Chapter 2 to the plan.

That Friday the blade breakers went to the old building and met up with the rest of Kai's friends.

"Ok is every one here," called Tala, " 'cause I'm not doing the register any more."

Kai smiled. "Great, Ok if you here say AYE!" said Kai, trying not to laugh. There was a yell of 'aye' from the boys there. Kai smiled again and took a seat on the floor.

"Kenny, could you take Dizzy over here please." Kai said, "We need you to hack into Boris's computer mainframe, Ok."

"No problem, but why can't I do it here," said Kenny who had got the last seat.

"Because Kenny, Spencer has been trying for the past two months to do it and wants to know how," Kai said reading a list he had brought with him. Kenny got up and sat in front of Spencer and began clacking his keys, Spencer leaning over his shoulder watching his screen eyes fixed taking in every key Kenny typed.

"I have and idea of how to do it, of a piece of the plan anyway," said Kai who had stayed up most of Thursday night working out the bit of the plan he had.

"Have you," said Tala excitedly, " because I have no clue."

"Ok well I do, but I need you to go in groups," said Kai eyes still on the sheet, " Go over there if you are strong, over there if you are fast, over there if you are smart…er than most people and over there if you know a martial art." People got into queues quietly and it worked out quite nicely. Bryan, Tyson and another heavily set boy were in the strong queue, Max, Tala and another boy, who looked perfect for sprinting, finely built and tall, Spencer and Kenny were in the smart group and Ray was all alone in the martial arts group. "Good, good," muttered Kai.

"Umm am I all alone here?" said Ray looking round all the other groups, " 'cause I am a black belt in karate but I am also quite fast."

"Oh hell no, I know karate as well, I started off learning a crappy defensive one but then I started karate and now I to am a black belt too." Said Kai smiling at Ray for a second before looking again at his bit of paper.

"What is the plan Kai?" said Max, feeling intimidated by the other boys behind him.

Kai took a deep breath then said, "Ok well I need to see the map first before I can finish it but…" Kai paused, as he looked around at all the faces watching intently, he felt like an army general. His troops waiting for his orders. "The idea is that we walk to where it is, it's not too far. Then we get the strong guys and martial artists go get rid of the guards, after, I have been around taking out all the security cameras with Tala possible. Which will show up on the map. Follow so far."

There was a general nodding of heads. Ok so far so good, thought Kai.

"Then we watch where the guards are, which will come after Kenny has hacked the computer mainframe…" said Kai.

"How are we going to track the guards?" asked Tala, staring at Kai.

"You think Boris won't have tracking devices on them, along with all the students, remember how when we threw up there was that little whit thing after we ran away, tracking device," said Kai, clenching his fists in anger. He suddenly looked up, "Kenny you can keep going with the whole hacking the computer mainframe thing," said Kai smiling pleasantly. " Ok after the coast is clear, The Fighters, Ray, Bryan, Tyson, Luke and Jack will follow once I give the signal, a whistle that Tala will here," continued Kai quickly grinning at Tala before returning to his paper which had all this written down on, " Speeders, Max and Kreegan will run into a near by cupboard, if there isn't one wait outside for aloud whistle. I will need Tala."

"What for?" asked the boy who must be Kreegan.

"Because, he like me will probably be the ones most likely to be able to withstand the traps such as electrocution…"said Kai.

"Fire, spikes or even the fact that we will be most in danger, and you know that Kreegan," said Tala giving Kreegan a friendly pout, before laughing.

"Yes, know stop laughing Tala before you wet yourself," said Kai giggling at Tala rolling round on the floor. "It wasn't that funny." Tala stopped wiping his eye and then looked attentively at Kai, "Ok once that has happens, Tala and I along with Ray, if he isn't injured will go inside and clear the way of any guards, then I or Tala will whistle (Ray can't whistle) for the speeders to come and take any students we find and run back out. Do you understand?" said Kai, taking a break. There was another nodding of heads and Ray looked a bit grumpy but still looked at Kai. He hated not being able to whistle.

"So depending on how complicated the first floor is we should all be done quite quickly," said Kai, reading his paper. " Where we go from here depends on the map." Kai sighed a sigh of relief, he had worked out how to get in but hard bit would be getting out again.

They all departed, Kenny still typing on his computer.

"Tell me every thing you do," Spencer called after Kenny.

"Ok," said Kenny waving then going back to typing.

" He seems to have taken a real shine to you," said Kai smiling, looking at Kenny, who kept his eyes fixed at his screen, blushing.

"Yeah, well I am busy Kai," Kenny stuttered looking at his screen, blushing a deeper red.

Once they had all gone to bed Kenny was still up, trying to hack Boris' computer mainframe, to impress Spencer. He had really liked Spencer and his body. Kenny stopped typing and stared at the wall. Slowly without noticing he put his head on Dizzy (his computer if you didn't know) and drifted into dreams full of Spencer (and his body!)

He was woken by Kai, shaking him on the shoulder.

"Were you up all night?" asked Kai rubbing his eyes; he was almost always first up and he didn't know why but he always ended up making breakfast for everyone as well. He didn't know why, but he didn't mind, he liked to cook. He moved over to the cooker and took out a frying pan.

"Kenny, you know that I want it done quickly and every thing," said Kai cracking the 5th egg into the pan. Eggs were a general favourite, " but most of all I want you to get some sleep and not have a mental break down" said Kai.

"I know but I didn't get much done," said Kenny rubbing a sleepy eye, " He has some high security on his computers. Could I have a cup of coffee please?"

"Sure, I've got one here," said Kai handing Kenny a blue mug full of coffee, "I know it must be hard but I know you will do it."

Max followed next by Ray then an hour later by Tyson who all ate their breakfast gratefully and Kai had left as Max came threw just telling him to tell every one else that he would be back for 1 o'clock.

Kai walked down the stairs of the apartment. Kenny would have done the computer by Friday so all he had to do was to work out how to get out a load of children, kill all the guards then blow up Boris. Right first his meeting with Tala. CRAP! He had 5 minutes to get to the park.
When he got there Tala was sitting there, legs crossed amusing himself by playing with Wolborg. When Kai walked up to him Wolborg jumped into his hand and Tala carefully put him in his pocket.

"Do you fancy like training a little bit?" asked Tala as soon as Kai sat down beside him panting.

"Ok," Kai panted, "bet I can still kick your ass." Kai grinned and got up.

" Is that a challenge, your on," said Tala standing up. They shook hands and headed for the Bey stadium over at the other side of the park.

Kai and Tala went to the Bey stadium and stood on either side, smiling at each other.

"Ready," said Kai who was waiting anxiously, but he didn't know why.

"Ready, on 3," said Tala preparing Wolborg, Kai got out Dranzer, " 1…2…3…"

"LET IT RIP" they chorused.

The 2 beyblades flew into the stadium and the phoenix (Dranzer) rose from Kai's and a wolf (Wolborg) rose from Tala's. It seem almost as if they looked at each other for a moment before flying into the middle with a mighty bang the two Beyblades collided. Then they span round and round each other, causing dust to come up blocking Kai's and Tala's view. The Beyblades leapt out of the ring simultaneously and landed at their master's feet.

"What the hell was that?" said Kai, staring at Dranzer, who was glowing.

"Dunno," replied Tala, also looking at Wolborg who was glowing, "Maybe they didn't want to fight."

"Nah, Dranzer is always up for a fight," said Kai, smiling at Dranzer then putting her in his pocket. Dranzer had been all his parent's had left him when they had died. He had been 3 years old when they had 'mysteriously' exploded. Kai new Boris was behind it but he had not got Dranzer and that was what his parents had told him "Keep her safe, always." It upset Kai to think about their death but Kai had a huge empty void where acceptance would have been if Boris hadn't beaten him every time he cried.

"What's wrong?" asked Tala. Looking at his face, tears rolling Kai's cheeks.

"Nothing, just thinking," said Kai coming out of his daydream.

"You were thinking about your parents weren't you?" said Tala sitting Kai down. Kai had forgotten that Tala had been the one person who he told everything. Kai nodded his head.

"Its ok, we'll get Boris back for killing you parents," said Tala comforting him by placing his arm around his waist and holding him closer.

"I know Tala, I know" Kai said, wanting so badly to close his eyes and stay in that safe, conformable place for eternity. The talked long into the afternoon, then into the night, until they were so tired and they had no more tears left.

"Lets go back home," Tala said, picking Kai up and taking him to whatever home he had been talking about.

Kai dreamt about a room, with Boris. His back was to Kai who had just entered the room.

"I've been waiting, Kai my love," said Boris, from behind the office chair

"Fuck off Boris. I don't love you and never will. Where is he?" said Kai with venom in his words, "Tala, where is he?"

"Why, he is here," replied Boris calmly, turning round in his office chair, to reveal Tala bound up by rope and tape.

"Oh my God," said Kai, tears running from his cheeks. He was running forewords, but there was someone else running with him, it was him but with red hair instead of blue and different clothes on. He gave Kai thumbs up before looking straight forewords. "Don't come any further forewords," he heard the voice of Tala say but all he saw was Tala crying. He stopped running and watched the red headed version of him getting blown up.

Kai woke up, sweat dripping from his body. It was a dream, he thought to himself, just a dream. He was in his room, Tala hugging his chest. He patted Tala on the head, he was safe.

"Where was I?" mumbled Kai, Barely loud enough, his mouth was so dry,

"At your home, you fell asleep in my arms last night as I was taking you back here," answered Tala, squeezing Kai playfully in the ribs.

Kenny burst through the door.

"I'VE DONE IT!" yelled Kenny.