A/N: Here's a story that's been on my mind for a while now. It's the first Looney Tunes horror story so be nice in the reviews. Don't expect a fast update. It takes place after 'Thoughts from a cat' if you're interested.
Disclaimer: I don't own Looney Tunes, Warner Brothers do. I own some of the characters, (You'll know which ones.)
The mansionTweety and Aaooga were having a wash in the birdbath at the local park. They had been engaged for just over 1 month and the wedding was another 3 months away. They hadn't had anything planned for the day so were going to spend it relaxing, or so they thought.
"Can you pass the Shampoo?" Aaooga asked.
"Here you go." Tweety replied, passing Aaooga the bottle of shampoo.
"Thanks." Aaooga said. They were unaware that Sylvester was sneaking up to the birdbath.
"Looks like I'll be able to capture them unawares and restore my reputation." Sylvester said evilly to himself. He reached the birdbath and slowly stood up. Aaooga was drying her eyes with a towel while Tweety was searching for the soap, which he'd dropped in the birdbath.
"Here it is." Tweety said, picking up the soap from the bath. Neither of them had realised that Sylvester was ready to pounce.
"I've got them this time." Sylvester whispered. He opened his mouth ready. At the same time, Tweety squeezed the soap and it shot out of his hand. It flew right into Sylvester's mouth. He started choking on the soap and spat out bubbles. Tweety and Aaooga turned and looked evilly at him.
"No one likes a peeping tom cat." Aaooga said sternly.
"Come on, let him choke on his own medicine." Tweety said.
"Ok." Aaooga replied. They started to fly away from the birdbath. Sylvester had now stopped choking.
"Come back here!" Sylvester shouted. He started chasing the two canaries.
"Where shall we go this time?" Tweety asked sarcastically.
"How about that old house on the edge of town, I haven't been there." Aaooga suggested.
"Ok, we'll go there." Tweety replied. They started to fly to the mansion.
The mansion in question was a derelict house on the edge of town. The children were prohibited from entering the building because of safety fears. Some drunken adults went in there sometimes on a dare; none of them came out the same again.
"There it is." Tweety said as they approached the mansion, with Sylvester close behind.
"Let's find a place to hide." Aaooga replied. They flew through an open window, which closed itself behind them. Sylvester crashed into the window and was knocked unconscious.
"Well, he's feeling some pain right now." Tweety remarked. Aaooga laughed. They then looked around the room they had entered.
"Looks like this place has been abandoned for years." Aaooga said.
"I don't know much about it, so we'd better find a way out of here as soon as we can." Tweety replied.
"It gives me the creeps." Aaooga added.
"At least it's daylight outside still." Tweety replied. Outside Sylvester had regained consciousness and looked at the window.
"Why did they have to fly in here? This place is supposed to be haunted. I need to get in there to save them." Sylvester said. He started searching the house for another entrance. He eventually found another open window.
"I hope I can find them before any monsters do." Sylvester said to himself as he climbed into the mansion. The window slammed behind him, causing him to jump out of his skin.
"Something tells me I'm not wanted." Sylvester said nervously, clinging to the ceiling.
Tweety and Aaooga had left the room and were searching for a way out.
"This has to be the creepiest place I've ever been in." Tweety remarked.
"It reminds me of an abandoned shed the cat tribe in Tibet used." Aaooga added.
"Let's just find a way out of here." Tweety replied. There suddenly came a terrifying moan, causing Aaooga to jump into Tweety's arms.
"What was that?" Aaooga asked.
"I don't know, but it came from that cupboard." Tweety replied. They went up to the cupboard and opened it.
"It's empty." Aaooga said in surprise.
"What made that moan?" Tweety asked. Another moan came from the cupboard, causing both canaries to jump.
"I'm scared Tweety." Aaooga said, slightly panicky.
"I am too, but we can get through this." Tweety replied. They backed away from the cupboard.
Sylvester was in the other side of the house, searching for Tweety and Aaooga.
"I hope I find them before anything happens. I don't want them dead before their wedding." Sylvester said. An evil grin came over his face.
"That will come after." He added. He continued to search the room he was in.
"I wonder what's in here." Sylvester said to himself. He opened a cupboard and a human skeleton fell on him. There was still some flesh on the bone and some ragged clothes.
"AHHHHHHHHH!" Sylvester screamed. He pushed the skeleton off him and ran to the other side of the room. He watched the skeleton cautiously. It didn't move.
"Phew, it's harmless." Sylvester said in a relieved tone. He then heard the door creaking.
"Who's there?" Sylvester asked nervously. He grabbed a nearby pipe and prepared to lash out at whoever it was. The door opened and a brown canary with a red cape entered the room. The canary had blood red eyes and an evil look in his face. He was fearsome enough to Sylvester to his knees, despite the fact that he was no bigger than Tweety.
"Who are you?" The canary asked. His voice terrified Sylvester.
"Please don't hurt me!" Sylvester said in a panic. The canary looked at him.
"Identify yourself." The canary demanded.
"Sy-sy-sylvester." Sylvester replied nervously.
"And what are you doing in my mansion?" The canary asked.
"Looking for my friends." Sylvester replied nervously. The canary just left the room leaving Sylvester cowering.
"Why was that canary so terrifying?" Sylvester asked.
Tweety and Aaooga were still watching the cupboard where the moan had come from. They were both shaking with fear.
"Something about this house creeps me out." Tweety said.
"The last time I've ever been this scared was when I was about to be sacrificed." Aaooga added.
"We need to get out of here, it'll be dark soon." Tweety said. The moan then came again. They both looked around and saw a wispy figure come out from a wall to their side. It turned and looked at them. The figure was the ghost of a male human, his face twisted with pain and fear. It tried to say something but no sound came out of its mouth. The figure them disappeared.
"I didn't know this house was haunted." Tweety said in shock.
"I'm terrified already, can we get out of here?" Aaooga asked.
"I'm thinking the same thing, but where do we go?" Tweety asked.
"The front door is down there, perhaps we can force it open." Aaooga suggested.
"It's worth a try." Tweety replied. They flew down to the door and tried to push it open, but it wouldn't budge.
"We can't shift it." Aaooga said. Tweety reached for his cell phone.
"I've got no signal, we can't call for help." Tweety said.
"And the electricity is out and it'll be dark soon." Aaooga added.
"Then we have no choice, we have to stay the night." Tweety replied. They found an armchair in the hallway.
"It's no bed, but it'll have to do." Tweety said.
"Hope we'll be safe." Aaooga added.
"We'll cover ourselves in this blanket to be safe." Tweety replied.
"Goodnight Tweety." Aaooga said.
"Goodnight." Aaooga replied. They pulled the cover over themselves and tried to get to sleep.
(A/N: Sorry if this chapter is a little short and quick to the horror. It's only a prologue and will get better as future chapters are added.)