Tatiana Hime - This is it. The last chapter. I've completed my very first fanfic. I hope you have all been enjoying it. Sence it's my first I know it's far from perfect but everyone has to start somewhere. Jasmine StarlightI still don't know what you mean by my writing in bunchy. If you could explain maybe I can work on making it better. I'm glad your still reading though and i hope you enjoy the final conclusion. Be sure to tell me what you all think when your done. Now on with the final chapter.

Chapter 11 - True Friends

When Lee woke up he was staring up at a white ceiling. He didn't know where he was but had a good guess. He sat up and looked around. He was right. He was in the hospital. His arm was in a cast and was only a dull pain at the moment. He figured the doctor had given him soimething for the pain. It wasn't long before a nurse walked into the room. she saw Lee sitting up and smiled at him.

"Oh so your awake. You've been out for almost 24 hours. When that long hair boy came running in here with you in his arms we didn't know if we'd be able to save your arm."

"Long haired boy. You mean Neji took me here?" He was more talking to himself then the nurse and he blushed slightly. the nurse noticed and smiled at him wider.

"You'll be happy to know that after an emergancy sergury we were able to save your arm. Now it's going to take a few months to heal correctly so you have to take it easy till then. No running around, no fighting and no training. Now stay here. I'll be right back." With that the nurse left the room the door closing behind her. Lee had so many questions forming in his mind. Where was Gaara? Was Temari alright? Was Neji worried about him? He smiled a little at this last thought. wishful thinking. He sighed and looked out the windows seeing the stone heads on the Hokage. They were still covered in paint.

"Oh that right. i still have to clean that." Lee got up and walked over to the window. Likely he was on the ground floor. He opened the window and jumped out heading towards the mountain. the nurse walked back in the room.

"Okay lee I'm going to give you this needle to ease the pain in your arm so.." She looked up seeing that Lee was no longer there. she saw the open window and sighed. "That boy never stays put when he get in here. His arm is gonig to be paining him pretty bad without this medicen. Good thing we warned that long haired nin about Lee condition. I feel much more at ease with his promise to keep Lee in line." the nurse smiled a little and then left the room.

Lee was just about to the top of the mountian where he could start cleaning the hokaga heads at last when he realized for the second time the he had nothing with him toclean with. he was about to turn and head to his house when he heard voices. It seemed that there was alot of voices and Lee wanted to know what was going on. When he rounded the bend he saw about twenty members of his class. Some carrying water buckets. Some tieing rpes to trees and others already over the cliff cleaning the Hokage heads. Lee looked at this with great surprise. Everyone was so busy that no one seem to notice him there. Lee smiled and took a few more steps forward. "What's going on?" he asked. A few people turned to see Lee walking towards them. Sakura being on of them.

"Lee!" She ran over to him. "What are you doing out of the hospital. the doctor told us that you'd be there for a few days at least." Lee placed his good hand behind his head.

"You know me. I don't do well with hospitals. What's going on here?" Lee was looking around at all the people there as he talked with Sakura.

"Hey Lee, can i sign your cast?" Naruto had just run up to Lee with a marker in hand.

"ah, sure." He held out his arm for Naruto and naruto scribbled something about eating reman with him and then signed his name. Sakura pushed Naruto away telling him to get back to work, then she turned back to Lee.

"We are cleaning the Hokaga heads." She said answering Lee question.

"I can see that, but why? It was something I was suppost to do." Lee was feeling a little guilty about everyone doing something he was men to do. Sakura smiled at him. As they talked a few people would wave to lee and some came up asking to sign his cast. Lee waved when he was waved to and held out his arm for this who wanted to sign his cast but was listening to everything Sakura said.

"Well when you didn't show up for school today everyone freaked including the teacher. But before thigns could get to out of hand Gaara stood up and walked to the front of the class." Lee was relieved to hear Gaara was alright and had gone to school. "He explained what had happened to you and told us that you were in the hospital because of what he had done to you. He told the whole class that he was sorry for causing You and Neji such pain. He said that you are a true friend and then told us that he was returning to his village." Lee look surprised at this.

"He went back? Was Temari alright?" Sakura nodded.

"Temari was fine. After Gaara's little speech the teacher let the class out for the day knowing we'd never be able to do work. Gaara then came up to me and asked me to look out for you and said goodbye. He then wnet and spoke with neji and then Him and Temari met up with a boy with paint all over his face and headed back to the sand village. Sence we no longer had class we all headed over to the hospital to see how you were but the doctor wouldn't let us in, so instead of sitting around doing nothing it was suggested that we do this instead, so here we are." Lee was a little upset that he never got to say goodbye to Gaara.

"Who suggested it?" Lee asked.

"I did" Neji walked up to Lee with a smile on his face. "I knew you wouldn't stay in the hospital if thre was something you had to do.' Lee smiled as he saw neji.

"You know me to well" He liked the atmosphere. People were joking around, getting the heads clean and still having fun. Neji's face then went serious.

"Can i talk to you for a minute Lee.?" Neji's voice was very serious. So Lee nodded and fallowed the nin away from the group. they walked for a bit till neji was satisfied no one would hear them. When he stopped walking he didn't turn to face Lee. Lee wasn't sure what to expect.

"What did you want to talk about Neji?" Lee asked not liking the growing silence. Neji almost seemed pained when he talked like it was taking alot out of him to speak.

"You hate me right?" he still wasn't facing Lee.

"Hate you. Why would I hate you?" Lee could tell Neji was trying to say something impotant.

"After what I put you through, I'd hate me. I said some horrible things. I know i hurt you even if you won't admit it." Lee didn't speak. he was scared if he stopped Neji now that Neji wouldn't be able to start again. "That day when I told you I was playing with you emotions, I really thought that's all I was doing. Then when you weren't around me as much anymore I would get upset and I couldn't figure out why. I was driving myself crazy not knowing what it was i was feeling or why. But after hearing what you said to Gaara about pushing the one you love away I really hit home." Lee was listening with baited breath. "In my mind i was playing with your emotions, but in my heart i realize now that in reality I was really in love with you." Lee's heart skipped a beat. He took a step forward towards Neji and as he did so pain shot through his arm and he stumbled. Neji reacted fast and caught him. Neji was a bright shade of red. He had never told someone his true feelings before. Neji was now scared. He just put his heart on the line and Lee had every right to reject him. Neji fully wrapped his arms around Lee. He held him close not wanting to let go. If this was the last time he was going to be able to hold lee he want this moment to last forever. "I Love you Lee." Lee's heart felt like it had just exploded with joy. the feeling of neji's arms around him and the words hi just spoke made him forget about the pain in his arm completely.

"I've always loved you Neji. Ever sence the first day you became my rival." Lee felt Neji's body start to shake when he said this. he looked up to see tears running down neji's face. Neji was so happy that Lee didn't reject him that he couldn't hold his emotion inside. Lee smiled at the long haired nin and placed a hand on his cheek. he pulled Neji face gently foward and kissed him. Tears started to flow down Lees face aswell as the kissed. Neji never wanted to let his love go. not now that he was able to express his true feelings. When they pulled apart from the kiss the looked at eachothers tear stained face and started to laugh at eachother. They laughed so hard it cause a few people from the group to hear there and come over wondering what was so funny. they wiped there tears when they heard people coming.

"What's so funny guys?" Naruto asked being the first to arrive. Neji still had his arm around Lee. He smiled at Lee.

"oh, just the thought of hanging you upside down from the mountain in payback for your splashing prank." Naruto looked a little worried at this and other people had arrived hearing this. Everyone was now eyeing Naruto liking the idea Neji had just placed in there heads.

"wait, come on guys. it was just a liitle joke." Naruto trid to talk them out of it but someone yelled get him and then everyone ran after Naruto who cloned himslf about 20 times and each one of him took off in a different direction. Neji and Lee were laughing pretty hard as everyone picked a Naruto and took off after them.

"No reason why we shouldn't join in the fun huh Lee." Lee smiled and nodded to Neji.Neji took Lee's hand into his own andboth boys took off after Naruto.

Written by Tatiana Hime

Tatiana Hime - and that's the end. I'm a sucker for happy endings. To be honest I orignally didn't plan for a happy ending. It was actually going to be a very sad ending. I was going to have when Gaara and Neji were in Lee's yard fighting, Gaara was going to make a sand spike and fire it at Neji. This is when Lee would have showed up and jump in front of the spike to save Neji. Gaara was to wrapped up in the fight to stop the spike in time and it goes right through Lee and still ends up hitting Neji. Gaara didn't mean for this to happen and goes into a state of shock. Neji and Lee are both laying on the ground, bleeding. Neji pulls himself over to Lee and takes hs hand. And in a pained voice he confesses his true feelings to Lee. Lee gives a smile and places a hand on Neji's cheek tell him that he has always loved him and his hand falls to the ground never to move again. Neji starts to cry. He pulls Lee's limp body close to him and cries into it. Soon after Neji also closes his eyes, never to have them open again. Temari would wake at this point and see and shicked Gaara sitting on the ground. she would take him away out of the village. The ending scene would be Sakura holding flowers standing over to graves that were side by side. One with Lee's name and ones with Neji's. Under there names would be printed the words, Love is Love, no matter who you are... sad isn't it. I thought it would have been a very good ending. Very emotional and stuff. but I couldn't not have a happy ending for my first fic ever. i mean I love happy endings. My friend drew and really good picture of the ending scene where Neji and Lee are hand in hand chasing after Naruto. It's really cute. she did a great job of it. I still have yet to get it scanned though.
You know I'm kinda sad it's over but I'm kinda happy i was able to finish it. I really hope you all enjoyed it and I would love to know your final opinion. An overall opinion on what you thought of the entire story. huggles thanks for reading guys. Means alot to me. You all Rock! ja mata ne Be sure to keep an eye out for my next fanfic. lol.