice. A hex was definitely not the way he wanted to go. Ron was on the receiving end of her hexes numerous times and it was not a fate he wanted to resign himself to.

He walked in reverse from the entry hall to the living room and threw her none too gently on their still relatively new sofa. With little more objection that a grunt, she reached for him, trying to close what distance stood between them. Harry lowered himself above her, straddling her legs and trapping them between his, causing a delicious sort of friction on her nub.

She whimpered softly. Harry kissed her softly while rubbing her tits through her blazer. Even with the barriers between his hands and her bare skin, her nipples recognized his touch and hardened as though they were exposed. She let out as loud moan as Harry's hands began going everywhere.

Her responsiveness to his touch and voice always spurred him into action. He quickly popped the whole buttons on her blazing, helping her sit up a bit so that he could remove it from her body. Tossing her blazer on the floor, he helped her to pull her silky camisole over her head and tossed it on the readily growing pile of clothing, followed by her bra. He returned to her lips, stealing kissing as fast as he could in an attempt to finish undressing her. After so long apart, he could hardly stay away. He sat to one side of her on the sofa and removed her skirt and stockings hurriedly.

The sight of her near naked body was almost too much for him. After being away from the woman who meant the entire world to him, he almost couldn't stand it. He couldn't force his eyes to look away from her. His manhood stood at attention from her presence. Hermione pulled him away from his thoughts by once more pulling on his pants, craving that skin to skin contact that only Harry could give her.

He returned to feasting on her neck. Her fully erect nipples pressed against his chest capturing his attention. He moved lower until he was eye level with her left breast, he took the creamy mound of flesh into his mouth. Pulling back he laved her areole with his tongue careful to avoid touching her actual nipple. Her hands stroked the nape of his neck, encouraging him to get give her attention where she actually wanted it. He took the hint and took the pebble into his mouth, kissing, suckling, tasting, nipping, caressing. He switched to her other tit, giving it the same treatment to ensure that it in no way felt abandoned. He lapped at her nipple, tasting it for all he was worth. He missed the taste of her. The smell of her. His Hermione.

He could feel her body tightening like a bow beneath him as the tension built in her. He pulled up from the sofa, carefully to pull Hermione with him. He shuffled them around so that their previous positions where reversed and he lay on the couch and she lay above her. His fixed his hands on her hips and gently pulled Hermione up his body until her panty clad pussy was above his face.

They were already damp and musky from their previous activities. Harry kissed her softly, causing Hermione to jerk. Hermione quickly braced her hands on the back of the sofa. She was slightly uncomfortable with this position but that was quickly overlooked when his teeth began grazing her through her knickers.

Hermione let out a mewling sound, unfamiliar with this sort of attention after so long. Harry pushed her knickers aside with his index finger and began gently prodding her with its knuckle. His tongue quick joined in. Hermione looked down and saw nothing but Harry ever-messy hair between her legs at which point he began licking her bundle of nerves. This immediately sent Hermione over the bend.

"Oh God..Oooooooohhhhhhhh…..Haaaaaaarry...Harry!"

She felt a tear escape the corner of her tightly squeezed eyes as ecstasy hit. She could hardly think, or breathe as her body was rocked. She held tight to the back of the sofa to ground her as she climaxed, spilling her honey into Harry's parted lips.

When fireworks stopped erupting behind Hermione's eyes, she climbed off of Harry's face and laid her head on his chest. He gently stroked her hair, her back, her bare arms as he waited to her to recover. After a few moments, she shakily stood to her feet and grabbed his hand.

"I think this calls for the bedroom", she announced and pulled him to the hall towards the stairs.

A significant amount of time and multiple orgasms later, Hermione's chest was rising slowly with her even breathing. She was naked, wrapped in a corner of their bed sheets as the moonlight streamed through their window onto her hair. She was resting peacefully after a night of intense recreation and Harry could do nothing but watch her.

She was beautiful. It wasn't a stunning classic beauty but a beauty all the same. It was a beauty that Harry looked forward to seeing for the rest of his existence. He loved Hermione. With all of his heart, and even more some days. Hermione was gorgeous. Her thick hair, tamed into wild curls with puberty, age and cosmetic potions lay tossed over his pillow and hers. He was struck by a desire to tell her exactly how much he loved her and needed to spend every night with this view. He caressed her shoulder softly, shaking her in an attempt to bring her back from the land of dreams.

"Hermione wake up… C'mon sweeting… Wake up." She opened her bleary eyes, struggling to focus them on him. Still clouded with sleep but attentive, warm honey eyes met emerald.

"Hmmm baby?"

"Um look I need to ask you something…" She looked at him expectantly.

"Will you marry me." It wasn't formed as a question but more of a statement. What little sleep that was left in Hermione dissipated with the unexpected request.


"Will you marry me?" He asked this time. She sat up, too wired to recline any longer.


"What kind of question is that? The real question is why not? I love you. I love you more than I thought it was possible to love a person When heard your voice earlier and realized that for the first time in a month it wasn't coming through the floo, I felt like my world had finally realigned. When you came home, I realized something. You are my home. I want to be with you forever and always if I can help it. So… will you marry me?" He waved his left hand, catching a small velvet box as it flew through the air as Hermione gasped. He opened the velvet box exposing a vintage pear shaped diamond to her. "It was my mother's, apparently my father realized where his home was too."

"Yes." She replied a little misty eyed but firm. "I'll marry you." She cupped his cheeks with her hands and placed chaste kisses on his lips. "I love you too. And you're right, it's good to be home."

He placed the ring smoothly onto her left ring finger. After admiring the ring for a moment, she lay back down beside him and snuggled into his chest breathing in his scent, the scent of home.